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(mlife) I just purchased show tickets online - how do I get the tier credits?

Discussion in 'Comps' started by -(J)-, Mar 22, 2017.

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  1. -(J)-

    -(J)- Low-Roller

    Sep 5, 2011
    Los Angeles
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Not sure if this post should go in the section but here goes..

    I just purchased tickets for KA on the MGM Grand website. Before making the purchase I logged in to the site with my mlife ID. When I was making the purchase the site had all my mlife info, tier status and address pre-loaded.

    Since I made the purchase from MGM/Mlife I am eligible for tier credits, right? Since I'm not charging to my room/buying there, how do I get the tier credits applied? Will they add to my account on their own? Should I bring my ticket confirmation and credit card receipt to the the mlife desk when I get there? Call mlife now?

    $400 for 4 tickets = 10,000 tier credits. For some that might be a drop in the hat but that's a pretty big chunk of TC's that I don't want to miss out on!!

    Oh these first world problems!
  2. Chuck2009x

    Chuck2009x VIP Whale

    Apr 5, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    In the past, I used to order tickets by calling the box office, and essentially what would happen is that they would set up a "show tickets" account in my name and I would get the tier credits as soon as the charge hit my credit card.

    Last trip, I bought tickets through the MLife website, I was hoping but didn't really expect the tier credits to post by themselves and they never did. For the show I bought (not a Cirque show), the Mlife site just redirected to Ticketmaster, so I was pretty sure the TCs were not going to post.

    Although once you've paid for the tickets it shouldn't really matter whether you actually end up using them or not, what I did was wait until after the show date (I was still in town for another week), then I went to the MLife desk at Bellagio (the show was at Mirage) with the following (because I didn't know exactly what evidence they'd want):
    • A screenshot of the ticket reservation from the MLife website showing the reservation number and price I paid - to me, this could be the key supporting thing, because it ties the transaction directly to my MLife account
    • The email confirmation I got from Mirage
    • The printed out tickets themselves
    The MLife rep handled it OK and the TCs posted within an hour or so.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
    • Informative Informative x 2
  3. DaiLun

    DaiLun R.C., L.C., and A.A.N.G.

    Apr 24, 2014
    San Jose, CA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I agree with Chuck2009x. They won't post until AFTER the show date.
  4. BarelyHangingOn

    BarelyHangingOn VIP Whale

    Nov 16, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Asked the same thing at the desk in December you will not get your tier points until after the show. I guess it's in case there is still some refund of the tickets.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Chuck2009x

    Chuck2009x VIP Whale

    Apr 5, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I suspect the reason they make you wait is because the show might be cancelled, in which case you'd get a refund. Otherwise pretty much all show tickets are non-refundable.

    Actually using the tickets or not shouldn't make a difference. I didn't use mine.
  6. BarelyHangingOn

    BarelyHangingOn VIP Whale

    Nov 16, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Let me ask you this.

    I need 1,009 tier points to get to the next level which would be $40.36. Can I buy a ticket online, not pick it up or use it and get my tier points?
  7. Chuck2009x

    Chuck2009x VIP Whale

    Apr 5, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    • I don't think the TCs will post automatically.
    • I don't know whether buying them on a "Will Call" basis and then never picking them up could be a problem. It really shouldn't be, since when you do Will Call, they just print them out for you on the spot. But I don't know for sure.
    • What I'd suggest is buying a ticket for a show where the MLife site redirects you to Ticketmaster, and then choose the option to download your tix. Then you should have the trifecta of backup:
      • A reservation # on your MLife page
      • An email receipt
      • The physical tickets
    Then, it's just a matter of what the statute of limitations is on presenting your backup to get the TCs posted. I believe there's an address in the MLife FAQs that says where to send the stuff if you don't have a trip planned on which you could go to an MLife desk.

    Make sure the base price of the ticket before fees and taxes is enough to get the TCs you need.

    Here's the section from the FAQ - looks like a $50 min (also note that it says your receipt can't be greater than 30 days old, which means if you wanted to do this, you should buy a ticket for a show that is occurring within a couple of days from the date you make the purchase - so there is time for the show to occur and then for you to send in the backup):

    Only individual purchases (e.g. cash, personal credit cards, and debit cards) for hotel room charges, entertainment tickets, food & beverage, spa & salon, attractions, and wedding charges (excluding tax, retail, and gratuity) are eligible to be posted to your M life Rewards account. Corporate credit/debit cards may not be used to earn Tier Credits.

    Request Guidelines:

    Receipts must be no older than 30 days with a minimum total value of $50
    Tier Credit adjustment requests for cash transactions MUST include the original receipt
    A scanned copy will be accepted for receipts that were paid by credit card
    Complimentary payments do not qualify for Tier Credits

    To request a Tier Credit adjustment for purchases made in Las Vegas, receipts can be:

    Emailed to: [email protected]
    Faxed to: 702.531.3893
    Mailed to:
    MGM Resorts International Contact Center
    Attn: Member Services
    3549 Sammy Davis Jr. Drive
    Las Vegas, NV 89109

    On the receipt, please provide your full name, M life account number, resort name, and contact information.

    Please allow up to 72 hours after we receive the request for the adjustment to post to your M life account.

    For additional inquiries regarding Tier Credit adjustments or missing Tier Credits, please contact the MGM Resorts Member Services Department at 866.761.7111
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
  8. BarelyHangingOn

    BarelyHangingOn VIP Whale

    Nov 16, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I was thinking two tickets to the Aquarium at Mandalay would $50. $50 X 25 pts = 1,250 points which put me over the threshold.

    I can have the tickets emailed to me from the website.

    Then I can give the tickets to whomever like somebody on this forum or do they have my name on them and have to be used by me?

    I would worry that I wouldn't get the points until the tickets were used.

    I thought I had enough points when I was there last and forgot to check before I left town. Not sure when I will be back and now it's become an obsessive compulsive thing. I would hate for those tier credits to expire in September.
  9. nostresshere

    nostresshere Mr. Anti Debit Card

    May 4, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Why not just buy some food/drinks?
  10. BarelyHangingOn

    BarelyHangingOn VIP Whale

    Nov 16, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I am 2,300 miles away and might not make it back by September. Our plans are falling through but I would hate to waste my points.
  11. nostresshere

    nostresshere Mr. Anti Debit Card

    May 4, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Ah... I get that now.
  12. Chuck2009x

    Chuck2009x VIP Whale

    Apr 5, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'd feel pretty comfortable doing that. You'd be able to email the tix to someone to use, or just not use them. Nobody's going to be checking IDs on $25 tix to the aquarium. They just use bar codes on the tix so they can't be used more than once.

    Your only issue is having enough time to give them away. Ideally, you really want the show date to be as close as possible to the date you buy them.

    Who knows, if it's an internal ticketing system, you might even see the TCs pop up a couple of days after the event date.
  13. ReneHorn

    ReneHorn Tourist

    Jul 30, 2016
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'll be staying at Mandalaybay April 11-14 if I can help you out let me know.
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