Outta here Friday morning; leaving Ohio at 9:30am, arriving Vegas by 10:50 am for 6 nights. Saturday is BMG, 9th row center. Sunday in our wedding vow renewal ceremony (10 years woo hoo) and dinner at 8:30 at the Stratosphere . Fri - Mon we are at the Flamingo, Mon - Thur we are at The Golden Nugget. Plan on seeing Fountains, TI, Mirage Volcanos, and everything in between! May try a Hoover Dam trip too. One Question, in the trip report from LVGrandma, it is mentioned about all the stuff an newbe can get, can you fill me in on what and how? Will have a full (more than 1 page!) trip report when I return, it is the least I can do for everyone's help and guidance that I have gotten from this site, YOU ARE ALL AWESOME!
Visit: http://www.lasvegasadvisor.com/greatdeals-funbooks.cfm While at the Golden Nugget, do the Buffet (I prefer Sunday Brunch) and Carson Street Cafe http://www.goldennugget.com/