Help. I'll be in town with a co worker who is 23 and I'm 50. He want to go to some clubs. Will be there since Mon Tues during the week. Is there any clubs we can go to? And any clubs where I won't feel so bad at my age going into. Sent most of the clubs closed till Thurs kinda thing
Man, there at a handful of 50+ at the Bank at the Bellagio every weekend. You'll see them at a table flanked by a few beautiful women.
Thanks guys. And what is the dress code now a days or what is the lowest code you can get away with at these clubs I don't wanna bring suits
You can get away with that, but you won't look very fashionable. Jeans are a better bet if you are going to dress down at the club. At least wear dress shoes so some power hungry bouncer doesn't come up with an excuse to turn you around.
If you are a guy and you are 50, then trust me. They will want you in the club. Buying drinks. For 20-something year old women.
Well Coyote Ugly's inside NYNY. Hit or miss on whether it is packed or not as I've been there 3 times and i've been there with no room to walk and when it ws completely empty. I preferred halfway in the middle. There are girls on opposite stages dances in their getups kinda like Jessica Alba in Sin City. It was more of a bar than a club so I don't think this would fit your criteria.
Totally agree with this. I'm 47 and was with a friend (50)..We decided to go to the Marquee one night just to see what kind of reaction we would get from people and the doorman actually brought us to the front of the line. We had about 15-20 years on everyone else in line. The dirty looks we got from the youngsters guys in line were priceless!
So is Coyote Ugly just a bar? That's what I am gathering!? I'll be with my wife. We in our 40's. Worthwhile or skip it?
Skip it. It was one of the first bars I went to on a group trip like 4 years ago (in my late 20s now) and I can hardly remember anything other than it taking a while for my drink and the bouncer not believing that my ID was real. It was just plain boring in my opinion.