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Here Is My Pre-Trip Anticipation Report!

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by VEGAS $$$, May 7, 2003.

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  1. VEGAS $$$

    VEGAS $$$ Low-Roller

    Feb 16, 2002

    My Trip Report

    Here is what gets me giddy with excitement in order of less giddy to the MOST giddy:

    1. Getting the house ready for our departure (pets, cleaning, ect)

    2. Packing!

    3. Waking up to the morning alarm the day of the trip.

    4. Getting our luggage into the car or taxi.

    5. Driving to the airport.

    6. Standing in line waiting to check bags.

    7. Waiting in the departure area and looking out the window at the other planes and our own plane.

    8. Being called to board the plane!

    9. Boarding the plane and getting situated.

    10. Landing in Vegas (this trip there will be one stop-over, but I don't get excited about that...actually, I would rather there was no stop-over)

    11. Walking through McCarran airport.

    12. Boarding the shuttle to our hotel (Luxor).

    13. Waiting in line to check-in.

    14. Getting our key and finding our room.

    15. Getting into our room.

    16. Going down to gamble/eat/walk around.

    Then the rest of the trip stays pretty steady as far as giddiness is concerned. That is, unless I happen to bump into a favorite celeb! *hee hee*

    [​IMG] :D [​IMG]
  2. VEGAS $$$

    VEGAS $$$ Low-Roller

    Feb 16, 2002
    Well numbers 1 and 2 are done! :D
  3. Escape

    Escape Tourist

    Jun 16, 2001
    Perry, Michigan U.S.
    Vegas$$$, have a good time. You are staying at the Luxor right! We will be going to the Luxor T-21. Just can't wait, I already started packing [​IMG] . Please give a trip report when you return. [​IMG]
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