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Bachelor Party at the Flamingo - Part 2

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by Tor Paul, Jul 1, 2004.

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  1. Tor Paul

    Tor Paul Tourist

    Mar 17, 2004
    Burlington, ON

    My Trip Report

    Friday June 25th

    Get back to the Flamingo at 11 am (no sleep yet). Make it back to the room, and meet up with 2 buddies. We go straight down to the pool. What a pool!!! Its huge. I can't believe all the people though...every single spot is taken. We finally find an empty corner, and dump all our stuff, and jump in the pool. I feel the cobwebs slowly escaping my body. We lounge in the pool for a while, then walk over to the slide they have. I felt a little out of place though...I was going up the steps with my 6'5 friend, both of us hung over, in line with 7-12 year olds. Oh well, it was still fun. After swimming, we get dressed and get a bite to eat at Lindy's (in the Flamingo). I ordered the prime rib special. It was okay...way overcooked for me though. After lunch, I finally caught a nap for a couple of hours.

    4 o'clock I get up and the 6 of us walk to Barbary Coast to watch Big Elvis. The bachelor is a huge elvis fan, so I thought this would be a great time for us. We walk through the casino, and come up to the stage, and....DAMMIT...the sign says he's on vacation. So without Elvis, we sadly make our way to the bar and take advantage of a few $1 drinks. I'm starting to liven up. From there, we take a cab down to the Luxor to see the pyramid. It was pretty cool, and inside we bought one of those giant Margarita's. They're huge, and the straws are like 5 feet tall. It makes it difficult to drink quick. We walked to Mandalay Bay and decided to go in the Shark Reef exhibit. They made me finish my drink (the only place in vegas that didn't allow us to drink). There was no way I could drink it that quick, so we grabbed an early dinner. I had an egg salad sandwich, but it sucked. The only reason I got it was that I almost never have eggs here. My wife is allergic to eggs, so if I had the sandwich when she was around, I couldn't even breathe on her. I finally finished the drink, and we went through the reef. It was pretty cool...I'd recommend going, but I wish we had 2 for 1 coupons.

    After the shark reef, we took a cab back to the Flamingo (well, after stopping at the Barbary Coast for more drinks). We hung out in the room and drank more. We had bought a bunch of Red Bull earlier in the day, so more Vodka and Red bull for me. At about 11 or so, we took some cabs to The Beach. I had set up VIP service for the 6 of us, so for $175 total we got past the line, had a table, and 3 drinks each. I've seen some poor reviews for The Beach here, but I'd say this was the funnest time we've ever had. The only problem we had was all the bartenders in our upper section were guys. All the hot women were down below. We stayed at the table an hour or so, then we hit the dance floor. Normally, 6 guys dancing isn't a lot of fun. But this night was great. The moment we hit the floor, the women came in droves. All of us are either married, or seriously involved, so we weren't interested in picking up, but its still a lot better to be dancing with girls. 2 girls specifically danced with me and S.D. for a long time. The cuter of the 2 was with me, and her less cute friend was with him. We probably danced for an hour or so...but I didn't actually speak a word to her. The guys and I then took a walk around the bar...had some drinks, talked. We set the bachelor up with a bartender that he thought was good looking, and got a body shot. She brought him on the bar, and did a 4 or 5 minute show with him, as he sucked whip cream off her. She finally gave him the shot (some sort of Bailey's drink), but he didn't respond well to it, and looked like he had to puke. He held it in though, and was really happy! We made our way back to the dance floor, and the 2 girls came back. This time though, the hot one danced with S.D., and I got her friend. Another hour passed, and we finally spoke. Found out they were locals, told them we were from out of town. End of conversation, more dancing. We enjoyed the music...collection of bar classics from the 80's to now. The 2 girls eventually went home after another hour or so...but we had no interest in going with them. We all danced for another hour or so, then left. We all really liked the Beach. I'd say if you had a group of relatively immature 25-35 year olds, and are into a low class fun evening, this is the place. We even saw 2 girls go topless. One kept flashing her boyfriend, the other did it right on top of the stage (then got kicked out)

    Once outside, as we were waiting for a cab, a bouncer got in a fight with some guy. The other bouncers broke it up, and kicked the guy off the property. The one bouncer chased him all the way across the street though, and kept yelling. Luckily, a few of the other bouncers chased him down and dragged him back. The bachelor thought this was very unprofessional, but luckily he kept his mouth shut.

    The cabs brought us to Cheetahs (probably 4 or 5 o'clock). Boy, did we all hate this place. The moment we got in, the ladies just surrounded us and pressured us. I had gone straight to the washroom, and when I sat back down with the others, a very ugly stripper sat on my lap. She talked for a bit, but I cut her off, saying I wasn't interested in a dance. She would have no part of it, and at the end, yelled at me to take a dance. 2 nights, 2 strippers yelling at me. Weird. At this point though, all my buddies got up and said we were leaving. Hopped back in a cab and went home. We would not recommend this place at all!!! This night, when I got home, I actually went to bed.
  2. Typhinie

    Typhinie Tourist

    Dec 5, 2003
    Los Angeles, CA
    Great Report so far... can't wait for the rest!
  3. St George

    St George Tourist

    May 18, 2004
    Manchester, England
    Out of curiosity, how much is it into the strip clubs (Spearmint Rhino, Cheetah's) and how much is it for a dance? Also how much is a normal tip?

    I'm heading out to Vegas from England in a few weeks and just want to have an idea of what it's going to cost me, as I think I'll be frequenting these type of bars quite a lot [​IMG]
  4. Tor Paul

    Tor Paul Tourist

    Mar 17, 2004
    Burlington, ON
    Both places charged $20 for cover. Dances were $20 a song, or you could go to a room in the back. I was quoted $200 for half hour, or $400 for an hour.
    In terms of cover, you may be able to get better deals...some people get passes on eBay, or ask vegashost for some help.
    Tipping is variable...we tipped $1 bills, and after getting yelled at, did it every second song.
  5. wazup

    wazup Tourist

    Jan 30, 2003
    new york
    Great report. I am going with 3 friends at the end of Sept. also staying at the Flamingo. Makes me wish it was closer. BTW we are immature turning 40 yr olds in 2004. Keep the report comming.
  6. vegashost

    vegashost Guest

    Hey Tor-

    I can deifnitely get waived admission to the clubs....even work out transportation.

    I struck a deal with Cheetahs where patrons can get admission, transportation and free beer and well drinks for $75. Lap dances are on you.

    Looking forward for the rest of the report.
  7. farkingidiot

    farkingidiot High-Roller

    May 19, 2003
    Crossroads of America
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    They'd better be on me!! I'm not paying for you to get one! [​IMG] [​IMG]
  8. vegashost

    vegashost Guest

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