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15 day Bus Pass

Discussion in 'Getting There & Getting Around' started by eaglejohn, Oct 11, 2016.

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  1. eaglejohn

    eaglejohn VIP Whale

    Feb 16, 2015
    st pete, fl
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I know we have discussed this before. Dewey being one of the best sources of info. Just seeing if anyone has used the 15 (or 30 day) on SDX and Deuce lately, and if any problem.
    Going for 14 days and looking to get 15 day senior pass for $17 each.
    Anyone had a problem using on the strip routes?
    I know you need to go to BTC to get ID, but can you get pass at Walgreens (downtown) and use bus to get there on that pass? Or can we just swipe pass on SDX and go there on that pass.
    I know pass is good for all other routes.
  2. glock77

    glock77 Low-Roller

    Jun 16, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I used the 15 day pass on sdx and deuce with no problems about two weeks ago. I used it multiple times over 10 days. The only thing I noticed is when you swipe the card, it emits 3 beeps. I noticed other cards only 1 beep. So I wonder if that alerts the driver you are using a reduced pass. But just like Dewey and many others have said there hasn't been any problem. I bought mine at BTC and woman said not good on sdx or deuce. Technically it is only for residents, so the driver would have to ask for your I'd showing address, and no one does that.
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  3. Corinne

    Corinne Low-Roller

    Apr 25, 2012
    Bucks, UK
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I was hoping to do that too in November but does that mean as a U.K. Citizen we won't be eligible? Don't want the hassle of going there and being told 'no can do'. I don't recall seeing in the RTC website that the senior pass is just for locals but maybe I missed that. Anyone know please?
  4. weas

    weas Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Vegas Deals

    May 27, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I rode the SDX last week did not have the 15 day reduced fare but I noticed on there screen that tells you info that reduced fare passes are not good on SDX as there are already discounted.
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