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Children in Vegas...when is bedtime?

Discussion in 'Misc. Vegas Chat' started by Starz22, Mar 28, 2013.

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  1. Starz22

    Starz22 Low-Roller

    Dec 27, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    On my last few trips to Vegas I have noticed children everywhere. Last I heard,Vegas was the adult playground. I have gotten yelled at while sitting on the strip people watching. A family came and sat down next to me....I'm talking about a dad with a kid strapped to his chest...a mother with a kid on her back...one in a stroller and one hanging on to the stroller. They exchanged words with each other and then the husband asked me if I wouldn't mind moving away from them...to take my alcohol and cigarettes away from their children!!??? I was like WTF? I was there 1st with friends...there were other places they could sit...and my biggest bitch? It was like 2am!! Why the heck did they have 4 children up at 2 in the morning? I was annoyed and did move away.
    Another example...Myself and friends were watching the Bellagio fountains...already started...a "family" pushed in behind us and the mother was very rude and said " I have kids here! Can't this be a non-smoking area? Jesus Christ!"
    Again I was like wtf? I was annoyed...I said I'm smoking outside...you want a smoke free environment go inside the casino away from the slot machines. OR maybe put the kids to bed and come back later.It's a big space...move away.

    Anyway...I guess I'm wondering why so many parents drag their kids to Vegas and make it everyone else's problem. I see so many families walking the strip with children at 1-2 even 3am. When is it my time to just have fun and not worry about watching out for other peoples children?
    Yes I have kids...No I don't bring them to Vegas with me. If I want to hang with my kids at a pool all day I can find it cheaper closer to home.
    And also...these parents think it's ok to bring their kids to an expensive restaurant while they scream and yell...run around the place (so tired all they do is cry)...ruining my experience. I want an upscale,quiet dining experience...But yet I have no right to enjoy that. Why take 5 kids under the age of 10 anywhere but McDonalds?

    Sorry for such a long rant...but things like this happen to me almost everytime I'm in Vegas. Take you'r kids to bed!:grrr:
  2. Vegas Insight

    Vegas Insight MIA

    Mar 29, 2004
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I am not a parent, so according to a narrow-minded martyr I know, I'm not qualified to comment on raising children.

    That said, I remember watching parents walking their kid(s) down the strip at 1:30 a.m. on a Monday morning several years ago. Not sure if there was more than one, but I distinctly remember one child, approximately 5, walking while holding a parent's (presumably) hand.

    A few years ago I remember watching a woman carrying her baby through the food court at Orleans at approximately 2:15 a.m.

    Children have irregular schedules, especially babies, but when you subject children to such conditions, how does that improve their chances at becoming well educated, focused individuals?

    I was astonished at how some people defended a parent's right to take a 6-month-old child to a midnight screening of last summer's Batman movie. I don't care if there was a mass shooting at the theater or not, there's no need/excuse. But again, I'm not a parent, so my opinion is invalid. I guess I need to procreate in order to determine its irresponsible to subject a child to odd hours, loud noise and flashing lights.

    It's not my place to tell people how to raise their children, but it troubles me that so many people in the United States seem to be so irresponsible about raising a child.

    It's a Jerry Springer society, and I'm glad I'm not introducing any children into it.
  3. Starz22

    Starz22 Low-Roller

    Dec 27, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I don't believe you need to be a parent to understand this. I agree with ...why do you need to take a 6 month old to a midnight movie. Unless the child sleeps through it,why make others suffer for it? You are the parent...it's your JOB to tend to your childs needs.Too bad you can't be at the premiere ...you will see it...at your expense...not the adults who can be there w/o kids.

    Why do we have to bow down to the people who bring their kids where they really don't belong? I'm sorry...but your 5 kids under 10 years old really have no reason to be on the strip in Vegas. Not at 1-2-3 or even 4am.Why should I feel bad for what I might be doing?
  4. Starz22

    Starz22 Low-Roller

    Dec 27, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I dont get that your saying why so many in the USA are irresponsible ...The issues I have dealt with were from people from other countries. Don't tell me I'm wrong for having my kids out at 2am....How dare you! I'm dragging my 5 kids behind me...they are crying and out of control....HUM...maybe they need to go to bed? Sorry...I don't get where you are coming from.
    I get yelled at in another language...scolded and pointed at...I do believe I am the adult?!!
  5. tatterdema

    tatterdema VIP Whale

    Nov 10, 2001
    Seattle WA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I always shake my head at this as well. Fremont Street is many times over run with toddlers in strollers, strapped to people, or just running around tripping people, well after the midnight hour. In my experience, it usually is not parents with 1 child, but ones who have MANY children. It seems the parents who only have 1 child maybe DO take parenting serious, but after the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th in as many years, the novelty wears off and they just incorporate their kids into whatever they wish to do.

    BUT, I am not qualified to comment either. No kids, just helped raise my neices and nephews to be well mannered, well adjusted kids. Nope, they were never out on the streets after midnight that I am aware of, even when on vacation.

    And why would someone would take a 6 month old to Batman at any hour, let alone midnight.
  6. chuckM

    chuckM Low-Roller

    Mar 29, 2011
    Central NY
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Kids do not belong in Vegas. Gentlemen's clubs do not belong in Disneyland. Seems pretty simple to me.
  7. katmu

    katmu Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    I do have kids, although they are 20 and 21 now. I never considered taking my kids to Vegas when they were younger, just as I would never have considered taking them to a movie at midnight as babies. In terms of nicer restaurants, they were probably in junior high before we started taking them. Before that it was more fast food (not a fan of McDonalds), casual restaurants or takeout.

    I cringe every time I see little kids out in Vegas, whether on the Strip or on Fremont, especially late at night. If I can see that your kids are miserable why can't you?
  8. bswim

    bswim High-Roller

    Jan 22, 2013
    Western WA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I worked swing shift for many years (been on graveyard for a few months now). I'd stop at the store on my way home from work usually, you'd be amazed how many people are out with little kids at 1-2am.
  9. kel3420

    kel3420 VIP Whale

    Jun 13, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Have you considered the time difference? I will weigh in in kids in Vegas later, lol
  10. C0usineddie

    C0usineddie VIP Whale

    Jun 7, 2011
    San Diego
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Kids dont bug me invegas.

    There are people from all over the world there so who is to say they are not from some far off place and not used to the time change.

    If they told me to move my booze away then they would most likely not be pleased with the results.

    Hassling smokers is a national past time now, everyone seems to think they have more rights then smokers do, even in a smoking lamp lit type place like vegas sad to say.
  11. Username

    Username VIP Whale

    May 5, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Next time just ask the parent if it's OK to give the kids some candy cigarettes....after they are in VEGAS...and if they say yes, tell them your headed to a strip bar and ask if they all would like to join you....you could tell them they have now have a Mickey Mouse there that pole dances and strips...the kids will love it.....LOL

    I agree......kids belong in Disney.......but parents now a days are VERY selfish and self centered.....
  12. engicedave

    engicedave VIP Whale

    Aug 27, 2005
    I am not one on the "No kids in vegas, ever" bandwagon. I have no issue with people taking their kids to Vegas. We were invited to a wedding in LV, so we brought our kids. At that time, they were like 9, 14 & 15, so no strollers or carriers. We did not have them out at 3am and essentially tried to keep them on some schedule, but a bit later than usual, it was a vacation of course.
    Remember, LV is more than the strip.We took the kids to Hoover Dam, Red Rock, out to Primm to ride Desperado (and being from Florida, my kids have never seen a desert) and other things around the area.
    As for the smoking thing, I am a former smoker (7 yrs now) and I think it's crap when people come to you and expect you to stop for them. You were there first, they can move along or deal with it, especially outside. It's crap.

    I don't understand the kids out at 3am thing, but do understand taking kids to Las Vegas
  13. Ezzy711

    Ezzy711 VIP Whale

    Jul 29, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Far be it from me to tell your kids where they can and cannot be or when they should sleep. You want to expose them to porn slappers and drunks knock yourself out. However, if you want your kids to be with you then make them behave, not just in Vegas but anywhere. What amazes me is the parents who allow their kids to run, scream or cry in public places. If I even so much as started whining my Mom or Dad would either give me "the look" or just take me outside or just take me home.

    Last October I was having my one fancy meal in Vegas. There was a table next to me with Grandparents, Parents and ONE child. The kid would whine or cry or otherwise be loud and all he got a was a "shhh" Did that work, hell no. They may be able to tune it out. I cannot. I sat there with my $20+ glass of wine trying to just relax after a long and loud day in the casino. Now I have to listen to this brat. I was greatful they were done with dinner half way through my entree.
  14. Joe Strummer

    Joe Strummer VIP Whale

    Apr 4, 2006
    It's not just in Vegas.....
    I saw two adults w/ an 8 yr old in
    Walmart in the check out line.
    It was 3 am.
  15. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    This is always a hot topic around here. It annoys me too. I was really tempted to go up to a woman I saw on FSE pushing a double wide stroller through the crowd, juggling two 3' tall drinks and ask her what she was thinking.

    Of course I was stumbly drunk and wearing a bright green cowboy hat, so maybe I wasn't the one to judge. :haha:
  16. Nevada Kid

    Nevada Kid VIP Whale

    Feb 26, 2002
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    For our family Vegas is the cheap place close to home. There have been many times I have taken my kids to Vegas, and many times I have not. For me (Southern CA) Vegas is the closest/cheapest place for me to take the family, and they have a great time swimming, buffets, Circus Circus, bowling, movies, etc. That being said, they are in bed between 9:00 and 11:00, and I don't take them to high end places. We also stay at locals places where there is a little more of a kick back attitude.

    A quick story though. One time when my oldest, was the only, and about 4, we were waiting in line at the Orleans buffet. She wandered from the line and headed toward a nice looking lady on a bench by the front of the buffet. My wife was in tow 4 or 5 steps behind. My daughter stopped and looked at the lady who happened to be smoking, and informed her that "smoking is gross." Now the funny part of the story was watching my wife veer off to the side as soon as the little one said it. All of a sudden it went from "I'm gonna grab my kid and take her back to the line," to "i'm just walking here and I have no idea who's kid that is." I could tell something was up and went and retrieved her, but that is still a story that gets passed around the house from time to time. The lady was not offended btw, and found some humor in my daughters blunt observation.
  17. sporty8705

    sporty8705 VIP Whale

    Mar 9, 2007
    Riverside County
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I live in CA and Vegas is the cheapest/ closest vacation spot for us. We go to Disneyland all the time and I like Vegas for all the ever changing stuff. My son went to Vegas at 5 months old, and has gone back at 14 months, 18 months, and next week again at 26 months. I also went to Vegas at young ages too. I have no issue with kids being in Vegas. That said I would never tell someone to not smoke or drink near my kid, because going to Vegas insinuates that there will be drinking and smoking all around. I also do not keep my kid up past his bedtime of 9pm either. I would have a problem with someone blowing smoke in his face purposely though. That has happened and they did it again and so I left.
  18. leo21

    leo21 VIP Whale

    Jan 9, 2010
    Chicago South Suburbs
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    On one trip I saw a kid so bleary eyed and barely able to stand at midnight. The parents had the nerve to blame his exhaustion on a big meal they just finished. Jackholes! It's bad enough to see kids out late but when they are clearly suffering and the parents won't put them to bed I just want to scream.

    As for the time difference thing, the majority of people I see out ridiculously late with kids are clearly American and have just not turned in for the night. And I can't think of a US time zone difference that would explain a kid not put to bed by the middle of the night. If their parents weren't trying to acclimate them to Vegas time, that would mean that they would be in bed even earlier.

    And yes, this does happen everywhere. But because at home, I generally go to bed at a decent hour and am not grocery shopping or out for fast food in the middle of the night, I don't usually see it. Considering how much sleep kids need, I hope more happens to educate new parents to make sure they do put their kids to bed at a decent hour. This is a contributing factor to the childhood obesity crisis, too.
  19. blackjacknut

    blackjacknut VIP Whale

    Nov 26, 2008
    Northeast Ohio
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    It's not the kids that bother me it's the bad parenting.....
  20. ken2v

    ken2v This Space For Rent

    Sep 18, 2003
    A nice place
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Tag it, bag it, sticky it and let's be done with it ... yet again!! :nworthy:
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