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Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by Typhinie, Dec 31, 2004.

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  1. Typhinie

    Typhinie Tourist

    Dec 5, 2003
    Los Angeles, CA

    My Trip Report

    Well, if you noticed my countdown clock- you would think I would be excited. Well, this Christmas my Mom had a heart attack. SHe had an angioplasty on Tuesday. She spent 5 days in the hospital. She just got home on Thursday. I moved back home to help around the house and take over some of the responsibilities my Mom had. It's been tough. I considered not going on my trip but that doesn't feel right. My other option would be not going, and that doesn't feel right either. Everyone in my family thinks it would be a good break for me and they gave me their blessing to go. I spent almost the entire week keeping my family sane and picking up 742839 things to do. But I'm not sure. What do you guys think? Another option would be to only go for one night instead of 2... that would be a good compromise!
  2. Jack21

    Jack21 Guest

    Typh...Sounds like you have a nice idea in the compromise plan. Like I mentioned, you need to balance family responsibility with personal well-being. If your head and heart are with your family while you are physically in a big casino or club, will you enjoy it? But one night in Vegas is better than none...just tack on the extra night you didn't stay onto your next Vegas trip.

    Happy New Year!

    [ December 31, 2004, 12:15 PM: Message edited by: Jack21 ]
  3. vegasdrea

    vegasdrea Buckle Bunny

    Nov 29, 2004
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'm sorry to hear about your mom, I know exactly what you feel like, my father has been in and out of the hospital with heart problems since I was 6. I would feel guilty going to Vegas too, but if you have the go-ahead from your family it might be a nice break from things. Just call the house every couple of hours to check on your mom, and make sure you have the phone handy in case your family needs to get a hold of you. My prayers are with your family and your mother for a speedy recovery.
  4. Heathcat

    Heathcat High-Roller

    Apr 9, 2003
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Typh- If your mom's being well taken care of by others in your family, I would say "Go."
    You've had a rough go of it and have been working hard to keep it all together. You deserve a break from it all. If Vegas will rejeuvenate you, seriously consider it.

    It is okay to go and have a good time. Don't feel guilty about taking a few days for yourself- your actions have spoken about where your priorities are (clearly they are with your family), so let go and have a little fun.

    Good luck and I wish your mom a full and speedy recovery.
  5. rgbrat

    rgbrat Newbie

    Jul 24, 2000
    Erhard, Mn, USA
    Typhinie, it sounds like you have worked to get everything in order. It would be absolutely OK to spend 2 nights, it sounds like you need it. Things will be alright at home as long as other family is close by. No-one can just go for 1 night. Good Luck.
  6. milehiman

    milehiman VIP Whale

    Sep 21, 2002
    Scottsdale, AZ

    If I was you, I would go. Recharge and get a break especially since it appears you've received everybody's approval.

    You've shown that you'll be there for your family by moving back in to help around the house.

    Good luck and I hope your mom has a quick and full recovery.
  7. SH0CK

    SH0CK Stylin' and Profilin' Quasi Tech Admin

    Nov 2, 2001
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I know where your coming from. My dad had congestive heart failure last Christmas, but luckily made a nice recovery after a second heart attack and a better set of docters.

    I'm not going to tell you what to do in regards to Vegas, but I just want to send along my thoughts and prayers for you and your family.
  8. dkbk

    dkbk High-Roller

    Jun 17, 2003
    Yardley, PA
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    Sorry to hear about your Mom. It won't do either of you any good if you don't take a break now and then. A couple nights in Vegas will do you a world of good.
  9. Typhinie

    Typhinie Tourist

    Dec 5, 2003
    Los Angeles, CA
    Thanks fro everyones kind thoughts and prayers. I am stll torn. I just talked to the girls I am going with and they are all OK with me just staying one night if I have to. I have gotten the OK from everyone either way. It just puts me in a bad situation. I think the only way I feel comfortable leaving, is if it;s only for one night. So, I'm definatly going, just a matter of how long...

    Thanks again, guys!
  10. Typhinie

    Typhinie Tourist

    Dec 5, 2003
    Los Angeles, CA
    Also... another thing that's holding me back from rebooking my flight is... Is coming home Monday night at about 8 any different than coming home Tuesday at 3?
  11. misterKeno

    misterKeno Guest

    Typh... my prayers are w/ you & your family. It sounds like a lot of us have circumstances w/ family & health concerns. I do also (not to take away from your concerns a & situation...), my mother is a cardiac patient and a ton of arthritis--moves around pretty darn slow. I always do a DEC trip... but in Dec 01-she went into hosp. In Dec 02-she went into hosp. In Dec 03-she went into hosp. We all decided (a few months back) that i oughta book up early Jan 05-------for 'fear' that DEC is jinxed on my mom.


    Heck, i'm T-9 & who knows if i'll go on mine. Life is day to day isnt it.

    Everything said above makes sense--and what you said makes sense--only you can made the decision. Oh, about the tues at 3 & Mon night at 8.... well, you have to do what you have to do. Hope you have an airline ticket that's flexible.

    Anyhoo--enough said. I'm sure you'll have a ton of karma w/ you. And, since you're a good person--you will need 3 suitcases. One for your clothes, and two empties-- FOR BRINGING BACK ALL THAT money. Woohoo.

    w/ kindness - & my prayers
  12. Typhinie

    Typhinie Tourist

    Dec 5, 2003
    Los Angeles, CA
    Thanks, MK.

    Well, I called SOuthwest and the Monday evening flight wasn't available any more and the only flight I could get out on Monday would be at 6:45 AM... which would be pointless to even go to Vegas for less than 24 hours. I decided to go and give myself a break. My Mom has a great support system, and if anything were to happen, LA is only a 45 minute flight away. I have faith in my family, in God, and the doctors that are taking care of her. Thanks for everyones concern. Happy New Year and I'll be sure to havy a CRAZY trip report when I get back!!!!!!!
  13. Coaster Kikky

    Coaster Kikky Tourist

    Jan 8, 2003
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thyph, have a wonderful trip!!! You deserve it, and I"m glad your mom is in caring and competent hands.
  14. vegasdrea

    vegasdrea Buckle Bunny

    Nov 29, 2004
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    [​IMG] Have a great trip and Happy New Year, I can't wait for you TR!!!
  15. tahoeden

    tahoeden Tourist

    Jun 21, 2002
    Lake Tahoe
    Enjoy your break and Happy New Year... [​IMG]
  16. milehiman

    milehiman VIP Whale

    Sep 21, 2002
    Scottsdale, AZ
    Enjoy your trip and have a great time

    [ December 31, 2004, 05:14 PM: Message edited by: milehiman ]
  17. blackjack

    blackjack Monkey!!

    Mar 28, 2003
    North Coast
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Typh, trust me on this. You have made the right decision. Your mom is stable & recovering and you have full family support. Go - have fun - think about your mom in the many good ways your memory will allow & not the last couple of weeks that have been so difficult.

    Ok, that being said, here comes the kicker. When you get back, take advantage of the second chance that your mom has been given. Maybe even take her to Vegas when she is well (just don't ask her to keep up with you :rolleyes: ). I lost my father to sudden heart failure. He was only 57 & in great shape - non-smoker/social drinker. I was with him at a wedding reception when he was dancing one minute & well.... Anyway, sorry to bring this up but my point is that I wish I had that second chance. I would've loved to go to Vegas with him. I remember as a kid, he & my mom went once during the 70s. That's part of the reason that I love old Vegas nostalgia. He brought me home dollar coins from Dunes, Ceasar's, Stardust, Sands. etc. & now when I visit those places I can imagine my best friend in his glory playing blackjack in his polyester suit & I smile [​IMG] .
  18. Typhinie

    Typhinie Tourist

    Dec 5, 2003
    Los Angeles, CA
    Blackjack- I know I am VERY lucky to have my Mom. God has blessed her with another chance and I plan to take advantage of that. She is not only my best friend, but a great Mom. I would do anything for her and I think she's starting to know that. I would love to give her a trip to Vegas one day when she is up for it. She has been sour on Vegas though since she got kicked out of the Trop for "cheating". I guess when she was playing BJ she scraped her card too hard when saying "hit" and they thought she was marking cards.

    Thanks everyone for thinking I made the right choice. I am not so sure still but I'll make the best of things.
  19. YoungGun

    YoungGun VIP Whale

    Aug 4, 2003
    Southern California
    Hey I hope you have a great trip and that your mom will make a full recovery. I missed my December trip, but hopefully all the money I had planned on winning will end up going to you, because sometimes karma just owes you one.
  20. KathyinNY

    KathyinNY Tourist

    Jan 29, 2002
    Upstate New York
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I am assuming as I write this that you are in Vegas for at least one night.

    SHOCK wrote: (I can't figure out how to do the quote thing so I just cut and paste) I'm not going to tell you what to do in regards to Vegas, but I just want to send along my thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

    I sure do hope that you had a good time. You probably do not want to hear "another story" but I feel it should be told.

    My mother was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure in March 2004 and my family had planned a week vacation in Myrtle Beach, SC the 2nd week in April. I was not sure whether I was going to go or not because my Mom was still in the hospital. But a week before I went, she went into a rehabilitation facility. I asked my twin sister and my Mom if it was OK to go and yet I felt "guilty" but we went. Well I wished I had not gone. My Mom was well taken care of and my twin sister was there but I wasn't and I felt guilty the whole trip. I called every day and Mom was making progress and everything was going fine BUT I still felt guilty. When I came back home six days later the first thing I did was go see my Mom and I told her how I felt. She didn't want to be a burden to her "girls" as she called my sister and I but it wasn't Mom's fault. I made sure from then on out that I was there every moment I could be and I'm glad I did because she passed away July 23, 2004.

    If I could go back and do it again, I wouldn't have gone. If I had replied to this earlier I would have told you NO don't go but then again we are all different individuals with different circumstances, etc.
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