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"Indiana and the OVER, please?"

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by Jer, Apr 1, 2002.

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  1. Jer

    Jer Ummmm…. Yeah

    Jan 20, 2002
    Southern California
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    My Trip Report

    This trip was fun, but for the most part, really relaxing. I ended up feeling really run down after I go there, but made the best of it.

    The main reason why I was there was of course the Final Four! We got there late Friday night and just sort of mingled around from place to place. After a few cocktails, I was beat and just wanted to relax after a long week at work. I went up to my room and just put my head down, and bam it was 11:00am before I knew it! Thank good there were no knocks at the door from the fellas!

    We ate breafast(brunch)at the Bellagio. The cooked to order omelettes were superb and just kept going back for more. Is it a good thing to put shrimp in an omellette? [​IMG]

    One thing I wanted to do is play mini-baccarat. I played for two hours almost and still don't really know what is a good strategy! I made a few bucks and the guys were losing their ass already in BJ. I told them to come over with me, but they just kept throwing the $$$ away.

    Time comes for the game and I sat and pondered who was going to win, OK or Ind. #2 vs #5, but Indiana was on a roll. Next, the over/under. It was 135, and I had picked it to be Indiana 68-67. I went with the over at the window, what the hell. The fellas went with OK, and the under for $100 each.

    If you saw the game, Indiana pulled away at the end and because all the fouling at the end, it went over 135 [​IMG]

    The book at the Bellagio was packed, but very nice! Drink service was cool, I tipped well on the first and she kept coming back pretty quickly!

    Didn't bet on the second game, thought Maryland would win but didn't want to risk it. After that game, we went to Dennys and ate dinner. I turned in early again and the guys went to work at O'sheas! [​IMG]

    Woke up Sunday morning and decided to walk over to the craps tables and see if that idiot was still there. I saw a few of the dealers that were there that night and they had told me that the idiot was on probation and was fired instantly after my confrontation. I played for awhile on $50 and when I lost it I decided to get on the road and go home. Still haven't heard from my friends, so if you see two 6'3 guys wandering around aimlessly send them home, will ya? [​IMG]

    Next trip, May 3,4,5 my first actual fight tickets!
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