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Mynamesarerejected Trip Report--moved

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by HoyaHeel, Feb 10, 2005.

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  1. HoyaHeel

    HoyaHeel Grammar Police & Admin

    Feb 24, 2002
    North Carolina
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    My Trip Report

    TRIP REPORT BY mynamesarerejected, MOVED BY MODERATOR FROM ANOTHER POST [ie this is not Hoyaheel's trip report]

    okay Heather is stalling on the trip report..
    SO I told her I would do it..
    DAY 1 Jan-20..Heathcat and Kevin American West non-stop from Boston
    Me Southwest from non-stop Baltimore-Washington..set the clock for 12:01 to print the A boarding pass..brought a long portable DVD player.
    Met up at baggage claim, checked in Flamingo at Airport Heather got us a $40 rate from LVA..25th floor, okay view of the fountains..POOL was heated so we went for a swim (Kevin declined..not warm enough)Hot TUbs with six pack of MExican beer
    I called my mom to try to entice her and my sister-in-law, Paula to hot tubs..they were staying the week at the Fairfield Grand Resort timeshare...My mom screamed "we can't we are at Ballys gambling" and immediately hung up!! Hour later she and Paula show up ...reporting that my father and brother, Cameron have been at the Bellagio since 9 am playing poker...
    Take my mom and Paula, who is a LV virgin, to the Barbary Coast where of course beginners luck Paula wins nice chunk at Black Jack...She has been in Vegas for 24 hours by this time and already has a Players card for almost every casino on the strip..Dad and Cameron find us at the BC and we all go to Ellis Island for the 4.95 steak dinner...the hour wait was to our advantage I won on video poker as did Paula (seems like Paula could put a 5 in a quarter VP and walk away with 25 or 50 bucks in a few minutes)..Dad and Cameron are studying the horses for tomorrow and we all are getting quite drunk...
    Time to SING!! My mom is drunk and making friends with everyone so we leave before it gets out of hand!! Paula keeps saying whe really likes this gangster bar..there was quite a few scary characters there that night but the singing was great!

    Day 2 Ruth and Storc arrive from LA at 9 am knocking on our door with bagles, lox and bottle of oj and 2 bottles of Champayne..YIPPEE WE ARE IN VEGAS AGAIN!! OFF to DOWNTOWN Check into FITZ"S $105 for fri/sat ...EL CORTEZ here we come!
    Ruth plays poker wins...Kevin and I did well tossing dice and Storc is in AWE..Cameron, Paula and my mom meet us reporting dad is missing THey are worried..they woke up at 9 and he was gone!! Maybe we should go look for him at the Bellagio poker room. I replied that he obviously doesn't want to be found or he would have left a note...
    WE have the 99 cent shrimp cocktails and sandwiches....I prefer the big shrimp cocktail for 2.99...THe sandwiches are very good there..
    More gambling..
    Mom gets pissed at the GOLDEN NUGGET BJ dealer for yelling at Paula ...gets up and SAYS "I DON"T HAVE TO LOSE MY MONEY TO AN ASSHOLE"..Good Point, Mom ...off to 4 QUEENS and Fitz
    Back to the room...oh yeah rm 33025(I think) nice view of the mountains! Joined by Jess and John from NH they are staying at the Sahara...out for a bottle of rum and mixers..DVD also plays CDS and Heathcat has mixed some great VEGAS CDs..Tom Jones, Frank, Dean etc...We are dancing on the beds on the window sill in ridiculous wigs that we all MUST wear ...Mom looked great in the bright orange page boy ..Family pic Christmas Card will be quite shocking for the family back in SC...WE downed a bottle of RUM almost instantly..Now it is only 6pm..
    We all love downtown...we dance up and down the street, strong drinks,cheap gambling and partying people!!!

    $45.oo Flamingo
    $105.oo Fitzgeralds 2 nights
    In and Out Burger...3.95
    Ellis Island Steak Special 4.95
    Six pack of beer
    1 bottle of rum
    Everyones is still playing with "yesterdays money"
    WE like the Flamingo stayed last June..the pools are nice but you can get a deal and MOST IMPORTANTLY you have the Barbary, Imperial Palace right there...

    [ February 11, 2005, 01:59 AM: Message edited by: HoyaHeel ]
  2. Jer

    Jer Sometimes You Just Gotta Say WTF

    Jan 20, 2002
    Southern California
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Wow.. It's all fun and games 'til your mom busts out the A-Bomb...

    Good start, can't wait to hear the rest!
  3. Coaster Kikky

    Coaster Kikky Tourist

    Jan 8, 2003
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    Thanks for separating them. I thought of doing it this way, but figured there probably was a better way to do it. Guess perhaps not after all!
  4. HoyaHeel

    HoyaHeel Grammar Police & Admin

    Feb 24, 2002
    North Carolina
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Well, as an Admin I didn't see any "extra" buttons to do it, and since we got emails about it I figured I'd just do it this way and get on with life [​IMG] I mean, I have to loaf my last day through work and finish packing for Vegas--I don't have time to figure out a fancy way to do this [​IMG]
  5. doctor_al

    doctor_al VIP Whale

    Nov 25, 2002
    Twin Cities
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Your mom is a hoot! And the style of the TR tells as much about this crazy trip as the actual text...
  6. FLGambler

    FLGambler Tourist

    Sep 19, 2004
    Clearwater, FL
    Sounds like my kinda party...Great Report [​IMG]
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