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The D, the Bus, the Dont's, the pics

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by Bungadin, Jul 31, 2012.

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  1. Crambone

    Crambone Gnaeus Pompey Magnus

    Mar 2, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    My Trip Report

    As I explained in this thread, I wanted an easy bus ride to new casinos. I never made it to Jerry's or the Silver Nugget, maybe next time.


    After I park and check-in at The D I picked up the 106 Rancho\Centennial northbound at Carson and Main Street behind the Golden Gate. I paid $5 for a 24-hour pass from the dispenser on the bus. For most of the ride there's awkward silence and no eye contact so wear your sunglasses and enjoy the show. Not being a regular rider I didn't know there's a way to signal the driver to stop. I also don't remember being warned of all the swaying you do when the bus stops and starts. The "Stop Requested" buttons are about belt high on the aisle poles and with me hanging on one for dear life I set it off. A recorded voice lets everyone know a "Stop Requested" has been initiated and if no one gets on or off you look like an idiot. Luckily someone was waiting to get on so it stopped anyway.

    Got off at Texas Station with several others. Hey, TS, install some steps so we don't have to scale a small rock wall to get on to your property.

    The familiar smoky casino smell greets you when you walk in to a bright and colorful arena. Played $3 craps with a friendly and witty crew. Eventually lost my hundie and waited for my Bud I ordered 15 minutes earlier. I finally hunted her down at the Well and she thanks me for coming to get it. I couldn't tell if that was sarcasm so I chuckled because I tipped her the $2 when I ordered. That plan clearly backfired.

    With 30 minutes to kill for the return ride I walked across the street to the Wildfire, a small joint with just machines. Bought a pint of Bud and blew the $1 change in a keno game with nary a sniff at winning. After a short wait in the triple digit heat, which wasn't so bad in the shade, I was headed back Downtown.

    We conveniently get off right at FSE and the Plaza so I take a stroll and some pics.

    The 4 Junior Suites blocked by the new video screen are not used anymore. "Kim" says there's furniture in them and they might book them if needed.

    Picadilly Pizza on the east end of FSE. Pretty good thick crust pizza. 2 slices and a small drink for $8.50

    The Vue balcony is closed for remodel. The D main entrance getting a face lift too.

    A Pop up elevator for the 4Queens. Never saw one until now.

    Lady Luck has a big iron frame going up.

    With my bus experiment over, I am ready for more Craps.

    I am a staunch Pass Line Guy. I've even quit a few tables because a Don't Guy showed up. After some recent soul-searching proved unsuccessful I decided to give it a try.

    I played the Darkside at Binions for the first time ever. By design I was the only one at the table because I didn't want to rain on anyone's parade. I played 3 Reds on Don't Pass and 2 Reds on two or three Don't Come Bets during the Point. I ultimately won $30 and felt dirty.

    Naw, it was interesting.

    Pretty soon other players bought in and I would play Pass Line on their turns. As my turn came I warned them I was playing Don't. I crapped out and pocketed my $15 line bet and a $10 Don't Come bet. Nobody had any roll to be proud of and I soon left to play Let it Ride where I hit a flush, straight and several pairs to get ahead. As I was leaving, the LIR dealer waved me down from across the room. I got over there to find I left a $5 chip on the table. I didn't feel like going back to the cage so I flicked it to her and we both laughed at the symbolism of whatever that gesture meant.

    I'm going to play Don't more. You know, just to see.

    After that I played craps at the Fremont and held my own until they closed it and made us go to the other tables. I snuck in behind a shooter named "Mizz" and got lucky that he had just started on his hot run. He hit some 4's and 10's which I had pressed to Greens because there's something about trading a dollar for two Greens.

    Mizz isn't short for Missouri and he wasn't to keen on explaining so I left it alone.

    Mizz hit my Two-Way-Parlay on the Hard 8 so the crew dropped a hundie and I pocketed $90. He hit it again a few rolls later for another $90 plus the $2 I put back up for the crew. I had a brain fart and failed to reload the Dealer parlay for $1 after the first hit which would've given them another $10 working like a small assembly line.

    After Mizz was done an older guy and some young kid got into some spat to the point Security came over with the Pit Boss to unruffle the feathers. Never did hear what is was all about but they both were leaning over the table jawing over the stickman because they were on opposite sides of him. Needless to say it turned cold and I called it a night. I cashed out $475 so my loss for the evening is a manageable $500. I gotta learn to bring bets down because I think I leave too much out there too long.

    I bought several new shirts for this trip. I haven't worn them until now and I get back to the room and I notice in the mirror something flailing at my back. It's the darn sales/manufacture tag attached to the armpit. I am such an idiot.


    After I slept in I bought another 24-hour pass and caught the Boulder Highway Express at Ogden and LVB. 29 minutes later I was walking in the Longhorn Casino on Harmon. Small casino. Probably popular with the locals.

    I cross the BHwy to the East Side Cannery
    Nice and clean with an open air feeling. Noticably missing is the smoky casino reek. I had fun playing craps with pitboss and crew. Got a Can Club card. I'll be back for another visit another day.

    A short walk outside is the bus stop for the northbound BHX. 4 minutes on it and I'm at AZ Charlies East.
    Nothing special and I won't be back. Craps Pitboss had a stick up his ass. Dealers just OK. Liked the Elbow Creek bar upstairs. The bartender try to tease me into walking to the Boulder Station since it was "only 5 minutes".

    Just missed the next bus so I started to walk to Boulder Station. Their big sign in the distance never drew closer as I walked "the 5 minutes" and as luck would have it the next bus came just as I reached a secondary stop where I got on. The sun was setting and I didn't want to be waiting for a bus at night so I skipped the Boulder Station today.

    Saturday evening the 3rd Street Stage concert goers packed the FSE so I had to cut thru The D's McDonalds to the 4Queens valet on 3rd St. I still had to walk thru the 4Q to the far west entrance, the crowd was that thick. Won a game of SpotTheHooker'sSideBoob. Clearly a descendant of the Butterface clan.

    I made my way to the MSS where craps is the best place to play. Always a good time, I managed to keep solvent for a couple of hours. I had so much fun I celebrated a two-way-hard-six parlay thinking we won but it had gone down on a previous Easy Way Six. The table and crew got a kick out of it.

    I played LIR at the Cal and soon after the gal next to me goes all in. She had $5 each on the 3 bets, $20 on the 3 Card Bonus and $1 on the Bonus. She peeked at pocket Tens and tucked it. First card the dealer turns up is another Ten and then a blank. The dealer turns her hand over and she has trip Tens. She won $1450 in one swoop. $100 Bonus, $600 3 Card Bonus, $750 @ 50 to one on the bets. Called it a night after a delicious Teriyaki Chicken Bowl at the Cal diner just inside the east entrance.


    Since I had time on the bus pass and I wanted to see it, I hopped on the BHX at Carson and Casino Ctr Dr to check out the Boulder Station. A few of us get off right in front but on the wrong side of the Boulder Hwy. Played "Frogger" to cross the street in which I came in Second.

    I gave them a shot at my $100 buy-in yet walked away up $65 with a $10 hand-in. I started alone at the crap table playing the Don'ts and kept cutting my own throat so I figured I'd confused the Crap Gods enough to play Pass. A couple of other shooters showed up and one guy had a decent roll that let me press the 5 and 9 to quarters winning a few hits on them. I liked the BoSt and will visit again. I wouldn't say "no" to riding the bus to it either but only in the daytime.

    Interestingly, the BHX driver doesn't check tickets. In fact, they're locked in a glass cockpit with a sign that says "DO NOT DISTURB THE DRIVER" . A couple of times somebody had some reason to knock on the cockpit window followed by a few seated riders chastising them to knock it off so the bus doors can close and we'll be on our way. A recorded announcement occasionally reminds riders to make sure you have adequate fare on your person "or else".

    These buses have some zip to them for being so big. The A/C works great and the seats are comfy. I'm surprised some casino's don't hand out passes or advertise how easy these routes are. I'd like to see them make access from the bus stops easier and convenient with shade and/or golf cart shuttle service.

    About 11am Sunday I get back and my 16th floor hall is chocked with full carts of hotel room parts as they are being stripped for remodel.

    I got to thinking I was going to live like a Rock Star for a night and trash my room but they moved me to the 30th floor before I could take my first swing.

    The Housekeeping Sup said I only had 2 nights instead of the 3 I swear I booked, comped no less. After a phone call to a no-nonsense Manager verified I was right, I played all butt-hurt and asked for a suite to ease my pain. Didn't get one but got a room just like the one I had only with a nice face lift. Totally worth the move since I wasn't doing anything anyways. Would have been interesting if they moved me while I was still out because I like to use the whole room like a kitchen junk drawer.
    Looking around for something to keep as a souvenier I chose the ice bucket, box of tissues and a new roll of toilet paper. I hope that will teach them to mess with me again.

    Old room

    New room. There's a safe in the dresser.

    After I settled in my new digs I called the Manager and thanked her for making it right. She sounded much nicer this time. Turns out they changed the offer after I booked it and for unknown reasons I got lost in the shuffle. Chalk one up to The D for correctng this mistake to the customer's satisfaction.

    Went to play craps but only for 3 minutes before Joe Smoker sidles up next to me and his second hand smoke beelines to my face killing my mojo. Moved to LIR and walked away up $41. Hit a couple trips and 2 pairs with tokes on the 3rd bet.

    After a refill in the room another $100 LIR round. Broke even or ahead if you count the tokes and Jack and Cokes.

    Changed 2 quarters for reds at the crap table. Dinked around with mild bets and walked away with $66. Just enjoying my last night here and not getting crazy yet because the sun is still out.

    Slapped my shoes on and blew a hundie at the Fremont $3 crap table. Ate a 2 item combo with chow mein at Lanai Express for $7.50 I highly recommend it for a quick tasty bite.

    Won $165 back on The D crap table. Big score came with a decent roll from party girl hitting the 10. I had the last of my stack ($45) in odds and was rewarded when it came hard. 10X odds at The D.

    Played $100 at the 4Q LIR. Lasted awhile with Debbie Downer and Mute Molly as dealers until I left with $55 to play craps. Playing by myself on the Don'ts then the newbies showed up looking confused at the shooter's Don't bets. After I crapped out and won my two numbers I went with the crowd on the Pass. Had Mr Toads Wild ride after that with hot and cold rollers. Got down to my last $2 and tossed a C&E. Dude rolls the Yo twice in a row. I almost parlayed but they haven't been hitting lately. After that it was my turn so I went Don't and built my rail to about $50. More roller coaster on Pass play until the stack dwindles to $4. Toss in another C&E. This time I parlayed and damn if it didn't hit with a Yo and then Snake Eyes. Ironically it was the same guy as earlier. So I bring it down and play Pass and he does OK but I stayed too long and pissed it away.

    My Last Hurrah will be at The D. I tell myself I am going to buy in for $300 and play quarters on the Don'ts.
    I chicken out and buy in for $200 and play 3 or 4 reds on Don't Pass with 2 reds on Don't Come once or twice per turn. And again, I'm at the table by myself until I start rolling and I swear I must be a spectacle because in no time the table is at half capacity. So I systematically cut my own throat on successive 4's and 10's because you always put big odds on Don't 4 and Don't 10, right? I finally crap out and the dice go around the table where I just dabble with one or two place numbers until my turn. OK, I'm staying on Don't and put a quarter down. Then another on the Don't Come after a point of 5. I pick a fine time to rattle off numbers left and right and soon I am down to one quarter on the Don't Pass and 5 bucks on hard 10 so I can parlay it because right now I don't give a shit. With the dice I am trying to hit chips, the puck, arms, hands, bounce one out and not ask for "same die", anything to curse myself. Careful what you wish for, I guess.

    By now I am so mentally discombobulated and would be chipless if it wasn't for the green chip a player tossed me after I hit his $25 Hard 8. Painful Charity to be sure. I finally lost it all and laughed at myself back to the room, dejected from the realization I was destined to lose my ass at this game tonite.

    It's way too loud at The D. It's good music but players and dealers can't hear each other and it's not a good situation. I had to literally stop the game one time because my base dealer got behind 2 rolls. He's kinda slow anyway even with two of us on that end at the time, yet he got no help from our Stickman seemingly on meth and way too eager to see the next roll. After I yell "Hold the dice!" the Pit Boss immediatley comes over. To his credit, and my pleasant surprise, he gave me his full attention and I explained how the dealer missed giving me $22 after I pressed, from $24 to $30, my Place-8 that just hit. The shooter got the dice back so fast he already rolled another 8 before we had a chance to catch up the first 8. Pit Boss agreed and gave me the $22 and $35 and away we went. I was surprised it wasn't a Seven-out after all that. I guess it was because all the newbies playing didn't know thats what happens after a stoppage in play.

    This was a good trip with all the adventure and thrills. One last pic as I am interested in what other people bring:


    Yup, that's chocolate milk and Lil Debbie rolls for b-fast. Sometimes I bring canned fruit. I put one cooler in my roller suitcase and lash the other on on top.

    I'll probably ride the bus again but only to the BS and maybe Texas Station to get over to the Fiesta Rancho which I didn't make it to.

    Attached Files:

  2. chiabro

    chiabro Newbie

    Jun 4, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    "I bought several new shirts for this trip. I haven't worn them until now and I get back to the room and I notice in the mirror something flailing at my back. It's the darn sales/manufacture tag attached to the armpit."
    Great stuff and pics. The last one of the room provisions is awesome.
    Thanks for the fun read.
  3. smartone

    smartone VIP Whale

    Jul 17, 2011
    Northern Nevada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Outstanding report... LOVE the table with Vegas "essentials"... very much looks like my own!!! I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that!
  4. jimboguy

    jimboguy MIA

    Nov 15, 2010
    Salt Lake City, UT
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thanks for the report. It was fun to read.
    Did you notice any difference in the comfort of the beds between the old room and the new room?
  5. Crambone

    Crambone Gnaeus Pompey Magnus

    Mar 2, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Not the beds but the pillows in the old room are like half-inflated beach balls and you couldn't compress them enough to use them. I had to ball up the comforter from the second bed. The A/C unit wouldn't run on "Low" and if I didn't have earplugs I wouldn't have slept with all the racket.

    The new pillows were much better as was the A/C unit.
  6. Candy Apple

    Candy Apple VIP Whale

    Mar 15, 2004
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    So those room pictures were of the D (Fitzgeralds)?
  7. Crambone

    Crambone Gnaeus Pompey Magnus

    Mar 2, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    When we want a drink we know where to get one. The canned fruit juice tastes great with the Capt.
  8. Crambone

    Crambone Gnaeus Pompey Magnus

    Mar 2, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Yup. The older looking room is the 16th floor, north tower looking east.

    The other room in is the south tower on the west side. It had that mesh over the outside window taking away from the view.
  9. Candy Apple

    Candy Apple VIP Whale

    Mar 15, 2004
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Was the newer room loud from the FSE outside?
  10. Crambone

    Crambone Gnaeus Pompey Magnus

    Mar 2, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Not at all. It was at the very south end of the tower away from FSE.
  11. C0usineddie

    C0usineddie VIP Whale

    Jun 7, 2011
    San Diego
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    great tr, thanks
  12. Jinx

    Jinx VIP Whale

    Aug 7, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Interesting run, tough run on the craps table on the last day. I typically bring, some gatorade, a bottle of rum, and granola bars, and then the assorted gums, mints, etc.
  13. sco5123

    sco5123 VIP Whale

    Jul 29, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    thanks for an awesome report
  14. LaRae

    LaRae Low-Roller

    Oct 8, 2010
    Twin Cities/Western Wisconsin
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Very much enjoyed your TR. Too funny with the tag on your shirt & taking 2nd in Frogger!! Thanks.
  15. 4dazeoff

    4dazeoff Low-Roller

    Sep 19, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    great report! loved the craps experience! always wanted to try the darkside but just can't do it. thanks again!:beer:
  16. Dewey089

    Dewey089 VIP Whale

    Aug 4, 2001
    averill park ny
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'll second that.

    I was happy to see someone using the Boulder Highway buses for access to those casinos.
    Next time, if you just want to go to the Sam's Town area, you can cut your bus time in half by using the Henderson Downtown Express which picks up at the same stop over across from the Gold Spike but only makes one stop at Sahara and one across from Sam's Town. Maybe you got closer on the BHX if your goal was the Longhorn. However, I would rather cut my bus time and have a bit of a walk than have all that stop and go and a much more crowded bus. Coming back on the HDX is a bit trickier as you must walk a bit North of Sam's Town to get to the stop it serves.

    After the Eastside Cannery section the two buses take different routes. I think the only other shared stop going toward Henderson is at Sunset.

    Those two routes are just like the SDX bus in validating tickets. At random times an inspector boards the bus and checks for tickets. Fines can be issued if you have no ticket. If anyone buys a ticket from the box on the bus, follow directions carefully. Those boxes will take your money and give you nothing if you don't.
  17. lowro11er

    lowro11er Tourist

    Jul 20, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I bought several new shirts for this trip. I haven't worn them until now and I get back to the room and I notice in the mirror something flailing at my back. It's the darn sales/manufacture tag attached to the armpit. I am such an idiot.

    LOL, thanks for the trip report!

    18 days, just 18 and then it's my turn...........
  18. Crambone

    Crambone Gnaeus Pompey Magnus

    Mar 2, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thanks for all the feedback everyone. I woulda laughed at the guy with the tags on his shirt so I can't play favorites just because it's me. I'd also let him know and then order us shots for the Vegas Moment.

    The Cannery was my initial goal until someone pointed out the Longhorn was right there and I like checking out casino's. I planned on taking the BHX yet I did look at the HDX and felt as a first time rider I'd better play it safe. Hate to end up in Hendertucky looking like a rube with sales tags still hanging on his shirts.

    I was wondering how they check for tickets. Thanks.

    I'll be riding the bus to Texas Station, Eastside Cannery and Boulder Station again. Easy access, cheap and comfortable.
  19. catman

    catman Low-Roller

    Dec 4, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    A bus enforcement person is riding on the bus and asks to see your pass.
  20. Greensideup

    Greensideup Low-Roller

    Sep 17, 2009
    Carrollton, Texas
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Great report and photos, especially your supply table! I tend to cut all my tags off, but have been known to leave the sticky size strip on new jeans. I think we can all relate. thanks for writing.
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