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Moral dilemma-what would you do?

Discussion in 'Non-Vegas Chat' started by Joe, Dec 3, 2012.

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  1. Joe

    Joe VIP Whale

    Sep 11, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    My wife calls me after she went on a Walgreens spending spree this morning.
    They had a senior (55+) 20% off day, plus she had points on her card for another discount.

    She guessed with all the things she purchased was about a $50 purchase. She gets out to the car and looks at the receipt and even though every thing was scanned, it only showed one item on the receipt for $14.85. She called and asked what should she do? (we do use that cell phone once in a while)

    My initial reaction is go back in and point out the error. Then I'm thinking, will that get the senior citizen cashier fired? It is probably about a $30 error.

    Then I'm thinking...well everything was scanned, so it must be their computer problem and not the cashier's fault, although she should have realized there was a problem with 3 bags of items and only $14.85.

    I'll tell you what we decided after I see some opinions. I'm just curious what others would do.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2012
  2. merlin

    merlin MIA

    Aug 1, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Looks like your lucky day. Since those items were scanned(as opposed to overlooked), I would not go back.
  3. Joe Strummer

    Joe Strummer VIP Whale

    Apr 4, 2006
    That day.............You won !
    I wouldn't bother going back in.
    I go to BJ's every weekend.
    I bought two, 12 packs of "Brooklyn Beers"
    for a tremendous discount.
    The first time I bought it ---
    the cashier scanned both 12 packs + I PAID DOUBLE !
    ( only suppose to scan one 12 pack )
    I didn't realize it until the following week ---( lost the receipt )
    I purchased it again, but saw the double charge on my recieipt.
    I ran into this problem several times in past weeks - but caught
    the error immmediately.
    Sometimes you win.....sometimes you lose.:evillaugh
  4. thecarve

    thecarve Misanthrope

    Aug 24, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Perhaps your wife could just go to the same cashier and point out the mistake to him/her. The two of them could figure out what wasn’t rung up correctly and take care of it that way. Then, Walgreen’s gets the money they are owed, you and your wife’s consciences are clear and the cashier doesn’t get in any trouble.

    If you’re not looking for actual advice and are merely asking what we would do…I suppose I would first do what I suggested above. If for some reason it wasn’t possible to keep management out of it, then I would just take the chance on the employee facing discipline. Unless something like this had happened with that employee in the past, I can’t imagine anything as serious as a firing would come of it. My guess is that the employee would get a tongue lashing (IMO, deservedly so) and be written up.

    All I know is that 15 years ago, I went to a Target to buy stuff for my new apartment at the time. I must have had $400-500 worth of crap in the cart. When the cashier told me the total, it was a big number. So, I really didn’t think about the fact that it was not nearly ‘big enough’. I think I was charged something like $200. The gal had missed some bookshelves and a vacuum cleaner, I believe – the mistake was at least $200.

    The Target wasn’t in my town though – I had traveled about an hour north to a bigger city to do some other shopping and just decided to hit their Target because I was in the area. So, I never bothered going back or trying to rectify the mistake in any way. And it literally still eats at me today – 15 years later. I worry about the cashier – could they have figured out what happened and fired her? But I also lamented my lack of honesty and the fact that I essentially took something for nothing. That little voice in your head can be a real bitch sometimes.
  5. DonD

    DonD VIP Whale

    Nov 5, 2004
    So Cal 91748
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I would think about it for a year or so before making my final decision.
  6. Joe

    Joe VIP Whale

    Sep 11, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Here's what transpired...She drives back to the store and goes in with just the receipt. Older cashier no where to be found, but she finds the manager and explains what happened. She tells my wife it is up to her if she wants to go back to the car and bring the items back in to be rescanned. They are having some problems with that register. WTF?

    So she goes back to the car, takes out one $10 item and goes back in with everything else, gets them rescanned and pays the difference. $32. The $10 item she didn't take back in she considered was for time and effort to drive back to the store and report their error.

    She was amazed at the attitude of the manager. It's "up to you" if you want to bring the items back in for rescan. Not even a thank you. She didn't do it for a thank you, but still....:poke:
  7. thecarve

    thecarve Misanthrope

    Aug 24, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Wow…makes me reconsider my first post! Heck, now I’d be thinking about finding that manager’s boss…nothing like costing your company money AND insulting a customer in one fell swoop!
  8. queuetee

    queuetee VIP Whale

    Jul 12, 2008
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I don't understand what you mean "that everything was scanned". There was nothing on the CRR but the one item? If they weren't scanned, I think the items going out the door would have triggered the scurity alarm. If that didn't happen, then they did get cleared by the scan machine.

    Between the SS discount and what she may have had with reward credits, would all that have taken off the $30? Of course if that happened, I would expect that there would be some kind of line on the CRR stating the discounts.

    Don't know what to say. Sounds like the cashier did her job by scanning the items. If one item took, it does seem strange that all the others did not.
  9. Joe

    Joe VIP Whale

    Sep 11, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    According to my wife, each item was scanned and beeped. Only when she got to the car did she look at the receipt and see that only one item was on the receipt, not the other ~15 things she bought. She of course realized there was something wrong with the total but walked out. That's where the dilemma kicked in. She called me from her next shopping stop to ask what I would do.
  10. sammasseur

    sammasseur VIP Whale

    Oct 25, 2009
    Salem Oregon
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    There could have been a problem with the register printer. That receipt may have belonged to the previous customer, but your wife was charged for all of her items? Check your credit card online statement.
  11. Joe

    Joe VIP Whale

    Sep 11, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nope, she was just charged for the one item. I did check the online CC when she called.
  12. Jerseyguy

    Jerseyguy MIA

    Sep 6, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    She did the right thing

    Not always the easy way ,and I honestly think some of these store people would just as soon let the stuff go rather than deal with another problem .
    Mrs. JG goes over the register tape like Scrooge when she returns from the grocery market and half the time she finds an error.
  13. JWBlue

    JWBlue VIP Whale

    Feb 24, 2010
    Irvine, CA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Most likely it was a computer error.

    I highly doubt the clerk will be fired.

    The store will be grateful. How many other times has it happened?

    True and absurd.

    No wonder this country is in the toilet.
  14. HoyaHeel

    HoyaHeel Grammar Police & Admin

    Feb 24, 2002
    North Carolina
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I always do it while I'm in the market - if there's an error, I want it fixed immediately, while I'm standing there with the items. For that reason, I really try to watch as things are being run up and hate when the bagger tries to make conversation with me as I'm trying to see how much the cashier is charging me for the kale (no ma'am, that is NOT the organic kale, charge me less please:rolleyes2:)
  15. queuetee

    queuetee VIP Whale

    Jul 12, 2008
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Well, I can't imagine how to explain this when one gets to the store. I would suggest your wife have her "script" written down when she starts to tell them what happened because the first three or four people are not going to understand that she want to PAY for things that left the store unpaid for. She is in for a long and maybe unpleasant time at the store if they do not believe that it happened as she says. My suggestion now that I have thought about it?? Let it go.
  16. runningonthehub

    runningonthehub VIP Whale

    Jul 3, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    If all of the items were scanned, there is a problem with the scanner. Having worked in retail many years, I know this is not uncommon. Many times the wrong prices are put into the system and customers ends up being undercharged or overcharged.
    Your wife checked her receipt. Just imagine how many people get overcharged and know nothing about it because they did not check their receipt.
    Your wife did nothing wrong. Just consider it her lucky day. At some point it time, she will be overcharged and not know it. Consider this her lucky day. Let it go. There are more important things to worry about.
  17. Joe

    Joe VIP Whale

    Sep 11, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    The manager's response bothered my wife, so when she got home, she emailed Walgreen's cooperate headquarters with both receipt numbers and an explanation of what happened.

    Now we'll see if she gets any kind of response.
  18. NeonTurtle14

    NeonTurtle14 I Run the Vegas Hotdog Stand

    Feb 13, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    If this was a mom&pop drug store I would have taken care of it before they had a chance to re-ring the items. But I typically have no problem sticking to the man in the big corporations who don't even notice when $30 goes by missing.
  19. kitson

    kitson VIP Whale

    Apr 20, 2004
    you and your wife are good people.

    my first guess was that you should check your credit card bill, it would be a shame to pay twice for the same items, just because the receipt given to your wife was the wrong one, or was not in synch with the actual proper charges getting put on the card.

    thinking about my local walgreen's, only, other than the pharmacists that would not have anything to do with this situation, i cannot think of one of them that i could go back in and explain the situation to! you could tell them, just couldn't tell them much...

    again, just in the local walgreen's i refer to, these people are somewhere between ---mart employees and the people from the prerelease center that can't wash dishes.
  20. hanoscf

    hanoscf High-Roller

    Jan 22, 2007
    NW Wisconsin
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I would have gone back a soon as I noticed it. If I owned the store wouldn't I want someone to come back and tell me that an error had been made? I also believe what goes around comes around.
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