Here we go! A small deviation from the norm. We are leaving on Friday night. I’m tired of the 6am direct flight and then being asleep at 8pm every night because we can’t adjust from EST to PST. We decided to take a connecting flight. We have to fly delta and there is only one nonstop each day. So here we go. The hop to Atlanta is a fancy plane and we are seated in delta 1 seats. Got the upgrade. Good start to the trip. We also already got an upgrade on the final leg ATL-LAS. if you’re like me you don’t really read the stuff people say they’re gonna do. Because they never do half of it. We will stay at Palace Station the first 3 nights and then the Bellagio the next 4. Taking odds on if we make the last BINGO game for tonight. We are scheduled to land at 9:20 and the final game is at 11pm.
Tiny connection time. One plane landed and the other was already boarding. We made it at “all customers call”
Have a great trip and have a drink for me! (haven't had a drink since my Vegas trip). Psst I won't tell anyone if you pick up some pens
Late night breakfast at the Brass Fork. We looked at oyster bar but the line was too long. No thanks.