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Table Games Help me approach table games! (Somewhat long)

Discussion in 'Table Games' started by Mattwall, Sep 27, 2012.

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  1. Mattwall

    Mattwall Tourist

    Apr 16, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I've been going to Vegas since I was a kid. I know that means nothing as much as gambling experience but I love that city!

    My dad was a hardcore gambler. When I was 12 he took me to vegas and I remember not seeing him for a full day. Only got a message on the inroom phone telling me he was 12k up and downtown. lol!

    To my point, when he would come back to the room he would take about that "A-hole at 3rd ruined my 20", or that "that shit shooter ruined my streak".

    I have always been scared of table games. I'm 27 and will be in Vegas in late Oct. I want to play blackjack and am still intimidated.

    Funny thing is because my dad was such a strong gambler I know how to play the game, actually quite well. I might actually be helpful in a full table.

    I guess I just want to hear that decent people are common at the tables and we can all get along lol.
  2. Ezzy711

    Ezzy711 VIP Whale

    Jul 29, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    When people lose they try to blame it on someone. If third base takes the dealers bust card everybody hates them....but if they take a small one and then the dealer busts they are rarely a hero. I think most people who know what they are doing realize it can go either way. Unless you are playing with my money, don't tell me when to stay or hit. That being said, I don't like sitting at 3rd base.

    My personal advice is - don't take it too seriously. If it isn't fun, don't play. Scope out a table with people who seem to be having a good time. Losing is part of the game if someone is taking it too seriously move on. Nobody likes to lose but if they are really aggrevated they are probably playing above their comfort level. Just have a good time. I would also be careful about "helping" other people. Some are receptive but most are doing what they feel is best and can get testy about someone telling them how to bet their money.
  3. Bazzito52

    Bazzito52 Low-Roller

    Feb 21, 2008
    Lakeland, FL
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Yes. Most players at the tables are decent people. As are most of the dealers.

    The thing is to realize that you have the right to play your money any way you want - as does everyone else.

    You worked to earn it. It's your money at risk, not someone else's, and you will either keep your winnings or absorb your losses. Just because some superstious player at the table thinks you or someone else jinxed his poor play doesn't mean a thing.

    One tip that I always keep in mind is: "Look down at your feet. There aren't any chains there."

    If you are ever uncomfortable at any table, just move on. There are lots of other tables nearby. There's no reason to let anyone detract from your good time.

    Good Luck, and Best Wishes.

    On further thought, we have to keep in mind that gambling always brings out the worst in people. People all around us in every casino are losing money, some of it they probably sholdn't be gambling in the first place. They are also tired, hungry, or drunk. Sometimes all three! It should come as no surprise that we are going to encounter the occasional jerk. In fact, it's amazing that we don't find more of them. (Confession: I have, on a couple of occasions, returned to a table to appologize to a dealer from the abuse I have given them. The occasional "I'm sorry. I'm drunk. I'm tired. I'm losing. I didn't mean it." goes a long way, IMHO.)
  4. LuckyDuckyDan

    LuckyDuckyDan High-Roller

    Jun 25, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Just as important as not letting other people rattle you from your game. Don't rattle them from theirs, either. Knowing 'how to play the game,' is a double-edged sword because so many people either don't care to know how to play the game or think they do but really don't have much of a clue at all.

    In a big shoe-game of BJ, one card rarely makes the world of difference. That's a tough pill to swallow when 3rd base hits a hard 12 on a dealer's 6, busts and the dealer flips paint and draws a 4 or 5. But for that one hand that went differently than it should have, the entire shoe is then re-oriented. And 2 hands later, nobody cares what would have happened if she wouldn't have done that or he did what he was supposed to... even though it has a *very* direct effect on the current game.

    Best advice - understand your limits and play within them. Table games, especially blackjack, have a *far* lower variance than slots. However, you will hit runs of 5, 10, even 20 losses in a row. Make sure you can withstand them. And then have fun. :beer:
  5. Llew

    Llew Low-Roller

    Jan 27, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I find that people bitching about play is pretty rare, unless you're in some high limit room where gambling is Serious.

    You can also make a few printouts of basic strategy charts and just wordlessly hand them to people that yell at you.
  6. jamesxnj

    jamesxnj VIP Whale

    Oct 12, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Find a table and be the first one to open it up..tell the dealer it's your first time..place a couple bets for him/her on your hands and within a few hands all you will be concerned about is the next cards out of the shoe..Table will fill up in no time..I did the same thing in when I was a kid in AC..
    But my golden rule is always play a few for the dealers and hope for the best and when you have a questionable decision to make the dealer will help out (Some know what that next card is..:))
    Best wishes man!
  7. Boone

    Boone Tourist

    Aug 17, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    The only thing I will generally tell people if they ask me what should they do - I tell them that if you do it this time, just be sure to do it the same next time. Other than that it is your money and you can move from the table if it gets people on it you don't feel comfortable with.
  8. eellis327

    eellis327 Tourist

    Jul 16, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    Above is a great link to a game that teaches you "basic strategy" of blackjack. As you as you have somewhat of a clue your better than 30% of the players there. The biggest thing i get angry at is people that are inconsistent. Learn a strategy that works for you and stick to it. Try to find a table with a friendly dealer, that will make the experience much more enjoyable and above all HAVE FUN!
  9. Reed

    Reed High-Roller

    Apr 9, 2008
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I was the same way initially. I like to scout out the tables too. I am not sitting down playing blackjack at a table run by a stone-faced, mute robot. If the dealer looks like they are having fun, then chances are you will have more fun. If it is early, you can always pick out an empty table, tell 'em your a beginner, and most of them will be happy to help you - especially if you throw down an initial bet for them too.

    Same with craps tables. If an empty table has a crew waiting for players, step on up. You will probably get in a little action before anyone else steps in so you can ease into it and the crew will be happy to help you out with your bets.
  10. LuckyDuckyDan

    LuckyDuckyDan High-Roller

    Jun 25, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    One exception. There are hands in Pai Gow that people don't see. I will absolutely stop someone from playing a hand in an obviously worse way and politely show and teach them, if necessary. A flush with a higher top is just better than a straight and a lower top, no matter which way you look at it.

    Not that I look at anyone else's cards but my own.
  11. mike_m235

    mike_m235 Tourist

    Aug 22, 2012
    Colorado Springs
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    My thoughts:
    Most tables it's not an issue. If someone at your table is being a jackazz, simply move. If it's not fun, you shouldn't be there.

    Don't sit at 3rd base if you're nervous.

    Rememeber, it's your hand...do what you want. And if what you want is to make the other players happy, ask what they want. But I wouldn't.

    If you find yourself in a situation where you are just crapping yourself wanting to do the right thing, here's an example...I don't recommend it, but it's out there.

    I was playing two middle spots for $50 a hand at a $10 table. To my left a guy was flat betting $5 a hand because he'd been there all morning and had been grandfathered in to the $5 minimum. A hand comes up where I end up doubling one, splitting another, then doubling one of the split hands. So I've got $250 in bets out. The $5 player has 12 and the dealer is showing a 3. $5 player turns to me and says 'given the stakes, I'm going to let you tell me what to do with this hand.' Now I've not been saying one word to this guy about his play, which is pretty average. I don't get upset at the table, ever, unless someone is rude. But this guy was nervous I guess.

    I tell him that the book says hit a 12 against a dealer 3. He hits, gets a 9 for 21. Dealer flips up a 9 for '12', hits and gets another 3, then gets a face card to bust and we all win. If the guy hadn't hit, the dealer would have had that 9 for 21 and cleaned me out of $250.

    But either way, it's all random, and people who blame other players are idiots.
  12. WrongWayWade

    WrongWayWade VIP Whale

    Sep 20, 2010
    Atlanta, GA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    This is just as nonsensical as the rest of the long list of complaints BJ players have about other BJ players. If I want to stand on 16v10 when the cocktail waitress is blonde and hit when she's a brunette, that's going to be just as bad (and/or not bad) for everyone else as if I do it the same all the time. I hurt myself if I do it wrong every time; the net effect to the rest of the players is nil regardless of whether I'm consistent or not.

    There is no way to know if taking one more or one less card will be a good or bad thing for the other players or the dealer's hand. The cards are in there in a RANDOM order.

    If someone asks me for advice, I'll tell them what 'the book' says, but after that I still couldn't care less how they play. Some people think BJ is a guessing game and is far more fun for them as they try to guess what their next card will be or if it will bust them or not. Who am I to destroy their enjoyment?
  13. mike_m235

    mike_m235 Tourist

    Aug 22, 2012
    Colorado Springs
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Your theory is exactly right. Your math isn't. Hitting or standing on a 16 v 10 is so close mathematically that even a slight count variation could make the alternate play correct (it's a difference in EV of -.5404 and -.5398)

    But you are 100% right that it doesn't have any effect on other players.
  14. WrongWayWade

    WrongWayWade VIP Whale

    Sep 20, 2010
    Atlanta, GA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I said hitting or standing on my hand was the same for EVERYONE else. (What math in my post are you referring to?) When I said "I hurt myself if I do it wrong every time" I was meaning any random basic strategy decision.

    And I know full well how close 16v10 is and how the count affects it.
  15. craps1

    craps1 Low-Roller

    Feb 14, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Just sit down and enjoy yourself. Most people are decent at the tables, but you will get the occasional warmonger. If he starts up, just smack him silly and get back to having fun. :evillaugh
  16. JillyFromPhilly

    JillyFromPhilly Tourist

    Oct 14, 2011
    Gwynedd Valley, PA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    All this stuff about "don't sit at third base" ignores the fact that, if you're sharing a table with someone who is the type that's inclined to bitch about someone else's play, they're just as likely to say something regardless of where you're sitting - it's more of a personlity type than anything else [half of those people will bitch about any move, "correct" or not, that they think made them lose]. They're just loudmouth assholes.

    If i'm at a table and I don't like how a person's playing or acting, I just get up & find a new table or leave - it's not like there aren't so many choices that you need to let someone else ruin your fun - everyone had to learn how to play at some point.

    Or, just play roulette - noone can complain about you ruining their hand there - though if they're the kind that would bitch about it at the BJ table, they still might bitch at you anyway.

    Hell, there's baccarat players who get mad at other players even though nothing any player in baccarat does affects the outcome either! :poke:
  17. DonnyC

    DonnyC VIP Whale

    Mar 23, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Most times people won't say anything . If they do, remind them it is your money. If they continue they will probably leave, or you can change tables. We've done this before with poor dealers and poor players. Your happier and having fun, which is the whole point.

    You don't ha w to prove you have the biggest cahoonas, move and be happy.
  18. gongoman

    gongoman MIA

    Apr 21, 2012
    Long Beach,In
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Ok --Listen

    Walk up to a table --Act like your buying in to a Million Dollar hand.........

    Offer to buy a round for everyone...Most will say nah I have or cool I'll take another..

    Relax your in like flint don't worry about Frank or Marge...Worry about yourself

    Don't worry about where yer sitting--Think before ya do anything..

    Very simple..................:beer:
  19. LV_Bound

    LV_Bound VIP Whale

    Nov 17, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Get up very early and search the casinos for table games.
    Stick with Paris, NYNY and Excalibur in the early morning as there is a good chance these table games will be empty and you can play by yourself to get comfortable.

    Places like MGM and PH seem to have minimal tables early or the tables are always full.
  20. Mattwall

    Mattwall Tourist

    Apr 16, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'm staying at NYNY too!
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