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A bunch of trips since the Bad Ending Gambling Trip

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by CVG2LAS, Apr 19, 2014.

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  1. CVG2LAS

    CVG2LAS Tourist

    May 8, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    My Trip Report

    My last report was from my November trip --- the bad gambling situation where I was up $20k after several nights, and finished down $27k +. A horrible, degenerate, $50k swing. As I mentioned back then, $50k was a number big enough to generate plenty of self-loathing.

    I received quite a bit of positive feedback from that report, probably because gamblers here just “get it”. Also, maybe everyone loves a good train wreck? One of my gambling friends read the report and said “good story, but you needed to go into more detail on the last night massive downswing”. Ok, more details about the train wreck. I’ll keep that in mind when I crash and burn again.

    So this report might not be as interesting to read, but it was certainly more interesting to live. Because ever since that disaster trip, I have been on an improbable gambling-and-winning tear, in Vegas and out.

    It started about 6 weeks after the disaster, when I reluctantly visited my local casino (Horseshoe Cincinnati) for an “Xmas” lunch with some work friends. Lunch turned into afternoon drinks, which turned into some Black Jack. I was not psychologically ready for this return.

    Looking at my past, after experiencing the big losses, my “healing” takes longer than 6 weeks. Though I have never had losses this large, I have had losses that gave relatively the same level of pain, for whatever reasons. I have been a gambler for more than 20 years, and it has happened occasionally. “It” being a loss that burns, impacts mood, feels stupid vs. recreational, and makes a future gambling seem about as exciting as going to the dentist for a root canal. I would say the recovery process is more like 6 months.

    Just for fun, here are some things I have done during this period:
    • Initially continue my Vegas Derailed Diet to excess. Comfort my soul by eating and drinking whatever I want. After a couple weeks of that, I switch gears and take my exercise & diet program to a level of perfection.

    • Save money like a fiend until my balances are higher than before the loss (that was a lot tougher to do 15 years ago).

    • Talk about the loss with others, particularly my buddy who is kind of my gambling kindred spirit.

    • Dive into other activities that are enjoyable to me.

    • Travel to places other than Vegas.

    • One time in a fit of anger, I threw away all most gambling books. No, actually I sold them to a ½ price bookstore for pennies on the dollar. How therapeutic (sarc). I regret that.

    Some things I do during this period to make my wife forget:

    • Buy her a new Mercedes. (Done.)

    What I don’t do is make empty promises like “I am never gambling again”. At least I don’t say that anymore. Because I know myself. Though it has come and gone over the years, Gambling is part of who I am, for all the reasons its part of who so many are. Living life perfectly is boring. Gambling can be viewed as an imperfection. I view as one of the spices you can add to life. For it to be an experience, I have to play enough that I feel it, at least a little, win or lose.

    But jumping back in, just 6 weeks after the big Reversal loss, that was hard for me. It certainly wasn’t my idea. It certainly wouldn’t have occurred had I not lived in a city with a new casino that has great food options. But that’s where this lunch meeting was planned, and had been for some time. Then when the drinks started, the thought of playing seemed reasonable. But I do remember feeling physically nervous walking up to that table, recalling that last time I played, and lost all control (and an endless quantity of purple chips). I formed a plan: lower stakes (red and green chips, no black and purple), limited access to funds (no credit line here), and less aggressiveness. Just a fun, little, no pressure, gaming session.

    Wouldn't you know, I won $2.3k in about 90 minutes. I was never down. My first bet was $20. My biggest bet was $150. It was the type of session where every split worked out, every double down went my way whether I got the face card or not, and the dealer never had BJ when they checked behind an Ace. Had I been playing higher stakes, it certainly would be been closer to $15k - $20k. But unlike Ichikawa in “Casino”, winning at lower stakes didn’t bother me. I just wanted a fun win. No, I just wanted normal, controlled session. I got more. And that little win moved the healing process right along, psychologically opening up the door to play again.

    Over New Years, we went on a Carnival Cruise, with the kids. We dropped those little guys at “Camp Carnival” a few of the nights, and hit the casino. My wife and I combined to win $3,500.00 on a variety of BJ, Craps, and 3 card poker. (Despite the max bet being $300, my “action” earned us a free cruise, which we will take this summer).

    After that cruise, the other winning session, and some great financial wins in regular life (job and stock market), I was living at 100%. And I was back to carrying around roll of $2k or so, something other people think is weird.

    Post cruise, on January 7, I went to Vegas for work for 1 night. It honestly felt weird again, sort of like returning to the scene of the accident. So I guess I wasn’t completely healed. So I decided to stay “off strip” at a non-casino hotel – the JW Marriott. Little did I know there would be a casino attached. But I didn’t play. I went to bed at 8 PM, staying on east coast time. Break Even. The next morning, I went to the airport fresh as a daisy, which in itself felt weird. I don’t think I’ve ever left Vegas in any state other than Zombie-mode. It’s actually a pretty nice airport in the morning, when you have slept. Who knew.

    Then I had more sessions:
    January 19th, Horseshoe Cincinnati with the Wife: Went down $2k at BJ, but kept firing and left the table up $1k. Then won $1.5k at Craps on 1 roll. Then went back to BJ, and wife and I won another 2.5K. Left up $5k. That's three winning sessions in a row, and I am back to loving gambling.

    Feb 12, Blackhawk in Denver with a work friend: Lost $250 after 2 hours of green chip play. Fun area of petite casinos themed like a mining town, table games are “cute” with max bets of $100. Losing $250 felt the same as breaking even. I am such a responsible gambler!

    Feb 16: Horseshoe Cincinnati, with 2 other couples. Lost $2700.00 BJ. Had big, multi bottle of wine, dinner at Binion’s Steakhouse. The food, company, and conversation were great. Afterwards, I quickly lost another $2k at BJ. So, I did a Cash Advance (no fees if you are Diamond!) for $2k. Wife and other couples were probably getting nervous for me at that point. But I quickly turned that $2k into $8,300. Then played some $5 WOF slots, hit some bonus spins. Left Casino up $2700.00 My dangerous confidence in comebacks has been re-established.

    Feb 26: 2 nights at Cosmopolitan Las Vegas for a work celebration. Back to ground zero, the place where the $50k disaster really happened. But I was fortified by my recent wins and new commitment to discipline (yea right). I was also excited by my marketing offer that included $2575 in free play (I normally receive $1k or so, so I guess how much you win or lose does matter)
    The quick notes from that trip:
    • Night 1 had dinner with 12 of our team at STK in a private room. $2500 minimum. We had to order heavy to hit that, but very fun.
    • Post dinner, was playing in the HL room. Frank Thomas was at the next table over.
    • Night 1 I went down $5k, but ended up $3k. Went to bed at midnight (responsible!).
    • My $2575 in promo chips only yielded $200! Bad. I’ve determined that I really detest these plain looking, 1 time use promo chips. They feel ugly, dusty, and unlucky.
    • My wife arrived for the 2nd night. I was proud to show her a win, and control (via luck), from night 1.
    • We went to LOVE with the group of work friends. Gambled that night, won another $2k on Craps and BJ.
    • Wife spent a bunch of points at the Cosmo stores, again.
    • Escaped Cosmo up $5k, including spending. Felt amazing. 5 hours of play at an ave bet of $400 or so. That's wasn’t thrilling for my host, but he still comped all my f&b except the big $2500 dinner (which was not expected anyway).

    March 16: Back at Horseshoe Casino, with wife. Fully recognize that we are here too often now. But why not, I keep winning?! Its 5 minutes from our house, and I am up over $30k here since it opened last year. And on this trip I won $4k on BJ and Slots.

    I do not write all this to be braggy, and I hope it does not come off that way. But the % of nights where I have ended up positive has been quite high, ever since my big downfall trip. And I was constantly winning before that big loss trip. The Gambling Gods have been shining on me for some time, with one exception. But at that point, they have me fully lured me back in.

    So, I was feeling fantastic going into my most recent Vegas trip, full of confidence, stacks of hundreds, and eagerness. In other words, the perfect set up for another disaster. I’ll post that next……..

    Attached Files:

  2. bighead1970

    bighead1970 High-Roller

    Feb 13, 2006
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Can't wait to read the next part. Congrats on the recent winning streak
  3. RiddickBull

    RiddickBull VIP Whale

    Oct 20, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    "Some things I do during this period to make my wife forget:

    • Buy her a new Mercedes. (Done.)"

    The power of wives. It's funny to witness. Many of my friends are under this spell too. Lol.
  4. Pizzaman

    Pizzaman Low-Roller

    Mar 20, 2013
    Gilbert AZ.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nice report. What a roller coaster ride. Congrats. :cool:
  5. johnnyd75

    johnnyd75 Tourist

    Mar 18, 2013
    Houston, TX
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Great to hear you're back in the saddle. After the huge swing you chronicled, I'm happy to hear that you are dipping your toe in the water. Come on in, the water is nice and warm :wave:!
  6. CVG2LAS

    CVG2LAS Tourist

    May 8, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Ha Ha! Now I feel guilty for writing that. My wife didn't need anything to feel better about my gambling. But getting her a new car was part of making me feel better.

    Regardless of that, you are right. I am one of those under a spell. And it is an awesome way to live (for me). But then, I found the 1 in a million with her.
  7. breanna61

    breanna61 Super Moderator

    Aug 6, 2008
    Ontario, Canada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Awwwwwwwww; you're a nice guy! I am happy to hear the tide has turned for you. It was painful to read about the beating you'd taken. Looking forward to a happy ending (I hope). I'm a sucker for a happy ending!
  8. Jerseyguy

    Jerseyguy MIA

    Sep 6, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Hope you make it back

    Sounds like you have the resorses and or income to weather the storm so the best of luck and thanks for being honest .
  9. dvandentop

    dvandentop VIP Whale

    Sep 16, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Wow what a ride. Will be following
  10. Spivderman

    Spivderman Macallan 17, please!

    Mar 1, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    What was your host expecting?

    I was curious what your host was expecting on that two night trip. $400 for 5 hours for a two night trip where part of it is business immediately following a huge swing loss does not seem unreasonable at all. What did your host want, $500 for 8 hours?
  11. CVG2LAS

    CVG2LAS Tourist

    May 8, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    It's a good question. I dove into that in the next report - posting tomorrow.
  12. CVG2LAS

    CVG2LAS Tourist

    May 8, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Vegas Trip March 21, 22, 23…….then back for the 25th, Cosmopolitan and Paris

    This trip was to celebrate a friend’s wife’s 30th birthday party. The core trip was Fri – Sun in Vegas, returning on the red-eye Sunday night. But this trip had an add on, in that I had to go to Memphis for a meeting on Monday, and go back to Vegas for another meeting on Tuesday, this time at Paris. Not just any meeting, a meeting where I had to give a hour presentation. Normally I try to have at least a couple days off after any personal Vegas trip. I go pretty hard there, and win or lose it takes a lot of rest for me to successfully compete “re-entry” into normal life. But on this trip, I wouldn’t have that opportunity, I would have to use lots of airplane time to catch up on sleep.

    The group consisted of 6 couples, some from home and some from Colorado. As usual, the group included several of my favorite gambling friends, as well as a few Newbs. 4 of the couples flew together on the same flight out of CVG at 8:00 on a Friday night. So the fun started early, pre-flight, at the airport Wolfgang’s. Then it continued on the flight. We were all pretty tuned up by the time we landed.

    My host at Cosmo (who I think is super cool) was kind enough to book a stretch limo to accommodate all of our luggage and us. One of the pleasures of being a junior member of Comp World is that sometimes you can share your amenities with friends who are not familiar with Vegas and special service. This short limo ride was one example. Another is when I traded my wrap around suite for the room that the birthday couple was staying in. The truth is that I like the terrace suites just as much as the wrap arounds. But the birthday girl loved it, and that made me feel good.

    Night 1:

    The group gathered around 10:30 at the Queue Bar. For some reason, I spend more time at Queue Bar more than any other at the Cosmo. I am not sure why. Maybe its because they stock “Bubble” vodka. We have a tradition that our first drink is always Sugar Free Red Bull and Bubble Vodka. I know, it sounds weird. But it’s good. But we ended up having drinks there for an hour or so before the gamblers broke off for a variety of table games and slots.

    • Started by putting $400 into the $25 WOF machine the Cosmo has. On the 3rd pull, hit the bonus spin for $1500. Nice way to start. As I usually do with any slot, we Hit and Run.

    • Put $500 into the .25, 50-play VP machine. I think this game is particularly addictive. Its fun to watch and listen to the hands play out – dink, dink, dink, dink, DINK, dink. Or watch the colors. If you’ve played, you know what I mean. Lost that.

    • Sat down at a $300 BJ table in high limit. Won $4k. Last bet was $2k ($1k doubled down), and I lost. I had a 19 vs. a 6. Bummer, but I got up with a solid win. I’ve won so frequently in the last few months, it doesn’t feel like a surprise. I don’t mind getting up after a big losing hand when I am still up for the table.

    • At 2 am our group re-convened at the Wrap Around suite for champagne. I campaigned to get everyone in a limo and head downtown for Low Limit Craps. I was not successful. I guess some people like to get some sleep.

    • So I went to bed at 2 am, up $5k. Getting to this early starting position seems to happen every trip in the last couple years. It felt great, but of course, I know too well that its fragile. My demons can come out at anytime, particularly at Cosmo. Winning means nothing until the trip is over, and I was far from that.
  13. CVG2LAS

    CVG2LAS Tourist

    May 8, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Day and Night 2

    Both the wife and I woke up Super Hung Over. Maybe because we drank about 10 different types of drinks the night before? Including several sugary Moscow Mules (sans Copper Cup though). But as always, waking up with an extra stack of hundreds feels great. sfmule2-1.jpg

    We met some of the group at the pool’s Overlook Grill for breakfast. The hangover was quickly chased away via Low Juice content Mimosa’s. The weather was perfect, and our table fostered lots of fun conversation. God, every hour of Vegas is fun. I ordered some sort of hash, and recall it being good. We lingered for a couple hours, enjoying champagne and stories.

    In the early afternoon, we meet up with many of the group again at Chino Poblano. This has become our favorite lunch spot in Vegas. It turned into another multi-hour, several foam margarita experience. I was feeling great. However, after the prior big night and the morning early drinks, my trooper wife was ready for a nap, and headed upstairs. While I hit the tables hard.

    From 3pm – 6pm I played high stakes BJ. $400 a hand. I quickly went from Up $5k, to down $5k. Then I borrowed $2k from my friend, who was up, and quickly lost that. Then I tapped my marker (gulp) for $2k. Luckily, I turn that $2k into $16k. Enough to pay my friend, my marker, my original $5k, and put me at $7k to the good. That feels a lot better than $9k down. I was definitely skirting with danger, because I was in “I don’t care” about losing mode. But as it has happened so often lately, I hit a streaky good patch and ended up a winner. It was fun to head up to the room to get ready for the night and show my wife the stacks of c notes’s.

    I was able to once again go into an awesome Saturday Night with lots of Extra Vegas Money. Winning $ is a drug for me. Some sort of stimulant, a euphoria? But I was now in a good mood regardless of my physical state. Unfortunately, the same was not true for my wife. She was having a tough time getting out of bed.

    The group of 12 plus one of Vegas friends met at 7:30 at Comme CA for dinner. Very cool table, room and views. Unfortunately, the wife was continuing to struggle, and had to go leave dinner before ordering, and head back to the room. At this point, we think she is fighting the flu or something. It was a bit of a bummer. But I carried the party on with the remaining folks. I was pretty buzzed by the time dinner came (heck, I was pretty buzzed all day), but over all it seemed the food was only “good”. No-one felt it was outstanding.

    Post dinner with a full belly and my perfect buzz, I retrieved my wife who was still struggling but determined to make it out that night.

    As we have done in many of our recent trips, the 12 of us walk over to Hyde at Bellagio. My friend who works there gets us a table right overlooking the fountains. We are there early, right when they open. Its fun to be there before it gets too crowded, and you can really enjoy the amazing fountain views. My friend arranged for us to have a prime table: 6489700-0-4.jpg

    We spent about 3 hours drinking, dancing, and laughing. We went thru 2 bottles of Grey Goose, my friend had given us BOGO. One of the friends picked up the whole tab.

    We think Hyde is great, not only because of our connections. Because it is within walking distance of Cosmo, has the fountain views in the background, and is just the right size. Feels safer than the mega clubs. It also acts as a lounge before turning into a club at (10:30).

    We leave around 1 AM and head back to the Cosmo. My wife goes right to bed (of course), and I head back down for some bigger gambling with 2 others.

    Late night gambling is my favorite. Usually I have had enough cocktails that I have no fear, just thrills. From 1:30 AM to 2:30 AM, my 2 friends and I played BJ on one of the best tables of my gambling career. There were 5 people total on that table, and each one of us won, and won big. Its blurry, and I can’t remember all the highlights, but it seemed the dealer busted for an entire shoe. . When I left that table, I was up over $18k . I wish I took pictures of the chips. The only reason why I know this is I can check my text messages to my gambling buddy back home.

    Here is a picture of one of the hands, not mine but my friend who is to my left. But this hand shows a typical swing hand in BJ. My friend had been winning and worked his bet up to $1200 or so. I don’t remember this exactly, but it looks like he split 4’s (hmm, not sure about that strategy) against a dealer’s bust card, and then had a double down with a 9. And it looks like most of his remaining money is now “in play”, with only $200 to spare. The dealer busted, and paid him off on all hands (but the payoffs are tough to decipher in this pic). So instead of being close to the felt, he now has $7-8k. Big Swing. Heart Racer. High-Fiver. And it was just one hand in a session that was full of great big hands and streaky wins. photo3.jpg

    Then from 2:30 – 5 AM, the 3 of us bounced around the hi-limit slot room, pooling our money and playing $5 or $25 slots. We hit for 4k on the same $25 WOF machine. I know this began around 2:30 AM, because the wife who turned 30 went to Secret Pizza, ordered a whole cheese to go, and brought it to us in the hi-limit room. We were all surprised that Secret Pizza was open at 2:30. But it was, and we enjoyed a little wasted, up a lot of money, pizza party right there in the high limit room……while we played pooled-money 50 play VP. Does it get any better than that? I went to bed at 5 AM, happy. And up even more. By my drunk calculations and text update to my friend, I went to bed up $19,600.
  14. tkriger

    tkriger Tourist

    Aug 18, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nice series of trips.

    I was at the Cosmo last week - next time you eat at the Overlook for breakfast, try the Loco Moco, its a Hawaiian dish - awesome here. Garlic fried rice, eggs (I get them scrambled), and a well seasoned hamburger patty covered in awesome brown gravy. Got it twice in the 4 nights I was there.
  15. CVG2LAS

    CVG2LAS Tourist

    May 8, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Sunday and Bonus Day

    I woke up around 9 am to the sound of room service being delivered via my wife. Apparently the 13 hours of sleep she received on Saturday had led to a full recovery, and she was feeling great. She had also already spied my impossible tall stack of hundreds on the night stand, so she knew that we were still in a good place gambling-wise.

    Honestly, I had trouble getting my arms wrapped around it. It was earily similar to what happened on the last disaster trip. Up the most ever, but with one more night to go. Only this time I had one night outside of Vegas “in between” that current point and the last night. Plus I had all day Sunday. We had reserved our room thru Monday so that we wouldn’t be homeless while waiting for the Red Eye.

    As I was replaying the night before and recalculating win status, my wife remembered that I had given her $1600 at one point during the prior day. I have no idea when. But that meant that we were up over $21k, more if you include all other spending. It felt like it was just raining $.

    Thinking about all my recent wins, and this big win, I realized that if I stopped playing right then, I would be almost all the way back from the Big Loss night – everything I lost and most of what I had won before losing. Full satisfaction. Of course, there was no way I could stop playing completely. But I did the usual commitment to avoid playing the biggest stakes. And we lined up some things to do that day that didn’t involve gambling.

    The first thing we did was book a couples massage / facial. “Yes, they had an apt available in an hour.” Great. $750 with tip? Sounds reasonable.

    I texted my host to see if I had played enough to earn any “consideration”. I didn’t get a response. So I swung by the Host table. They had rated me at 5 hours of play at $600 a hand and up $29k. I definitely wasn’t up $29k, and I hadn’t gambled anywhere else that trip, so that was weird. I also felt that I gambled a lot longer than 5 hours. Thinking about this trip and the prior trip, I guess that I have adopted some sort of hit and run style, where I used to grind it out for longer periods. I probably spend a lot more time messing around with slots and VP, and laughing with friends. I remember in the early days, I could play for 10 hours straight.

    Anyway, the couples therapy was fantastic. And took me far down the path of recovery.

    After that, we did some shopping, spending $2k on clothes over at the forum mall.

    The rest of the day included visiting some friends over at the Paris (who were in town for the same conference that I would be returning for), some lighter back and forth gambling, napping, and hanging out at various Cosmo bars. Nothing remarkable, a few small wins, and we left that night at the High Point of the trip. I did use the Japanese soaking tub, the one that overlooks the fountains, and I enhanced my view by putting this on the ledge: photo.jpg

    Tuesday Bonus Day

    So I had escaped with my big win, but had to turn around and go right back. I gave my wife $17k to bring home. She was nervous about that. She also got to experience all the quizzical looks that one receives when they go to the bank and deposit 170 one hundred dollar bills

    My Monday was exhausting. I took the red-eye all the way to Memphis. I had a couple of hours to crash, then it was full on work mode thru the evening. After 5 hours sleep, I was up and on the way back to Vegas Tuesday morning. Any other trip, and I am not sure I would make it. But I was still riding the high from the big win, and I was looking forward to one more night of fun (after I got thru my presentation).

    I landed and headed to Paris to check in. Though I have a lot of play with Caesars because of my local casino, I did not use a host to make the reservation. I just booked it online.

    I used the Diamond desk to check in, and I was surprised with the room they gave me. Or, maybe that's just all the rooms in Paris. It was pretty old, tired, and almost gross – particularly in the bathroom. If it wasn’t close to my meeting, I would have left right then. But I showered and went down to give my presentation. I got thru that, went back to my room, packed, and trekked over to Cosmo. I couldn’t get a hold of my host, so I didn’t even bother getting a room. Another meeting attendee (and close personal friend who gambles) was staying there, and I decided to just crash on his couch.

    I also realized at this point that I had never officially checked out with my host for my weekend trip. So after dinner I hunted him down in the host office, and had a very interesting exchange, including a glance at my player spreadsheet

    • I have stayed at the Cosmo 7 times in the last 2 years
    • Other than the one big losing trip, I have won or broke even the other 6 visits
    • I am up significantly as a player – I don’t know much exactly. I wanted to take a pic of the sheet, he claimed he would be fired if he allowed that.
    • My “hours played” in my last 3 trips has dropped by ½, and that makes it difficult for the host to comp me beyond the marketing offers.
    • I played about 6 hours at $500 a hand. Thats only 2 hours per day (even though I left at 9:30 PM on Sunday) In past trips I have been closer to 3 – 4 hours a day.
    • But he was able to comp $800 of my weekend's total room charges, which were originally $1500 including $800 at the spa (and that's after an automatic $400 dining credit). I bought a lot of drinks and food!
    • The host warned that my future marketing offers will probably decline.

    So, all that is left was the last night. I just had avoid getting engaged with a big black jack battle, and turning a huge win into a disaster. Besides sending my wife home with most of the winnings, I took one unique measure, and told my buddy, who is a bit larger than me, that he had the legal right to officially yank me away from any potential major downfall using any means necessary. I was serious, and he was too.

    I am pleased that it never got to that point. Believe it or not, we played a lot that night, and won more. We never played big stakes BJ. But we played just about every other game, with a heavy emphasis on craps. My very last roll was the best. I actually hit the All Small with $25 on it (and $5 for the dealer). And I was only box cars away from the All Tall and All All. Had the 12 arrived I would have made an extra $5k. I don’t play those “feature bets” that often, but now I am hooked. But to even get that close meant that I was winning on lots of numbers, and the winning session was good for a $3k profit.

    I closed out the best trip ever at my absolute highest point. More than a $26k win. I feel very lucky. Its been a great run.

    Thanks for reading.
  16. wellmel

    wellmel Low-Roller

    Mar 18, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Crazy winning streak! Nice!
  17. zoey11

    zoey11 Mid roller and Vegas fanatic

    Jan 12, 2011
    Las Vegas
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Wow! Nice wins and hope they keep coming for you!
  18. breanna61

    breanna61 Super Moderator

    Aug 6, 2008
    Ontario, Canada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I told ya I'm a sucker for a happy ending! I was almost holding my breath hoping this trip had one. Congratulations!!
  19. sweetcanadian

    sweetcanadian High-Roller

    Jul 16, 2013
    Manitoba canada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    i would never ever have the kind of money you do to gamble or even live life but i am going to touch on something you said in your first post.

    "i hope to not come across as bragging" or something to that affect. The style in which you write the reports come across as exact opposite. You don't sound braggish what so ever! Of course i wish i could do what you do BUT i am not jealous. The way you write it does not make one envious, or at least not me, though i do wish my husband could buy me a new car (he does buy me cars, but they are a used and least 10 years old lol).

    I enjoyed your report :)
  20. Julie888

    Julie888 VIP Whale

    Oct 7, 2008
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I just play ten line but I totally understand what you're saying about listening to the sounds. It's hypnotic.

    Have to try a Moscow Mule now. Had to see what was in it. I like ginger beer.

    Thanks for writing. Winning does cast a magical spell.
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