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Less than 48 hours to go....

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by HurricaneMikey, Jul 16, 2002.

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  1. HurricaneMikey

    HurricaneMikey A-List Buffoon

    Jan 25, 2002
    One foot in Music City, one foot in Sin City
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    My Trip Report

    Hey Gang!

    I can hardly sit still, knowing I have less than 48 hours to go before we leave for that great playground in the desert.

    Since we're staying at the LV Club, the first thing I'm gonna do after we get our room, is to head up to the front of the casino, get a tall frozen drink, and raise a toast to HoyaHeel and the rest of you guys, but especially Hoya, cuz she's a varsity drinker. ;)

    Then it's out into the blur they call Fremont Street for a night of gambling and debauchery. [​IMG]

    Woo Hooo! [​IMG]

    Mikey's Ali-Like Return to the Ring for March Madness
  2. Michele

    Michele Tourist

    Jul 4, 2002
    Hurricane Mikey, Please have a safe and wonderful trip. I can't wait to hear all about your experiences in your next trip report. You are going to have a ball. I am hoping to go back as soon as possible as well. I think most of us on this site are basically hooked on Vegas and live vicariously through each other until we can get there too. Well, have fun and I can almost hear your partying from here. Michele
  3. lvbabe

    lvbabe Tourist

    Jun 21, 2002
    Good Luck Mikey!!! If you want a really good buzz have a few of my favorite casino drinks-Mudslides on the rocks (not frozen)
    Hope you get all your money back from your last trip plus you can take what I left in June
  4. HoyaHeel

    HoyaHeel Grammar Police & Admin

    Feb 24, 2002
    North Carolina
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'm touched! Have a great time--win so much you can go back in August when we're out there :D I'll be suitably envious all weekend long!
  5. LV Terry

    LV Terry Captain Flop'N Fold

    Sep 30, 2001
    Santa Barbara, CA, USA
    Mikey! Don't forget to get the scoop on the "other" restaurant at the Golden Gate... of course, if you start throwing down yards of frozen drinks (I'll assume you'll have them add the shot of everclear...), you may still not be able to tell me where to find it, or if it was any good!!


    go mikey, go mikey, go mikey...
  6. HurricaneMikey

    HurricaneMikey A-List Buffoon

    Jan 25, 2002
    One foot in Music City, one foot in Sin City
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Hey guys, not to worry...

    It takes more than just a shot of Everclear to bring me into a state of complete incoherence.

    And yes, we will find out about that other 'mystery' restaurant at the Golden Gate.

    When I get back, I'll write the Mother of All Trip Reports for reading enjoyment...

    Mikey's Ali-Like Return to the Ring for March Madness
  7. LV Terry

    LV Terry Captain Flop'N Fold

    Sep 30, 2001
    Santa Barbara, CA, USA
    "a shot?" "A shot?" I was thinking more like, one yard while you wait, one to drink while you're there, and another for the walk-around! I'm guessing three of those footballs with the extra shot kicker might be enough for a significant buzz.... hmmmm... I think there needs to be research done... We might be staying at the Nugget at the end of the month (man, that two week layoff between trips is a Killer!), so I may be in a possition to find out. Of course, that's a lot of liquid....maybe we'll just go for the shots and leave the three footballs of slush out of the equation....yeah...that's the ticket...
  8. punkypete

    punkypete Tourist

    Jun 17, 2002
    I can't imagine you not having fun in Vegas, so I will just add .... WIN LOTS !!!! [​IMG]
  9. Jer

    Jer Ummmm…. Yeah

    Jan 20, 2002
    Southern California
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Damn Mikey, we need to get together on one of these trips... Your movie quotes are the greatest! Just read the "Rickey" quotes, we say those all the time here.. Princess Bride, GREAT Movie.. "Never fight a land war in Asia!"...
  10. HurricaneMikey

    HurricaneMikey A-List Buffoon

    Jan 25, 2002
    One foot in Music City, one foot in Sin City
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    "That's what I like about these high school girls, I keep getting older, they stay the same age."


    Mikey :D
    Mikey's Ali-Like Return to the Ring for March Madness
  11. Steveinohio

    Steveinohio Tourist

    Jul 12, 2002
    with all your winnings, do you think ya can send a guy like me to vegas to do the experiment with the football drinks...hehe...id see how many it takes...each day im there..lol....that way its a real scientific experiment. :eek: [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  12. HoyaHeel

    HoyaHeel Grammar Police & Admin

    Feb 24, 2002
    North Carolina
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Dazed & Confused is one of my FAVORITE movies ever!!! Matthew McConaughey was totally overlooked in that fabulous role, too :D

    But I may be showing my cultural ignorance--who is Ricky Henderson?

    In honor of your trip, I listened to gambling music on my commute today. May the dice gods be kind!!!
  13. HurricaneMikey

    HurricaneMikey A-List Buffoon

    Jan 25, 2002
    One foot in Music City, one foot in Sin City
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Rickey Henderson is a baseball player, who was quite the base stealer in his earlier days. Now he's on the downside of his career, and is going from team to team the past few years collecting a check and trying to up his stats for a run at the hall of fame.

    It's hard to root for the guy because he endlessly talks about himself in the third person. They make fun of him about it on ESPN all the time. I'd heard that he was one of the main inspirations for the "Jimmy" episode on Seinfeld. ("George is getting angry!!")

    By the way, I swear that Dazed & Confused is one of the GREATEST MOVIES EVER. And I will argue with anyone that it was Matthew McConaughey's finest role he's ever done. Right up there with Gene Hackman in Hoosiers or Clint Eastwood in The Unforgiven. [​IMG]

    It's been all downhill from there for poor Matty, I'm afraid. (The Wedding Planner?!?!? Are you effin' kiddin' me?? [​IMG] )

    That movie was chock full of great lines, but my favorite was probably..."I was just escorting your fine son home, as I heard there were ruffians about"

    Anyhow...I'm just killing time until Eddie gets here (about 5 more hours.... :rolleyes: ), so I'll probably post all kinds of wacky sh*t until then...

    I hope Vegas is ready for us...

    Mikey's Ali-Like Return to the Ring for March Madness
  14. HurricaneMikey

    HurricaneMikey A-List Buffoon

    Jan 25, 2002
    One foot in Music City, one foot in Sin City
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Eddie just emailed me and said that one minute after the stock market closes, he's on the way to my house...that's like an hour and a half! [​IMG]

    I told him its my mission this weekend to make him pee himself laughing at my antics, and that we're gonna try and get tossed from the El Cortez or someplace like that!! (Actually, my mission is to win millions of $$$, but if that doesn't happen, well, making Eddie pee his pants runs a close second...)

    ...Dang, I wish I had my teef...

    Mikey's Ali-Like Return to the Ring for March Madness
  15. cutiger

    cutiger Tourist

    Jun 23, 2002
    I've read several references to "teeth" can someone explain?

  16. HoyaHeel

    HoyaHeel Grammar Police & Admin

    Feb 24, 2002
    North Carolina
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    In one of Mikey's hilarious trip reports, he mentioned wearing a pair of those fake redneck teeth while playing craps. At one point, something got him laughing so hard the teeth fell out and went rolling across the craps table. I can't remember where the original story was--most memorable Vegas moments post?
  17. HurricaneMikey

    HurricaneMikey A-List Buffoon

    Jan 25, 2002
    One foot in Music City, one foot in Sin City
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    Back in March of 2000, several of my buddies and I went on one of our annual jaunts to Vegas to celebrate March Madness/St Paddy's Day.

    Well, we were downtown, at the Las Vegas Club, and the 5 of us were at a craps table (the one on the RIGHT, for you LV Clubbers out there). I had some of those Billy Bob teeth, the kind that form fit your mouth and are horribly dirty and misaligned. I was wearing the "teef", as we call them, and when the dice came to me, I kept yelling out stuff like "Mama needs a new tube top!" and "Come on Hard 8--I gotta get some new tires for my house!" and just crazy stuff like that. It was a lengthy roll, and everytime I tossed the dice I would say something else, totally acting like a complete redneck/white trash/as-seen-on-COPS type of freak.

    Well, after a few minutes of this the whole table is laughing hysterically--the stickman can't even call the numbers because he was laughing so hard. One of my buddies says something funny about squeeling like a piggy or something and just as I let the dice go, my 'teef' fly out of my mouth, tumble halfway down the table and stop in front of the stickman... Sheer Pandemonium at this point. The game just stopped because people were doubled over laughing. Once the stickman composed himself, he pushed the teeth back in front of me, just like they were dice, and said, with a straight face, "I believe these are yours, shooter". Talk about almost dying of a stroke from laughing so hard...Everyone had tears in their eyes...

    So, I just picked the 'teef' up and popped 'em back in my mouth and continued the roll. After that they were forever known as my "Rally Teeth" because it was such a great roll moneywise, and it was so memorable because of our antics at the table.

    Thats the story of "The Teef"

    I'll be there tonight. Good Times. Good Times Indeed.

    Mikey [​IMG]
    Mikey's Ali-Like Return to the Ring for March Madness
  18. cutiger

    cutiger Tourist

    Jun 23, 2002
    Now, that really dosn't surprise me with reading some of Mike's trip reports. I can't wait to read this week-ends.

    I'm wondering though if they were really fake? [​IMG]

    Good luck this week-end Mike.

    I am living vicariously through everyone for now, until I can make it out that way. [​IMG]
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