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New to Vegas March 20 -26 2005

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by VegasHokie, Feb 2, 2005.

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  1. I am going to be in Vegas March 20-26 as a "first timer"!! Any ideas of things I got to do. I love to drink and party but not much into the club scene but may check some out.
    I am booked at the MGM Grand and looking to do some table and slot gambling, but I am a huge sports fan and looking to bet on the middle rounds of the tourney. Any advice would be greatly appreciates
  2. JR Swift

    JR Swift VIP Whale

    May 15, 2004
    Lawrence, KS
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Wow...six days is a pretty long trip. Well...you'll certainly have time to do more than most ever get around to on their first trip in that time frame. Mostly, you'll just want to wander around and do whatever feels like it would be fun at the time. You'll stumble on your own fun pretty easily as a "virgin." After a few days, you can finally get around to checking out some of the classics which are too numerous to list and are posted all over the board anyway. My top choices would always be the Stratosphere Tower, the Bellagio Fountains and Downtown with a "yard" of your favorite cocktail. Well you COULD do all three with a yard of your favorite cocktail but you should remember something.
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