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One more week

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by paulalovesvegas, Feb 21, 2005.

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  1. paulalovesvegas

    paulalovesvegas Tourist

    Jan 2, 2005

    My Trip Report

    Next week at this time I hope to be drinking a nice yard of something and rolling the dice ..... [​IMG]

    I did change from Horseshoe to the Imerial Palace I read a few things that I just didnt like about the shoe and the palace wasnt to bad the 45 a night thing with a bunch of coupons to go with it .. I think we had a 20 food credit left from last year too ????

    I may change my mind and try something downtown if I can get a good deal before the end of the week.

    well I am off to prepare ...lets see do I want to clean house and get the kids stuff ready for while I am gone or do I just want to go ahead and get DRUNK [​IMG]

    See ya Paula
  2. DonD

    DonD VIP Whale

    Nov 5, 2004
    So Cal 91748
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Paula, best of luck to you. It is time for a trip report with some big winnings. Maybe, yours will be the one. I love winning reports. [​IMG]
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