It's my favorite time of the year, and I am shipping all my junk to my tax professional. I have given him the amount but he wants a copy. I seem to have misplaced a W2G from a MGM property. Is there anyway to get a copy online? The only form I can find via Google is a document to FAX or mail (how retro).
I had an issue with a lost W2G and they emailed me a copy but most the relevant info is blacked out. When I said I need a clear one they said I had to come in person . Good thing I didn’t need it for attaching it physically.
A printed W2G is NOT REQUIRED to file taxes. Your accountant is being a pain in the a$$. He does need to enter a few details into his software (just like I do in Turbotax). And if you have another W2G from the same casino, you can combine the dollar amounts and make one entry. Been doing that for maybe 10 years now.
To answer the question, no it is not available online. You can request it via their form, or can try calling to see if it can be emailed instead (but I guess ask if they black out information that way?)
You can't download them online from MGM. I think @nostresshere is right as far as the critical info - basically date, name of the casino, win amount, the casino's tax ID number, and amount of any withholding that was done. Having the casino name exactly as it appears on the W2-G probably isn't important. Probably someone here can give you the tax id number (and exact casino name) if you don't have it from a prior handpay.
Well that's a pain in the keister. It adds to the insult of not having enough losses to offset it. #wpp- winning people problems. A full winning year is a first for me.
Haven’t done the request for a W2G via fax in a while but the request is made to the tax reporting folks (in accounting I believe). I recall the turnaround was quick: mailed back to me within a week. They just sent me a summary, not a W2G form but it had every line item that was on the actual form.