We drove to Vegas early Thursday morning and decided to check out the Red Rock casino. It is a classy place but the Video Poker payout schedules didn’t look too enticing to me. The Race and Sports book is very nice. After about an hour of walking around the place, we thought we would go to Arizona Charlie’s and sign up for their Players card offer of, if you lose $100 they will give it back to you. It worked well for my wife and our friend and they both got their hundred back, but, I was having a hard time losing mine. As a matter of fact, I was up about four hundred and went to the five play, quarter VP machine and after about five minutes, I got a flush dealt to me that was also four cards to a royal and decided to go for it and this is what I got: The grand total when I cashed out was $2,400. Had to do an IRS W-2G for $2,012.50. Thank you, Arizona Charlie’s. Checked into the El Cortez for a one night stay and walked up to the Plaza to see my long time friend Tim at the Keno Bar. They have put new VP machines at the bar and the payout schedules are very good. The Plaza has started some new promotions and I was told that things would be getting better around there in the near future. Friday: The wife was entered into an Invitational Slot Tournament that came with three free nights at the Main Street Station. She had a good first session but a bad second session and ended up 30th. They paid her $50 for that. Everyone got money; even last place got $25. MSS notes: They now have FREE wireless. It is located near the Players Club desk. No race and sports book. Buffet was very good as usual. Some good VP scattered around the casino. Two single deck BJ games that pay 6/5. Cocktail service was very good. Craps is 20X odds with two tables at $5 minimum. Came home a happy camper.
wow, great hitS! 5 separate 1 in 48 chances, and two of them hit. math wizards, what are the odds of that? glad to hear the plaza is turning around. i will be there next week, probably before i will be able to get checked in, and will probably play until check in, and then head for the trade show. what shift does tim usually work, i will tell him you sent me! thanks as always for the trip report. we are now just 6 days away.
Hey Don... Sorry I missed ya! I was moving furniture all afternoon and doing stuff like going to the hardware store and such and *completely* forgot about you guys being downtown on Saturday until I was on my way to work that night. Sounds like you did ok without me though! Catch ya next time around. Mikey PS... Angy--love the new avatar.
You kiddin me??? Two royals in one hand? AWESOME! congrats. I met Tim in April. He's a great guy and a fantastic bartender. I mentioned your name and he spoke very highly of you...really. Looking forward to getting back to the Plaza. Glad to hear they are getting their act back together. Do you happen to remember just how good the new pay tables are?
Amazing Coincidence Don, I had virtually the same hand on a 5 play except I needed the Jack of Diamonds. My win was 8045 coins because I was playing 9/5DDB. 2 Royals, 1 Flush 1 Straight ! My royals were on hands 3 and 5. The draw was so slow I got to see the first royal and looked up to see the 2nd hit. Amazing coincidence.