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My Drunk Buddies go to Vegas without me...

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by HurricaneMikey, Apr 20, 2003.

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  1. HurricaneMikey

    HurricaneMikey A-List Buffoon

    Jan 25, 2002
    One foot in Music City, one foot in Sin City
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    My Trip Report

    Ok, so I just home from a long weekend of Brother Jimmy and Easter with the family, and there is an email from my buddy Derek waiting for me...

    Seems that he and Neil went out to happy hour after work on Thursday, then "ended up getting lapdances at Babes, and talking about Vegas". He said, "Next thing I knew, we were playing blackjack at the MGM by 5:00 am Friday morning".

    He said he wished I could've been there to write down all the details for him, because he didn't remember much. He said he'll write me a more detailed run-down email after he gets some sleep...

    Anyhow, I was very proud of him--we haven't had a spontaneous road trip to Sin City in 3 years (since the stock market tanked and we all went broke... :rolleyes: ). But I was also jealous as hell. Dang, I miss living so close...

    Mikey's Ali-Like Return to the Ring for March Madness
  2. bklawgal

    bklawgal Tourist

    Apr 13, 2003
    So. Orange County, CA

    I love your website. I looked at it today for the first time and had so much fun reading your trip logs. I go to Vegas every year with my girl friends and are actually leaving this Friday for the weekend. I can't wait. Keep up the website, it's fun to read!

    Sorry you missed your buddies trip. Better luck next time.
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