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Pre Trip Report

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by rugbysteve, Jul 23, 2002.

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  1. rugbysteve

    rugbysteve Low-Roller

    May 13, 2002
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    My Trip Report

    Hey now, I'm leaving for Sin City at 5am Friday morning. Excitied about going? Yeah, I guess you could say that. I'm staying at the Flamingo with my wife and another couple. Now this other couple dosen't gamble, (or so they say) but does enjoy some late night fun at the dance clubs. Me, I like the dance clus after I get way to drunk, but mostly I play tons of craps, Blackjack and poker. Ever seen the really loud drunk guy at the craps table... that was me! Well anyway, I just got a call from my buddy, and he tells me that him and his girl are gonna get hitched on Friday night at the Elvis Chapel. EXCELLENT !!!!! So, I guess that makes me the best man... well, in a Vegas sort of way. Haaa, now I really can't wait.. which is why I am on this board in the middle of the day instead of working. I'll be posting my trip report here, as well as sending it to the Boston Phenoix. They had this story (trip report) in the paper a few weeks ago about some yuppy who went to vegas to see the museums and shows, but was MUCH to smart to drink or gamble. This trip report will be my rebuttle. can't wait... Viva las Vegas!! [​IMG]
  2. LV Terry

    LV Terry Captain Flop'N Fold

    Sep 30, 2001
    Santa Barbara, CA, USA
    Outstanding! Make sure to get a picture with Elvis...how classic would that be?!
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