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Millenium Fandom bar

Discussion in 'Vegas Nightlife' started by CaptCampion, Apr 20, 2017.

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  1. CaptCampion

    CaptCampion VIP Whale

    Jun 10, 2016
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Anyone been to this place in Vegas?

    For my next trip in August I'm looking for some out-of-the-way unique bars to go to.

    Will take any suggestions seriously, provided you can "sell" it to me. :)
  2. ClevingerAl

    ClevingerAl Tourist

    Jan 10, 2016
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Spent a couple of hours here previously. It's a five minute walk from Fremont, however its not the easiest place to spot from the outside unless its changed a little. I went during mid afternoon so it was fairly quiet, so if you're thinking of going during one of their event nights this may not be the most relevant review.

    The plus side to being there when it was quiet was that we got to chat with the owner who was a very cool dude. I can't recall his name but he was very passionate about the comic/sci-fi/fandom genre and it's reflected in the bar. We ended up having a few cocktails each, I stuck to one called the dude which was a version of a White Russian and I'd recommend that - it was happy hour when we went so I can't really comment on price, although I'd be amazed if it was expensive. Overall I would advise you to check it out. It absolutely falls into the category you described and I'm looking forward to going back there myself in a few weeks.
  3. CaptCampion

    CaptCampion VIP Whale

    Jun 10, 2016
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Great review thanks. I'm not necessarily looking for a big crowd....I'd be perfectly happy with just sitting in the bar and talking to the barkeep like you did
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