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MLife Tier Credits...I don't get it

Discussion in 'Comps' started by BlueSkadoo, May 18, 2012.

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  1. BlueSkadoo

    BlueSkadoo VMB Sweetheart

    Sep 5, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    So I know that the mLife website is horrible for facts and figures, but I'm super confused. I was in Vegas this week, and putting my mLife card in the slots and it was telling me one number (something around 500) and when I log into my mLife account it tells me I have something around 5k. Are they the same number or something different?

    (I'm no High Roller, just a sapphire, but trying to figure it out)
  2. dfalk

    dfalk VIP Whale

    Mar 7, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    The 5K number when you log on is your Tier Credits. The 500 number you saw on the slots is your Point Play, I THINK! I'm sure someone else here will know for sure
  3. engicedave

    engicedave VIP Whale

    Aug 27, 2005
    Actually, I think the 500 is a countdown to one point. ($5 = 1 pt)
    So if you played $5 slots x1 credit, it would keep showing the 500
    If you played a $2.50 slot, it'd go 500 to 250 and then back to 500

    It just counts down to "0" and goes back to 500, each time you reach "0" it's one point

    Now that is going to vary from machine to machine, based on if it's a specialty slot (popular video type) or VP, because they countdown at different rates.

    I am pretty sure that's what you're looking at.
    I see same at other casinos as well
  4. nostresshere

    nostresshere Mr. Anti Debit Card

    May 4, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Did it keep saying when you started, and again later the same number? If it was your tier number, it would of course go up over time, right?
  5. BlueSkadoo

    BlueSkadoo VMB Sweetheart

    Sep 5, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Yeah, it went up. I had started at 421 (I think) and then by the time I left it was 560ish. I don't think it was the countdown to points, it was on the LCD screens where it says "Player BlueSkadoo" or "Welcome BlueSkadoo" and then it would scroll with the number (420-569)
  6. shifter

    shifter Degenerate Gambler

    Sep 15, 2010
    At the tables
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    those are your slot base points. 1 point = 10 tier credits = $2 coin in
  7. Auggie

    Auggie Dovahkiin

    Jan 8, 2009
    Burnaby, BC
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    There is usually a little LED screen next to where you insert your card that will have information scrolling by as you play, like "Hello BlueSkadoo! You have 500 points! You earned 43 points this session!"

    Those are session credits and they are strictly for POINTPlay where 1,000 session credits = $10 in free slot play. Used to be you earned 1 session credit for each $1.50 in coin through on slots (and either $3 or $4.50 on video poker), not sure if its the same rate or not... it seems to be.

    That little LED screen doesn't show your tier credits. To see those you have to either log in to the MLife website, MLife app or be playing on a few machines that can actually let you log in to view your MLife tier status (almost all the machines at Aria let you do this, at other MGM casinos some of them will have only a couple of machines in the whole casino that let you see your tier credits).

    The session credits are a holdover from the old Players Club program which is why there isn't any mention on the MLife website - they mention "POINTPlay" but don't describe how its earned.

    Session credits are also where much of the controversy over which machines are "special" and which ones aren't - most of the misinformed think that session credits are tier credits, which they are not. So when they go to check a machine to see if its a "special" one or not by how its awarding tier credits they end up actually looking at how its awarding session credits, which are much slower than how they award tier credits.

    Anyhow... in the end the important thing is that session points are a counter to track how much free slot play you have earned.
  8. engicedave

    engicedave VIP Whale

    Aug 27, 2005
    That makes more sense, especially if t's counting upward
  9. numeno

    numeno VIP Whale

    Feb 18, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'm guessing this as well.

    Normally when I put in my card, it gives me 2 numbers. My tier score and then pointplay balance. I have to assume that 500 number was your pointplay.
  10. shiny

    shiny Low-Roller

    Sep 25, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    For playing slot machines, you receive 10 tier credits (or 1 point) for every $2 coin-in.

    However, for playing video poker games, it requires every $10 coin-in for receiving that 10 tier credits (or 1 point).
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