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Parcel between Plaza and MSS aquired by Derek Stevens

Discussion in 'Casino Industry & Development' started by woodsie, Oct 26, 2016.

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  1. woodsie

    woodsie VIP Whale

    Jan 19, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Looks like the 18 Fremont project is once again growing in scope. Any bets on what they'll use that land for? Parking Garage? Hotel Tower? Another Casino?


    The only thing I'll even remotely miss is Mermaids. This project is going to be awesome. I wonder where he's getting the capital to do all this. It has to be a $100+ million project at minimum at this point. That's about what was spent to renovate Lady Luck into DTG and they were working with mostly intact existing structures.
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  2. marcianofan

    marcianofan High-Roller

    Mar 24, 2009
    portland, or
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    It's gotta be for parking I'd think, at least for a while.....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. woodsie

    woodsie VIP Whale

    Jan 19, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    That is my gut instinct as well only tempered by the the fact that the LVC came with a parking structure already.
  4. bubbakitty

    bubbakitty Doing retirement again and happily so....

    Feb 17, 2003
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I walked around the block of the LVC and newer acquisitions last trip and it was bigger than I thought but similar to what Binions sits on now. But yes, parking is a must if you devote the block to gambling / hotel / etc. and probably necessitates a walkway similar to the one between Cal and MSS as I don't see heavy foot traffic waiting at the light(s) to cross Main Street. Hope it is not too long before they have architectural concepts published.

    Not sure if this is the best place but it is a place. When they implode whatever they implode, what is the procedure for containing the asbestos (if any is present AND with the closeness of all buildings in and around this area, how does one deal with the dust cloud (if implosion is chosen) that must go up and come down somewhere (like on top of adjoining property rooftops with their ventilation / a/c units) etc. It seems everything is so compact for something like this as compared to the strip. But I too look forward to it.
  5. woodsie

    woodsie VIP Whale

    Jan 19, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Yeah, the implosion idea has me scratching my head. I would have figured they'd just take it down piece by piece like the Harmon Tower.

    That said, it's amazing what you can do with enough resources attacking a problem. There's no way anything goes forward without dealing with things like asbestos and impact on their neighbors.
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