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Slots How to know total coin-in for the trip?

Discussion in 'Slots' started by dalemccl, Mar 9, 2017.

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  1. dalemccl

    dalemccl Tourist

    Apr 18, 2008
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I see posts where people say how much coin-in they had for slots and/or VP during their trip. I think it would be difficult to keep track of this manually. Assuming you use your players club card, the casino knows, of course.

    1. Is there a way to check your total con-in at any point during the trip? Do you have to ask at the Players Club desk?

    2. Is the total coin-in tallied per casino, or for all casinos across the casino group (e.g. CET, MGM). That is, will comps and future offers be based on the coin-in for the entire group, or does each individual casino make offers based only on your play at their specific casino?
  2. nostresshere

    nostresshere Mr. Anti Debit Card

    May 4, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Pretty easy in most casinos.

    At CET you get 1 point for each $5 coin in on slots. Most vp is 1 to $10. Some machines are worse. All casinos have a number and in most cases you can see it on the screen. Mlife has some machines that give less points because they have to pay a royalty fee or something like that. Write down your starting number before your trip and check each day.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Chicken Dinner

    Chicken Dinner High-Roller

    Jan 7, 2015
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Yes you'll have to use your card otherwise there's no point to knowing coin in. Mlife will give you a running total as you play. I'm not sure the lag time from play to posting but it's not long. I just log into the app on my phone.
  4. BarelyHangingOn

    BarelyHangingOn VIP Whale

    Nov 16, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I use the Mlife App or Website to check as well. It updates pretty quick. It breaks down the year in quarters and by Casino. I guess f you are doing multiple trips you could take screen prints between trips to see your actual trip totals.

    People with more experience will weigh in but I get offers at all the MGM Resorts but have only gambled at the Aria and Mirage. I asked a person at Aria VIP Services and was told that they can see your numbers at all casinos and I was getting good offers from one the places I have never played at because they wanted me there instead of at the Aria.
  5. dalemccl

    dalemccl Tourist

    Apr 18, 2008
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thanks, all. I found in the MLife app where I can see coin-in (and out). It's in the Tax Information, broken down by calendar year and quarter.

    I couldn't find it in the CET Total Rewards Android app; it just shows the number of rewards credits, from which it would be difficult to determine coin-in if you play both slots and VP, which give give credits at different rates. I see a link for win-loss in the app. It is supposed to generate a pdf, but didn't. I found the won-loss statement on the TR website using a Windows web browser. The website does show net won or lost. The FAQ says they won't tell you your coin-in and coin-out, just the net.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2017
  6. Chuck2009x

    Chuck2009x VIP Whale

    Apr 5, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    CET generates what they call a "TR Statement" each month. It's accessible from the left-side navigation list on the "My TR" page. They usually update it around the 5th - 7th of the month, for the previous month.

    It lists the number of Rewards Credits you earned from various categories, Gaming is one of them. If you do all slot or all VP, you can figure out your coin in from that. But if you have a mix of slots and VP, you won't really be able to tell how much coin in you did on each, unless you already know one number or the other.

    Same with MLife, it lumps all types of coin in together.
  7. Grid

    Grid Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Dont over think this. NoStress nailed it. Just know how many coins it takes to equal a club point. And do the math from there.

    Mlife with their crappy specialty slots suck. So you'll have to guess. But by and large you can figure it out with the info shown on the machine.

    If your points are zero when you start, the points you have at the end of your trip can be back tracked. If you played all day and you have 5,000 points, and each point is earned at a $2.00 coin = 1 point. you played $10K in coin. If you flip from VP to slots, and its a different coin, you'll have to ask. You can always go to the Hosts office and ask.

    The only trick I use on the above is to take a picture of my starting points if they are not at 0. If I'm starting this trip with 2500 points already, I'll take a picture so I dont forget and -2500 from my totals at the end. That way I'm only looking at what I actually earned.

    I usually have a host where I stay/Play. So I try to stay cognitive of my coin and time played. I find the above very easy to do, and helpful when I write my trip reports.
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