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Trade Ellis Island drink coupon needed

Discussion in 'Coupons & Sweepstakes' started by westie, Feb 8, 2017.

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  1. westie

    westie VIP Whale

    Jun 24, 2002
    Kensington, CT
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I have (2) 14 days trips planned for this year + I do not relish the idea of mixing wine with gambling (been there, lost) + I hate the alternative of actually paying for drinks (oh do I hate paying for drinks) = my dilemma. Do I give up drinking (heaven forbid) or do I gamble and drink (too painful) or is there a better solution (oh I do hope so)?

    Then I had an idea.

    Could I possibly trade a coupon from my 2 ACG books or 2 LVA MRBs for my coveted Ellis Island drink coupon from the LVA? Yes! Yes! Yes!, but [​IMG]

    Make me an offer via a PM.

    If you do indeed trade with me

    Last edited: Feb 8, 2017
  2. azlew

    azlew Low-Roller

    Jan 26, 2016
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Westie I actually cannot find a direct "PM" to you click on. All I saw when checking your profile is a "Start a conversation" click on. Is the "Start a conversation" click on the same as a "PM"?
    In any case I have two Ellis Island LVA drink coupons for you but I don't need any LVA or ACG coupons. We are looking for any non LVA or ACG coupons for free slot play (ok for established player card holders), free food and free show coupons that are again non LVA and non ACG.
  3. westie

    westie VIP Whale

    Jun 24, 2002
    Kensington, CT
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    azlew - yes PM = start a conversation. I received your message and sent you a response. Thanks for contacting me.
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