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Press Release- Stake Mikey

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by Habanaman13, Mar 24, 2004.

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  1. Habanaman13

    Habanaman13 Tourist

    May 8, 2003
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    My Trip Report

    ---For Immediate Release---

    March 24, 2004 – (Ankeny, Iowa)

    Full time Vegas Addict and part-time T2V message poster, Habanaman13 issued a challenge this evening to his fellow T2V members. “Let’s Stake Mikey!”

    Mr. 13 has put up the first one hundred dollar pledge in hopes of getting a requisite number of members to invest in the latest “sure thing” to hit the Poker World… HurricaneMikey. “The estimated WSOP first prize is $3 million dollars this year and we need a horse in this race!” mumbled Mr. 13 as he puffed on a Cohiba and pored over his budget spreadsheets.

    Habanaman13 has already booked his Airfare and Hotel to help the “Hurricane” carry all of the winnings out of The Horseshoe on that glorious night. He encourages like-minded members to do the same.

    Interested parties should call 1-976-Stake’em.

    --Note:-- The message not endorsed or supported by anyone. It is not an offer to sell or an offer to buy shares in any scheme and is void where prohibited by law and/or good taste. As a matter of fact, the author was really just killing time while waiting for Mikey’s Trip Report!!! However, should enough parties be interested, Mr.13 would make good on his end of the bargain as a token of good faith. Also, the offer to join him for the event stands.

    [​IMG] T-64 & T-274 [​IMG]
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