hey guys as you can see (see picture) it's my Aria hotel mlife offers so I understand clearly, "Your mlife offer" is a mlife Corp offer "Aria exclusive offer" means Aria hotel offer directly for me, is that right? I'm looking for like "free play" but I didn't get any since I don't play any slots also I didn't get much on resort credit either (I received $150 RC, really stinks) Does mlife ever offers "FREE PLAY" for Table Games, I have not seen any!
Yes that is correct as far as Corporate vs Aria-specific. It's been at least 4 years since I did a trip at an MLife property where my play was mostly tables, but when I started with them, they did include freeplay in offers even though almost all my play was tables. There's probably some % of play and/or minimum coin-in/slot theo threshold to get freeplay, but I have no idea what it is. I'm sure if you play a decent amount of slots, having some table play in the mix would not eliminate you from getting freeplay in an offer. ETA: That Corporate MLife offer says it's a "Gaming" offer. No freeplay in that one?
Chuck, dear wise one! Nope, I just double checked it!! Darn it.. I play table game pretty good amount ... I play 99% bacarat average $400-$600 couple hours (easily 5 hrs a day) when I was at Aria for 4 nights. Obviously I am happy with room offers however I was expecting skysuitte offers or free play money for table. One thing, I cancelled upcoming trip to Aria on Dec 3rd, which my host upgrade my room to Tower suite along with two tickets Andrea Bocelli concert (notice tower suite? Lol)my host did advised me "don't get too caught up with mlife offers, as they are not that accurate and just call me when you want to come Vegas" but I don't want to rely on him every time and I just want to see what they can offer me.... my wife plays minimum table BJ but lots of slots, SHE RECEIVED $175 free play to most MGM property's (she is gold and I'm platinum) and I got $0!!! Do you think they will offer it later on? I don't think I will really get any free play offer. Or should I call mlife customer service line and ask? I'm thinking those guys don't have clue when it comes to free play..
I never got freeplay from Mlife when I played mostly tables. Now that I play a lot of slots/VP, I get decent freeplay offers.
Gold or Plat means nothing as far as comps go. All offers and comps are based on adt/theo. Slots get the most theo per dollar played.
I just can not keep on playing that freaking slots...I can't never freaking win!!! Either VP too! I will play slots and lose hundred or so then I usually go play my table and win it back with interest lol
I know at least some of the MLife properties used to give promo chips to some of the bigger table players, maybe not as part of offers, but maybe as part of a stay arranged by a host. I think it's been quite awhile though since I've seen anyone mention they've gotten any. What kind of room type are they offering in that 2nd Aria offer? My recollection of your play level was that it's much higher than the 1st one. Even though bacc is a low HA game and they're stingy on theo, I'd still think $400 - $500 for 4 - 5 hrs a day would be close to being enough for a Corner Suite. VIP Services has a little leeway with overriding blackout dates and that sort of thing, but I don't think they have the authority to increase the amount of throw-ins.
It reads "luxurious resorts room" no corner suite...darn it. I guess I will just have to deal with a host directly..
Drew, I play below your levels, only tables and always call the VIP. They always go above what my offers say. I've never gotten table free play at any Vegas properties from mlife, Detroit yes, Vegas no. It's really no hassle to call, I don't have a specific host, just the VIP number.
Do you know when you received your direct offer that runs through May Drew? Not the corporate, but the Aria direct one?
I'm not sure exact date but within last week I gotten offer that good till May 2017, so far I received it from Aria, bellagio and mirage all 3 nights offfer with $ 150 RC
Hey, I see yeah looks like no free play for table only for slot player... are you from Michigan area?
I'm excited for you Drew! I have those two dumb two night offers that run through feb, but none that run through May yet. It's annoying because my corporate offer is really good, (and my play at Aria is what drove it) but no spring direct offers yet!!!! (Not even discounts which, hopefully means they just haven't come for me yet, but starting to get antsy!)
I know how you must feel...I was very antsy before it popped up on mlife site...but keep it mind that as I have mentioned above thread call host directly and don't worry to much about mlife offers (I know we still would like to receive of direct offers)
I AM excited for you Drew, and I definitely think you'll get a sweet host offer when you're ready to book based on your Bocelli offer! I really think I WILL get a decent offer since my corporate is solid, I am just being a big, whiney (impatient) crybaby. I don't want to book corporate till I know what my direct offers are. Thanks for your gracious/kind words of encouragment Drew, you definitely know how to brighten the Vegas blues!
I'm in Michigan yeah I get free bet from them every week lol... anywhere 500 to 700 so far hopefully it does go up