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Bourbon Street - what's it like?

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by harvey & deborah, Oct 25, 2002.

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  1. We have friends who want to stay at Bourbon Street what is it like? Is it a short walk to the strip like my map shows?
  2. pattiinontario

    pattiinontario "PATTI-O-LANTERNS"

    Mar 17, 2002
    ontario, canada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    It's down next to the old Maxim hotel.
    Here's the link to Bourbon Street. It shows pics of the rooms etc.
    Did they say why they wanted to stay there?
    ps.....forget to tell u click on the skip intro when u get to the site or u will have a long loud wait.

    [ October 25, 2002, 08:54 PM: Message edited by: pattiinontario ]
  3. Ellen8723

    Ellen8723 Guest

    Yes, it is s short walk to the strip. It's across from Bally's side entrance if you want to go thru their casino to get to the other places on the strip. Also short walk to Barbary Coast casino. Visited the Bourbon Street Casino in early October. No player's club and seemed to be a very small place.
  4. Andsen

    Andsen Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2002
    I've never stayed there. The place is kinda dark, empty and dreary. I have stopped for their cheap drinks while waiting for the Sams Town shuttle and the service was pretty poor. Also was gonna have one of the meal specials once and the service was so bad I just got up and left. There are no table games and even the slots are few in comparison to most. Don't know about VP as I've never played there. The location is fairly good and you can get cheap drinks and good service (also have some decent VP)at the little place across the street. Good food at low prices can be had at Ellis Island about a block in the other direction, And if you want a good dining experience Bastistas Hole in the Wall is also across the street. You can get a rating and comments at-
    but I'm afraid they're not very good. :(
  5. sandi527

    sandi527 Tourist

    Jun 3, 2002
    Rochester, NY
    I visited Bourbon Street on my trip to Vegas last week. I wasn't impressed. There weren't 5 people in the casino in the middle of the day. Casino smelled old and musty. Probably a good place to be if you don't like having people around. Don't know what the rooms are like but the casino definitely looks better on the website than it does in person!!
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