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pre-trip report 9/25-9/29

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by Go Blue, Sep 23, 2002.

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  1. Go Blue

    Go Blue Tourist

    Sep 23, 2001
    Boston MA

    My Trip Report

    Yes, I was just in Vegas in June, but it's time to go back again! This time I'm going with friends from college...last I heard there are 43 people going. We only had 21 people go last fall for our annual trip, and that was crazy enough.
    The main group is flying out Thurs, but since I'm flying in from Boston, I decided to go an extra night. I'm staying at Mandalay Wed night and looking forward to the pool. Looking at eating dinner at Charlie Palmer Steak.
    Then on Thurs we check-in at Rio. Haven't stayed there but I hear it's pretty nice. Tentative list of clubs we plan on hitting: VooDoo Lounge, Ghostbar, Rain, Babys, Drais. Also we're meeting up with our college's Alumni Group of Las Vegas to watch our Wolverines on Sat afternoon (Buffalo Wild Wings in Henderson).
    I look forward to writing the trip report!
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