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Solo or....

Discussion in 'Misc. Vegas Chat' started by MinnesotaMike, May 6, 2015.

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  1. MinnesotaMike

    MinnesotaMike Tourist

    Nov 10, 2006
    Minneapolis, MN
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    So I'm pondering the question of doing a solo trip or asking along a friend to go to Vegas with me that I haven't traveled to Vegas with before. What would you prefer? Doing a solo trip & able to do what you want, when you want, as long as you want, etc. Or go with someone who has been to Vegas, let's say once before. I guess to each it's own but curious what others like to do... freedom to be on your own? Or have a "partner in crime"?
  2. katmu

    katmu Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    It would depend. Have you traveled with this friend before? Do you think you both would be interested in doing most of the same things, have roughly the same budget for food, rooms, etc? Do you think you would keep the same hours?

    Being with a good friend that you are compatible to travel with is fun. Being solo can be fun but different.
  3. BlacklabberMike

    BlacklabberMike MIA

    Sep 28, 2014
    Where's Ware?
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    i can do either... i have a partner in crime that we have an understanding.... best of both worlds
  4. thecarve

    thecarve Misanthrope

    Aug 24, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Vegas is so solo friendly that this is a no brainier for me. With most other cities or vacation destinations, I'd probably rather have a friend along even if (s)he is an unknown quantity. In Vegas, unless I know my friend is going to want to do the same things as I do (namely, drink, gamble, eat occasionally and repeat), I'd rather go it alone.
  5. Electroguy563

    Electroguy563 Vegas Joker

    Apr 26, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I absolutely love going solo. My best friend just proposed we go to Vegas together. We've been to Vegas together before with our Wives. Fun times. Now he's proposing we go, just him and me.

    The problem is, I know my best friend. And I know myself. We're not really compatible when it comes to gambling. I'm a degenerate. He's lucky he spends 50 dollars in one night gambling.

    I love to play craps. He won't be found dead at any table game, only plays VP and some slots, if any.

    I love to stay Downtown. He hates it. I'm laid back. He loves to be pampered.

    I love him as a brother but we're not gonna make it alone in Vegas, lol!
  6. RockyBalboa

    RockyBalboa Front Line Winner

    Jan 24, 2010
    Houston by way of Philadelphia
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'm going to echo what the others have posted so far.

    I've done both and I love going solo. The freedom to mosey around where and when I want is awesome. If I want to stay up until 6am shooting frame then I won't have someone bugging me to wake up and keep to a schedule. Or if I want to sleep early that night I don't have to drag my tired ass out so my friend or girlfriend is alone.

    Going to Vegas with the wrong partner can ruin a trip. I mean it can ruin any trip but more so in Vegas. If your companion doesn't enjoy the vices that Vegas offers then they'll kill the vibe quicker than a point-seven-out in craps.

    There have been some horror stories on here where people describe going with a lousy Vegas partner and I hope to never experience that.
  7. Auggie

    Auggie Dovahkiin

    Jan 8, 2009
    Burnaby, BC
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I could do both.

    I think going solo is pretty easy and I did that for part of my first trip to Las Vegas and quite enjoyed myself and had a good time... but there are people that probably can't go solo, not for any reason other than its just not the way they go. My wife would be an example of the latter: she loves Las Vegas but she wouldn't be able to do a solo trip, just not her thing.

    Going with somebody, be it wife, friend, brother - I can do that, but the catch would be that it has to be somebody I would want to go with and who I think I could have a good trip with. There are three guys I consider to be my best friends and I can say that if I went on a trip with each of them separately that with one of them I would have a great trip, with another it would be probably above average, but not great and with the third guy I don't think I would actually enjoy Las Vegas that much with him because its just not his style or his thing (he would likely make an effort, but just not his cup of tea).
  8. UCLAGirl

    UCLAGirl High-Roller

    Jan 22, 2015
    I agreed to tag along with a friend who has to go to vegas for a bachelorette party and I'm going back and forth about this..

    they don't gamble

    they want to go to a strip club with male dancers and I would prefer to go to a club with women. I feel like male dancers are gay and therefore put on a show just for pay. At least i'd be helping a single mother out if i throw money at her at the strip club.

    they want to spend all day at a pool party. i like to relax and chat with people as I have a drink.

    they will probably want to get incredibly drunk. i don't want to become that group of annoying drunk girls.

    I haven't traveled with women in about 8 years. I've done non-solo trips with men as long as i've been a working adult.

    i don't think that this is going to work.
  9. RiddickBull

    RiddickBull VIP Whale

    Oct 20, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    A working girl??? Just kidding. Lol.
  10. UCLAGirl

    UCLAGirl High-Roller

    Jan 22, 2015

    the only difference between a working girl and a girlfriend is that you have to spend money on the working girl to make her go away and spend money on the girlfriend to make her stay

  11. RiddickBull

    RiddickBull VIP Whale

    Oct 20, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Lol. Words of wisdom. 100% agree. :thumbsup:
  12. Fafa2e

    Fafa2e High-Roller

    Oct 7, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I am going on my upcoming trip with a good buddy who is not a gambler, but otherwise we pretty much like to do the same things. I'm sure that we will have a good time, but him being on the trip will probably reduce the amount of time I spend gambling, which may be a good thing.

    I've also done a few solo trips and while I enjoy the solo trips, I almost always have more fun when I'm in Vegas with others. I would say if your friend is willing to come along and you generally get along with him/her, you will probably have more fun if he/she were there with you rather than solo.
    My Longest Trip Ever
  13. Joe Strummer

    Joe Strummer VIP Whale

    Apr 4, 2006
    I've done both !
    A bunch of times.....but BEWARE !
    Not all travel partners work out.
    First thing,
    Have SEPARATE rooms.
    Then, discuss exactly what you expect from each other while in Vegas.
    Of course, SOLO....you have none of that !!
    Vegas is extremely "solo friendly".
  14. makikiboy

    makikiboy VIP Whale

    Oct 5, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I rather go solo. Even with my best friends I would rather be in Vegas by myself. As others mentioned the reason is because we each have our own little idiosyncrasies. I even had a problem when I went with my brother. He likes to keep the TV on all the time, including when he sleeps. I rather have total silence and can't sleep with noise/the tv on. He also likes to take long showers (like half hour showers) so I had to take that into consideration when getting ready or making reservations to go eat.

    I rather do whatever I want, whenever I want, get up whenever, eat when I feel like it and sleep whenever I'm tired. I feel "cramped" when I'm with others so when we go up for bowling tournaments and such I usually stay by myself and see my gang for bowling and meals afterwards (I don't like to eat much before the tournaments) but am on my own the rest of the time. 10 years ago I made the mistake of staying with the gang. We could never agree to anything, what time to eat, what time to meet, where to go, etc. etc. When we agreed to meet at 5 pm for dinner that meant that we usually end up at dinner at 7 because of stragglers and procrastinators. Whenever I wanted to do something else I got that look from them like I was married to them. never again.

    If we had more in common or had to go for a convention or some special event I had no problem going with others but basically my vegas time is my free time to do anything I want at any hour of the day. And that includes strip clubs so UCLAgal, if you are in town and want to go to a strip club I would be happy to escort you to one of them.
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