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Assistance with receiving comp offers ?

Discussion in 'Comps' started by MatthewNL, Feb 22, 2017.

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  1. MatthewNL

    MatthewNL Tourist

    Mar 7, 2016
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    "FYI I posted this same message on another Vegas board but thought I would inquire here as well."


    Just to give a bit of background I've mainly kept my play to MLIFE properties and I visit Vegas around 6+ times per year. Last year I was only about 5% short of getting Platinum and stayed comped at Aria, Luxor and Monte Carlo for most of my trips. My offer typically included 2-3 nights plus 150 resort credit and 100 free play.

    I am unsure of what my actual coin in is and this year I am going to try and keep better track of that. I typically only bring $2000.00 USD per trip for casino gaming. As I'm winning sometimes the amount of $ being put into play can be much more than that, as I will play with winnings but overall I am still very much in the low roller category. Average Slot/VP bet of 3$ over many hours.

    This year my offers from MLIFE have substantially dried up, the offer I did book had very limited dates, and they are now charging me for taxes and resorts credits for the room. Also, my freeplay and resort credits are way lower.

    I am already 1/4th of the way to Platinum this year and it's only Feb, with most of my trips coming in the summer months. Perhaps someone with comp experience can offer assistance? Do you think its best to put in the majority of my play at MLIFE and hope for better offers later in the year? I will make Platinum no problem probably by August at the latest.

    Or would anyone suggest I maybe move over to CET for better offers? I am also not opposed to staying on Fremont but I've never received any offers at all from them. Places like the Downtown Grand or the Plaza have some appeal to me but I can't seem to get on their comp radar.

    Basically, I want to consolidate 90% of my play to one property and have it be my home base where I am taken care of. If I get that sort of loyalty I am more than happy to put the play in.

    What is the best place to get long-term loyalty from and to make your home base?
  2. Chuck2009x

    Chuck2009x VIP Whale

    Apr 5, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    It's hard to say what is going on at MLife. They are definitely late with a new round of offers. I would wait a little while and see what you get from them in the next round, because I think they will be out pretty soon.

    On your next trip, you definitely should give some play to a CET casino. It doesn't matter too much which one you choose, but I could suggest Planet Hollywood and Bally's for convenience. If you play a lot of VP, somebody here might steer you to a different CET property with better machines. You have two choices: give them an entire day's play, or give them a fairly small amount of play.

    If you give them a regular day's play, you will get comp availability and offers in line with your regular play, so you'll know what to expect if you take an offer. If you give them a small amount of play, they will give you "teaser" comp availability - they will be willing to give you free nights to get you in again and see how you really play over an extended period.

    At your play level, most of the comp value is going to be in the room nights. CET will give you more comp nights at more properties, but less freeplay and resort credit, than MLife.
  3. DaiLun

    DaiLun R.C., L.C., and A.A.N.G.

    Apr 24, 2014
    San Jose, CA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    $2000 over how many days? For mLife over 3 days that really doesn't amount to much at any of the top end properties.

    I was Platinum at mLife and was so disappointed that I switched over to CET and haven't looked back.

    On the strip, CET or Cosmopolitan or Venetian/Palazzo would be a better bet, or you could switch to Downtown where you could be a "king".
  4. Grid

    Grid Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'm a math nerd, let me know if I'm close or not.

    Just doing some rough math on your play, with the info you provided. If you visit 6+ times a year, can we assume you play/stay at an MGM casino for 3 rated night per trip? So roughly 19 days per year logged in as a gambler. It just makes my math easier.

    5% from platinum would put you at 190,000 tier credits. I have no idea what you play. Throwing out their specialty slots that take $10 coin to get points and offsetting that by the video poker you play (also 10 coin per point) I'll just use their average slot math for my calculations.

    $3 on a slot = 1 point. 1 point = 10 tier credits. As a Pearl player, that puts you at a 10% accelerated earning. So for every 100 earned points ($300 coin in) you get 1,100 TC's. 10 TC per point 100 points + 10%

    190,000 points div 19 days = 10,000 TC's per day. So your coin-in is only $2,700 per day or just over $8,000 per trip.

    The fact that you got 3 nights comped + $150 in resort and $100 in free play is great, but rather an anomaly. You might have been over comped. If your play increased significantly with them in 2016, you might have triggered some sexy offers while they tried to get you back and figure you out. Once you played your average, the offers slipped.

    I was Platinum last year, I only stayed at an MGM casino for 3 nights all year so I did not renew. When I earned Platinum in 2015 it took 7 days and my coin in was roughly $7-$8K a day per trip. And my offers were 3 nights + 100 + 100. So I played over twice as much and got less than you.
  5. Its Only Money

    Its Only Money VIP Whale

    Oct 7, 2007
    Looking for a hot craps table.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Remember it's all about coin in for you slot players. Status means nothing but a few line jumps. They only care about how much cash you give them a chance at. Was there any one quarter last year when you only made one trip to Vegas? Look at your tax info on the MLife site and you can find out your exact coin-in for any quarter or the whole year. MLife year runs October 1 - September 30th, so you are already 5/12ths through their year. With better coin in information people can probably help you out a little bit more.
  6. Fligster

    Fligster VIP Whale

    Mar 31, 2012
    Las Vegas (Henderson)
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    As "it's only money" pointed out view your tax info on mlife site. It is very easy to get your Coin in and out per property.

  7. MatthewNL

    MatthewNL Tourist

    Mar 7, 2016
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    Thank you, this has been really helpful and I always thought I was getting over comped. The math you have provided definitely confirms that. It's too bad, I got to stay at Aria 3 times last year comped, I think they have me figured out now, I can see that I played much more than usual last year in the spring as I was running well then my play sort of evened out since then.

    I have only had one trip this year so far and I accumulated 41 thousand tier points at my Gold status. I will be in Vegas three times over the next two months, I wonder if I could get to Platinum with a $6000 dollar stake, ( average bankroll $2000 per trip ). I would need 159 thousand more to get Platinum. Or perhaps If I should dump MLIFE and go for easier offers since my play level is maybe better suited for other locations.

    I mainly just like the free room, as I live in Vancouver and can fly down for around $250 roundtrip ...so not paying for the hotel or having some credits can make it a cheap weekend getaway.
  8. MatthewNL

    MatthewNL Tourist

    Mar 7, 2016
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I do three-day trips, as I feel any longer is a bit too much for me. As I mentioned on average I bring $2000 USD solely for a gambling bankroll. Some trips I do hit up the ATM and take out a bit more and unrecorded winnings from Poker sessions definitely spill over into casino play, so I am probably putting a bit more than that in play.

    Cosmo seems like it would be very difficult to get comped rooms, as they are the most expensive ones on the strip. For my budget that does not seem possible?

    I am going to be in Vegas in 9 days, staying 3 nights at the Plaza. Being a "king" downtown would be fine for me, what casino do you recommend me giving heavier play at? I'd like to try to find one that can give me a room offer every 2 months.
  9. DaiLun

    DaiLun R.C., L.C., and A.A.N.G.

    Apr 24, 2014
    San Jose, CA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    In 2014, the D was my home casino, and treated me well on my budget. At the time, I was getting 4 nights a month, along with $150/month in FP and $150/month in food.

    The rooms are clean and nice, the hallways were short, and there were even times when my host would put me In a suite.

    IMHO, it also wouldn't hurt to be on the "ground floor" of Derek Stevens expansion of downtown.
  10. Grid

    Grid Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    No sweat, Mlife is a tough bird to crack. You certainly made out by catching them in a loop. For your bankroll, might I suggest giving Treasure Island a look? Its a very easy club to understand. All of their slots earn the same tier credits unlike Mlife and their horseshit "specialty" game. For every $1.50 played on slots and $4.50 played on video poker you will earn one point and 1,000 points = $10 in free slot play. Compare that to Total Rewards and its $5.00 in slot play or $10 on VP (with their shitty pay tables) and it would take $10,000 of coin in for $10.00 in converted free play. TR will only give you half value of your earned reward credits if you opt to gamble with them. TI would take just $1,500 of coin to convert to 10 bucks of free play.

    So it racks up fast. I find them the most generous with up front free play and rooms. And if you are a new player, I'm sure you can fall into an over comp loop with them if you show up and play strong for a couple nights.

    Using your math model of $2,700 per day or just over $8,000 per trip. By the end of the trip you should have enough points for at least $50 in free play using your points. Plus you will earn treasure chest points that you can build up and spend on gifts. Those can be used all year round unlike Mlife, Total Rewards, The Venetian and such. They almost always have a kiosk game going for more free play. Earn 4,000 points and spin a virtual wheel for $25-$125 in extra free play. Or something like that. It doesn't cost you any of your points to play. So you might add another 50 bucks or so to your free play take.

    Plus whatever they give you for free play, which should be right around a hundo up front. And obviously the free rooms you will earn. Since they are one of the last independents on the strip, they seem to go above and beyond other clubs. Best of all, no tiers to chase.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2017
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