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ACG Coupon Question

Discussion in 'Las Vegas for the Frugal (not Cheap)' started by BarelyHangingOn, Nov 26, 2016.

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  1. BarelyHangingOn

    BarelyHangingOn VIP Whale

    Nov 16, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Friends of our decided to join us on our upcoming trip. They are Vegas veterans and have a places they enjoy visiting.

    If we went the Orleans first and used the freeplay coupon which entails joining up with a BConnected account that would nullify the 3 other New BConnected coupons. So it wouldn't be worth it.

    In regards to the other three coupons can three of turn them in at once say at the Fremont or would we have to go up one by one with the card to turn them in?
  2. Buddha

    Buddha VIP Whale

    Apr 3, 2012
    Chicago 'burbs
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    "BarelyHangingOn" .... Not sure if I completely understand your questions, but here's what I think .....

    #1 -- If you are signing up for a new "B-Connected" player's card, and you are given a sheet of 4 coupons (all different), you should be able to use all four of them.
    #2 -- In regards to the three coupons for the Fremont, you turn those in at the Fremont player's club, or to the buffet cashier, or to the waiter at the Cafe ... depending on what the coupon is for. Each person (separately) is allowed to turn in one of each type at each location.

    Hope this helps ... ???
  3. BarelyHangingOn

    BarelyHangingOn VIP Whale

    Nov 16, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thanks i reread my post and it's a little confusing.

    I have one book. There are three new BConnected Freeplay coupons one for the California, one for Fremont and one Main St Station. The three coupons are identical and have all three casino names on them. We will only be going to the Fremont. So can my wife and friend and I stand there and use them all at the same time or do we have to go up in shifts and pretend we have three books. Know what I mean?

    We were also planning on going to the Orleans and the Gold Coast as well. The Orleans coupon looks different and is not for new members but the Gold Coast one is. If I signed up there for the BConnected account the I assume I couldn't use the better Fremont one later. The Gold Coast one is for $5 in freeplay and the other ones are for $10.
  4. dbook

    dbook Low-Roller

    Aug 16, 2015
    Las Vegas, NV
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Hi BarelyHangingOn,
    I and my friend just got back from Vegas a few days ago. She has never had a bconnected card. We ate at MSS buffet and then she went to the player's club to get her new card. They never asked to see the card from the ACG book. She played her $25 and her $10 dollars of free play was available.
    I've used the ACG books for the past three years and the ONLY casino player's club that asked to see the card was the Tuscany.
    But you still might want to go to the desk one at a time, because the coupons say that they're not transferable. I don't know if they'd have a problem with that or not.
    Have a great trip!!!
  5. dbook

    dbook Low-Roller

    Aug 16, 2015
    Las Vegas, NV
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Actually - that coupon doesn't say anything about not being transferable, but the other coupons do - check the one above it.
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