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LB9 post-trip write-up| PH 1/31 - 2/04

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by LB9, Feb 4, 2025 at 6:07 AM.

  1. LB9

    LB9 PH Blackjack Degen

    Jun 6, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    My Trip Report

    I've found that I'm no good at TRs but given I like documenting trips that I'll invariably read at some point in the future, I'll provide a brief, somewhat disjointed write-up of my trip. I'm still in my PH room, leaving for the airport in an hour or so and figured this would be a good time to write it (hopefully I get home on time and don't jinx it lol).

    I left DCA on Friday, 1/31 for an early (and thankfully, non-stop) flight to Vegas at about quarter to 8am. This is a flight I've recently come to enjoy, however, this one was a bit alarming for obvious reasons. Without going into what we all know happened, during take off I could see half of the AA flight that crashed in the Potomac when looking out the window, which was one of the ugliest things I've seen in a while. My seatmate and I were looking, however, thankfully we didn't discuss it (and I tried to pretend that I didn't see it). Things got better after take off, and since I upgraded to FC, the 4 drinks I had during the trip helped me relax a bit (I wasn't hungry since I don't eat breakfast usually but ate some to justify paying for it lol). I'm not one to advertise but for situational awareness of those who care, you can get cheap upgrades from this flight to Vegas - $244 one way - if you wait long enough, which I've found to be 6-7 weeks away from the trip. I have bad knees, even though I'm in my late 30s, so this helps me avoid pain of the more cramped seats and for me, at least, it was worth it.

    Anyway, I got in early, before 10am, however, they checked me into PH early - no fee (I'm only Platinum) - though the $20 trick may have helped. 31st Floor, Strip view right across from Bellagio and Cosmo , which was nice indeed (I'm looking outside admiring it once more now as I write).

    So I primarily play one game, blackjack. As I've mentioned elsewhere, shockingly, things are getting a bit better - or at least stabilizing/not getting worse - for us green chip BJ players. At PH, I played in the pit right in front of HL and for nearly all of the weekend, most of the tables were 3:2 at the $25 level. This also includes the DD table, which was at $50 only for a brief bit on Friday night but the remainder of the time, was $25. The dealers there are great, and I know a few of the cocktail waitresses so even after a full year, it was refreshing that they remembered my drink after thousands of people cycle through. When prompted as to how, in particular as I'm a low roller, I got the response "you're nice and tip". That's nice, but it makes me wonder how many people are assholes and cheap which, upon reflection, shouldn't be surprising I guess lol.

    In tandem, I also play in the dome at CP. Similar circumstances, insofar as multiple $25 tables for the BJ in the dome with the exception of Sunday morning (which, given I don't play late into the night anymore, may be an extension of Saturday night though I can't confirm). Drink service was excellent here as well, in particular Linda whom has been getting me drunk for the last 10 years lol. I think the red chip tipping at CP and PH may be what does it, but also a smiling face probably helps as the moment I sit down, she's getting my order (or early morning order at least since they're sugary lol) of pineapple & Goose & a Fiji.

    What confounds me, in particular at CP, is there's $25 3:2 tables in the dome that are largely empty whereas up the stairs near Guy Savoy, the $25 6:5 tables are packed. I understand if you want to play lower stakes with worse rules, which is offered at most CET properties, but the same minimum? I guess it's better to be uninformed and not know something than to know and stress out about it, maybe? Lol

    Throughout the weekend, I probably played some 15-20 hours off and on. This doesn't include the very, very limited VP I play early morning - in this case both at Bugsy's and the new-ish Glass Bar at PH. This was my first time in the new glass bar and I like it, even more so given it's not crowded early morning so the drinks were flowing. Moreover, and it was nothing from a money standpoint but rather, more fun than anything, I won 2 4OAKs (on Bonus Poker so again, a pittance) that made the game more fun to me. I'm a social person and big personality so whilst I'm more of a table games person for that reason, I may start playing a smidge more VP.

    I also had the pleasure to meet up with @44inarow Saturday for lunch, and also Sunday for a quick table game session. Great seeing you as always my friend!

    I had planned on Strip House in PH for dinner one night but alas, I kept getting hungry before and probably went to Earl of Sandwich too many times out of pure convenience/laziness lol.

    Only "downside", I suppose, was that I don't adjust well to other time zones and alas, I was in bed at like 8 every night and up at 4 after lousy, alcohol induced sleep lol. I did, however, work out four of the days I was here so perhaps I won't be in as bad of shape when I get back tonight lol.

    All in all, 4 comped nights and a little FP, in addition to a ton of drinks for a total loss of $450 (probably half that since I tip a lot lol) and I cannot complain one iota. I'm going to Vegas less these days as my wife and I have found other destinations we enjoy, though I had a blast this trip and looking forward to my next trip, whenever that is. Unfortunately, given what's going on where I live insofar as a lot of our jobs, it may be a while so we'll see but either way, hopefully later this year if possible. The flights and offers, at least for a peon like me, are invariably (and not surprisingly I suppose) better during the winter. It also doesn't interrupt baseball season, of which I go to some 50 games a year lol, so I usually skip mid-spring/summer trips, though my wife would love the CP pools but I digress.

    Also, and this is big for me coming from a somewhat colder climate, it was around 70 Sunday and Monday, high 70s so I wore shorts for the first time in several months and walked around lol. That added to the fun, for me at least.

    Not the most exciting read, however, if anyone has any questions, happy to answer what I can.

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  2. Pizzaman

    Pizzaman Low-Roller

    Mar 20, 2013
    Gilbert AZ.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Sounds like you had a great time.
  3. LB9

    LB9 PH Blackjack Degen

    Jun 6, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I did! I rarely win but I will say this, I’ve never had a bad time here and from my perspective, that counts for something. Cannot complain at all.
    • Like Like x 4
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  4. Jer

    Jer Shoot 'em Down, Turn Around, C'Mon....

    Jan 20, 2002
    Southern California
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Glad to hear that spot outside of PH high limit is still $25 friendly. Good times there!
    Getting My Ass Up North
    • Like Like x 2
  5. Calumet

    Calumet Low-Roller

    Oct 19, 2022
    Las Vegas
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thanks for the summary. We also enjoy PH for a number of reasons...a bit less so since Koi closed. They also have a very good selection of VP compared to some other CET properties. Hope you get back soon.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. hail2skins

    hail2skins VIP Whale

    Mar 10, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Great writeup and nice to hear you were able to consistently find $25 3/2 at the places you like. What kind of gambling bankroll do you bring to Vegas for a 4-day trip?
  7. DiamondJim21

    DiamondJim21 High-Roller

    Aug 20, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thanks for writing your report. I thought your summary was good and glad you had a great time. I used to play Blackjack almost exclusively, but in recent years have more split my time with full pay video poker. I usually play downtown, as I usually play a lower limit than you do. I enjoy playing Blackjack Switch, which is a nice change of pace from traditional blackjack, if you're looking for something a little different and video poker doesn't appeal at the moment.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. LB9

    LB9 PH Blackjack Degen

    Jun 6, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Normally about 3500-4K in cash, with the ability to take out a bit more if needed. For the level I play, it may seem low but I try to stick to a set amount, win or lose, which has usually (but not always lol) worked.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. carolineno

    carolineno VIP Whale

    Jan 29, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thanks for the PH write up, sounds like you had a good time. I’m giving them a try next month.

    How did you like the gym? Any smells? lol but I am serious as I’ve found some gyms are near the garbage or whatever and occasionally stink!

    Did you get housekeeping each day?

    Is there a k cup machine?

    thanks in advance for any answers!
    Camping across the road from Cosmo…the loneliest hobo
    • Like Like x 1
  10. LB9

    LB9 PH Blackjack Degen

    Jun 6, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    So it’s not a great gym, and it’s super packed in the morning for what it’s worth. I maintain East coast time in Vegas so I was lifting generally between 6-730am and it was pretty crowded Saturday and Sunday, ironically even more so on Monday and Tuesday. That being said, it has all of the equipment anyone would need and enough cardio options that you should have a good shot getting what you need done, though you may need to wait for cardio machines. It didn’t smell terrible and most of the time they had towels to use and water lol.

    I did get housekeeping everyday save for the last full day, and it was pretty good without any issue. I usually head out around 830-9am for the day and when I would get back early afternoon, the room was done.

    No k cup or any coffee options short of paying $7 for a grande brew at Starbucks lol. Consequently, I played a few hands of VP and one of the bartenders I know - Robert - would just give me coffee before I placed my first bet lol.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. kkinwi

    kkinwi VIP Whale

    Jan 16, 2016
    Northern WI
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Sounds like a good trip, except for the take off.
    I was there at the same time, and just loved the weather! Staying on WI time works well for me, esp during packed weekend nights! The V/P was super busy all weekend, so slotting at 7am was nice.
    Isn't it great when the CW just shows up with your drink? I agree, tipping and smiling helps, and I was dismayed to see the nontippers.
    You did well with the minimal losses....congrats!
    Hope your job situation stabilizes....scary times.
    • Love Love x 1
    • Wow! Wow! x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. carolineno

    carolineno VIP Whale

    Jan 29, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    okay thanks for the good info!
    Camping across the road from Cosmo…the loneliest hobo
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