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Orleans and Monte Carlo Oct 10-13

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by Thekiller, Oct 21, 2004.

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  1. Thekiller

    Thekiller Tourist

    Jan 6, 2004

    My Trip Report

    Does it seem like you can write a trip report before you even leave the house. Went to Vegas, drank to much, stayed up to late, lost my ass and came home. Had a good time, can’t wait to go back. That’s the short report. The long one is as follows.

    This trip was a little different than most of my Vegas trips. It was a “working†trip. I was going out for a convention on Oct 12 & 13,Tue Wed. My airfare and two nights at Monte Carlo were being paid for as a business expense. What could be better than a free trip to Vegas? My wife, I’ll call her Di for short, was going to come along so we make plans to go out on Sunday to give us some extra time to play. The rates were unusually high for a Sunday night and I finally figured out that Monday was a holiday, Columbus Day. Although there were cheaper places we decided on the Orleans for $60. We had stayed there last year and knew what to expect.
    Since we were paying for Di’s airline ticket I tried to find the cheapest and best times I could. Not to many good choices from OKC. I finally found that to get the times I wanted we had to get one ways on two different airlines. It didn’t make any difference in the price and you can get more flexible times that way. Give it a try sometime. Di had a shopping agenda so I rented a full size car from Alamo for $20 a day.
    We had a 7am Sun departure on Frontier. That didn’t sound to bad when I booked it but I didn’t factor in its a 4:30 am get up to make it on time. Flight from OKC to Denver was on a Canadair Regional Jet. The airlines use the word“Regional†instead of it’s real name - Sardine Can, for marketing purposes probably. For breakfast they served a miniature granola bar that tasted really pretty good. Glad the flight only lasted a little over an hour because my legs were starting to go numb. I’m guessing the terminal at Denver is about a half mile long and as luck would have it we arrived at one end and our next flight was departing at the other. Good exercise to work off that big granola bar. Denver to Las Vegas flight was on a new Airbus 319. Nice and comfy seats with TV in the seat backs, plus a free pair of headphones for you to keep. The TV was free while on the ground but it was $5 in flight. I tuned it to ESPN gameday to check out the NFL games being played that day. Well we sat there about 20 minutes when the pilot announced they were waiting on the fuel truck to come gas them up. I overheard one of the passengers complaining about waiting and wanted to tell him I didn’t think this airplane would make a very good glider. An old pilot saying is “the only time you can have too much fuel is if your airplanes on fireâ€. I got to watch about another 40 minutes of free TV before we were fueled and departed. I guess this was the lunch flight because we were served a bag of Fritos. I was still drinking coffee and was wondering to myself if this was the first time I had enjoyed the combination of Fritos and coffee. Yum.
    You wouldn’t think the airport would be that busy on a Sunday morning. At least I didn’t. It was shoulder to shoulder at the baggage claim and they dumped two flights worth of bags on our carousel. It’s amazing that everyone had the same tastes in luggage because all the bags looked the same. The colored ribbon on the handle trick didn't work because they were crammed together so tight. I see one of ours go by about 5 feet down the line. I dive for it but it just slips out of my grasp. I make friends with an English couple next to me while waiting for it to come back around again. They were having a good laugh at everyone dragging a bag off and realizing it was the wrong one throwing it back on the pile. “Good sport what†they said. I didn’t think it was very sporting and as I found my last suitcase I wished them good hunting.
    We made our way through the crowd to find the Alamo counter. There was only two guys standing in line. Where were all the long lines people on this message board complained about? Must be a quiet Sunday morning, this is going to be easy. The lady behind the counter tells me “If you have a reservation take the shuttle to Alamoâ€. I found out the shuttle is what takes you to the LINE. Over an hour later I’m almost to the counter and notice the Quicksilver line has about two people in it. I read on the T2V board a few days ago advising people renting from Alamo to get Quicksilver service but didn’t think it would be this busy on a Sunday morning – wrong again. I believe that will be number one on my to do list when I get home. The guy behind the counter writes full size on the outside of the contract and says just go to the lot and pick one out. OK easy enough. We pass by the courtesy desk on our way out. I think it should have been called “Bitch at me deskâ€. There were some people telling the Alamo lady what they thought of their rental experience. We get out to the lot and it is just about empty. One convertible and a row of Cadillacs left. I wonder if the guy inside that said pick one out was laughing right now. We get in another line and wait for our car. At least we were outside now and the weather is beautiful. I guess they were bringing them out as they cleaned them. One would come by about every five minutes. I tried to talk the rental guy out of the convertible but he said it would cost $50 more a day. He gave the lady in front of us the last SUV. By this time I would have taken anything with four wheels on it but finally a Buick Century comes by and we grab it.
    I had planned to go to check out GVR this morning but with the flight delay and the long wait for a car we decide to go to Di’s first shopping stop, the Las Vegas Outlet Mall. It’s on LV Boulevard about 3 or 4 miles south of Mandalay Bay. By this time the Fritos and coffee are wearing pretty thin so we stop at Chipotle Grill, a fast food Mexican joint by the mall. I was so hungry even the stale chips tasted good.
    For those interested in the mall shopping experience I’ll include it in this paragraph. We were on a mission to find Di’s mom a teapot at the mall. There is a Royal Dalton shop there and they usually have some of their stock on sale. It was a good discount over buying it online. I suggested shipping it back rather than taking a chance on carrying it back. By shipping it, there was no tax which offset the shipping fee. The mall didn’t seem to have that great of prices even with the advertised Columbus Day sale. Lots of cloths, luggage and china shops. It is about a quarter mile long and we made one lap around it. Di rates it a 9 out of 10. Not sure what the high rating was for. If you like to shop this would be a good stop. They used to have a shuttle out here but I think you have to take the CAT bus or a taxi to get here now.
    It’s about 2:30pm now and we head to the Orleans to check in. It’s 2 miles west of the strip on Tropicana. Lots of parking choices around the hotel, easy to navigate. Registration desk is on the east side of the hotel, the side closest the strip. Took about 5 minutes to check in. I didn’t bother with trying to get an upgrade since we were only staying for one night. We get a free coupon book for each of us. It includes a two for one coupon at the theater where Neil Sedaka is performing that night. We go to the box office to buy tickets and the guy says Niel canceled his show. So much for the show must go on. I always thought he sounded like a girl anyway. We head up to the room on the ninth floor and as we got off the elevator I notice one wing of the floor was blocked off for remodeling. The room was a lot like the one we had last year with a room facing the strip. Nice size room with a couch and coffee table. Very comfortable. I tell Di the T2V board said the Orleans had a good spa so she should make a massage appointment. She called the spa and the only masseuse was male. She was reluctant since she had never had a male masseuse before but went ahead and booked a 5 o’clock appointment with Bryan. We have been in town for 7 hours without doing any gambling. I go down stairs to take care of that while Di gets her massage.
    The Orleans has high ceilings and wide isles, giving it an open less crowded feel. It’s rather large with about 5 or 6 different bars spread out through the casino. Couldn’t find any Dueces Wild full pay machines. Four coins for 4 of a kind or full house was all they had. I would guess 30% of the slots are VP. They had 8 Stud Poker machines which you don’t see very often. It’s kind of a no brainer playing them. Your dealt four cards and at that point you can double your bet. It pays even money for a pair of sixes or higher, so sixes and higher you automatically double down. It had a $12000 progressive for a royal. Also, every machine we played was TicketInTicketOut. I’m getting to where I like this better than coins.
    I was playing some VP by the Alligator Bar when the drink lady came by. I started a message board thread, in the Misc. Vegas Chat, a couple weeks ago called “Liquor Upâ€. Just trying to get a few ideas on different drinks to order. I brought a list with some of the suggestions, so “Liquor Up 1†was Sin’s favorite, Cranberry and Vodka. Tasted a lot like koolaid. Finished the first one and the drink lady came back by so fast I didn’t have time to check what was on the list next so ordered another cranberry and vodka. Threw that in the back of my head and although they taste like koolaid it had a good kick to them. Di said she would like a glass of wine after she gets out of the spa so I go down to the liquor store inside the casino. They didn’t have the single serving wine bottles, just the regular size with a cork, so bring your cork screw. I met her back at the room and tell her no luck on the wine so we head down to the bar with a coupon for a free drink. We sit down and start playing VP at the bar. The bartender says no coupon needed if your playing VP, drinks are free. I order “Liquor Up 2†Typhinie’s Watermelon Martini for both of us. He just stood there looking at me. I can’t tell whether it’s a puzzled or annoyed look. Hey I’m ok with my masculinity ordering a girly drink. I ask if he could make one of those and he replied, “yeaâ€.
    Di gives me her spa report, said she was very impressed with the spa and massage. Clean and comfortable facility with plenty of lotions, hair gel and fufu stuff. You get a nice fluffy robe to wear and the people were very personable. They had a separate Jacuzzi and steam room for the ladies. She had a 55 minute massage and I think it was around $80. Come to find out her masseuse, Bryan, was also an instructor. He was very knowledgeable and Di highly recommends him.
    We finished our watermelon drink and the bartender ask if we wanted another. I order “Liquor Up 3†Coaster Kikky’s Raspberry Martini. Again the same look. I ask if he can make that one, again “yea†is all he says. I don’t think he likes me or my drink selections. I thank him and leave him a tip anyway. I’m trying to make my $20 buy in to last as long as the drinks and drop down to playing 3 and 4 coins deuces wild VP. Only had 4 coins in when I hit 4 dueces for $200 but glad to get that much. Unfortunately this is the gambling highlight of the trip.
    It’s around 8pm now and we decide to get something to eat. We wander over to The Prime Rib Loft and from the menu posted out front looks like it’s worth a try. We start up a small winding staircase to get to the restaurant and we pass a couple of guys, in evening gowns, coming down. I didn’t realize they were guys until one ask his buddy, in a deep voice, what he wanted to do next. Di says look for the adams apple, it’s a dead giveaway. They still looked pretty nice and I figure it’s the martinis clouding my judgment. The Loft is kind of a cozy place, with a low ceiling and a small bar upfront. You can look over the casino from the bar. The hostess informs us there is about a 20 minute wait for a table, so I go over to the bartender and ask him what a Cadillac margarita was. “1800 Gold Jose Cuervo tequila and Cointreau with Grand Marnier floated on the top†he said. It’s “Liquor Up 4†Typhinie’s Cadillac Margarita. This turns out to be my favorite drink of them all. Thanks Typhinie, you win the Liquor Up honors. The bartender serves it up in a monster, two fisted margarita glass. Di orders a glass of Chardonnay and as the hostess comes over to show us to the table, I try to navigate without spilling my Cadillac. The prices seemed reasonable here, from $12 to $15 for the prime rib entrees. Don’t know if I can recommend the food though. Salad was kind of limpy yellow ice burg lettuce and the baked potato under cooked. I had the blackened prime rib and Di had three slices of plain. They were large portions and tasted ok, nothing spectacular. After we finish eating Di kept saying “Boy this is a big glass of wine.†After she tells me this for the third time and starts giggling, I think she’s had enough of her big wine and it’s time to go. She voices her concern on making it back down the spiral staircase in her condition but we make it down without incident.
    Stumbled around dropping a few quarters in the slots without much luck.
    Stopped and watched the lounge band for a while but the early wake up this morning is finally taking its toll. We call it a night and my head hit the pillow so hard it almost knocks the feathers out of it.
    I wake up to a loud “boop, boop, boopâ€, look out the window and down below it’s the construction crew reporting for work at 7:45am. I think they’re driving around the equipment backwards, on purpose, to make that boop boop noise. Although the strip view is ok, anyone staying here might consider the other side of the hotel for a quieter stay. We do a little packing and head down for a coffee. They have a nice gourmet coffee shop but the line is rather long. I suggest we go over to the bar where there’s no waiting. I order “Liquor Up 5†HurricaneMikey’s Coffee and Kaluha, with whip cream of course. Di reminds me I am the chauffer this morning and I tell her no problem, just something to cleanse the palate before the $5.95 breakfast buffet. We had some credits on our players card from last year and with the play last night had enough for free breakfast buffet. You don’t have to go by the players club for a comp, just let the cashier swipe it and she will let you know if you have enough comps. Not the best buffet but mass quantities make up for the lack of quality and free was a good price.
    Checked out about 10:30am and next stop is Di’s half price going out of business craft store. She’s a rubber stamp and scrapbook junky. The ladies probably know what that is but for the guys, it’s like baseball card collecting with 500 teams and 100 players on every team and each card is $10. Anyway fighting holiday traffic, not knowing where your going and two stores later I’ve had enough. I still need to go over to the convention center and preregister. We do that and then head over to the Monte Carlo. First time we’ve stayed there. I have a regular king room reserved for $89 a night so try the $20 room upgrade trick but the young man says $50 more per night. No thanks. It’s about 2:30 now and the room isn’t ready. He gives us the keys and says just wait for 30 minutes then go up. We check our bags and cruise the casino for a while before we go to the room. He did give us a strip view, on the 11th floor, with a good view of MGM Grand. The room is nice and roomy, nothing special. It’s a lot like the Gold Strike in Tunica. Both casino’s are owned by the same company. Same players club card works in both places too.
    I found some Dueces Wild VP that paid 5 coins on 4 of a kind but not sure if it was full pay or not. Three card poker tables weren’t full pay, they paid 3 to 1 for a flush, same as the Orleans. They would raise them from $5 to $10 when it started getting busy, around 7pm. They did the same with the craps and BJ but there would be at least one crap table and a few BJ that stayed at $5. This might not be the case on the weekends. The casino is long and narrow, making it a little cramped when it gets busy. They had both TITO and coin machines, a little unhandy since the pay tickets didn’t work with the coin machines.
    I had to make an airport run tonight at 6:30 to pick up my boss and his wife.
    They wanted to have dinner at PF Changs when they arrived. That’s just about my least favorite food selection, Di’s too, but they assured us it was “different†than most Chinese restaurants. It’s been a long time since breakfast so Di and I have to get a Nathan’s chili dog to hold us until dinner.
    After picking up Boss and Boss wife we find PF Changs without to much trouble. It’s located on Paradise road close to the Hard Rock. We get some chicken appetizer Boss recommends. They’re laughing at me when I start eating it with my fork and tell me you wrap it in a lettuce leaf and eat it like a burrito. Not only are they making me eat this crap, tastes like hamburger helper with soy sauce, they ridicule the way I eat it. I don’t even try the chop sticks for fear of poking my eye out. I order the Cantonese roast duck for the main course and I must say that it was probably the best dish I had on this trip. A large tender portion cooked perfectly with orange sauce on the side. Delicious. That’s probably the only thing that would get me to go back there. We’re in the parking lot getting into the car when Di bumps the car next to us with her door. The guy sitting in the drivers seat doesn’t respond when Di apologizes and a girl pops her head up to see what’s going on. We have a good laugh and rag Di for interrupting them. Maybe the girl dropped her contact lens and was looking for it, I don’t know.
    Make it back to Monte Carlo and drop a few coins. Boss and Boss wife are tired from the trip so they turn in early. Di wants to check out the shops here at the hotel. We pass by the Monte Carlo Pub & Brewery and the music is cranked. Out comes a boisterous crowd of people out of the pub. One of them is a foxy young girl trying to help a very intoxicated midget out the door. He is wearing a #4 Brett Favre Green Bay Packer football jersey that comes down past his knees. He comes stumbling out the door finally and does a couple of circles before he yells that he forgot something inside. Little Farve runs back into the pub almost knocking down the guy guarding the door. The girl goes running in after him. They finally come out and he tells her, and everyone else, he is really having a good time tonight. He’s hanging all over her with his arms wrapped around her waist and she fights to keep her tube top up as they shuffle off. A very bizarre and entertaining scene.
    I wake up at 6:30am Tue morning to the sound of Niagra Falls coming from the wall next to my head. Must be someone taking a shower next door and the plumbing is really loud. I did catch a rare Las Vegas sight though. One that not many people have probably seen before, at least I haven’t. LV Sunrise
    [​IMG] We have a fast food breakfast at the bagle shop downstairs. Not to bad. They also have a McDonalds and Nathan’s. I had Nathan’s the next day and it wasn’t very good. Cold omelet and tough hash browns.
    I’m all slicked up, in a suit and tie, standing in the lobby waiting for Boss to come down so we can catch the shuttle to the convention center. Everyone is coming out of the elevators with their shorts and t-shirts on, heading for the casino. It reminded me of being back in grade school, sitting in the classroom and looking out the window at the other kids playing on the playground at recess. Boss comes down and we go do our convention deal. I would rather be at recess.
    Battle of the Spa’s
    Di and BossWife have a massage at the Monte Carlo spa this afternoon and I ask her how it compares to the Orleans. She said Monte Carlo was a little fancier and more luxurious. It wasn’t as clean, had some mold in the steam room. The Orleans was spotless, always had people cleaning. The staff was friendlier at the Orleans. The price was about the same for a one hour massage. Both were nice but edge goes to the Orleans.
    For dinner tonight its Mexican food at Cozymels , I think it is on Flamingo, over by PF Changs. I recommend Boss and BossWife to try a Cadillac Margarita. Since I’m the chauffer again tonight I have “Liquor Up 6†Kitson’s Coffee and Amaretto. That’s my last alcoholic beverage for the trip. Being the designated taxi driver in Vegas really sucks. They order another pitcher of Cadillacs and start getting loud mouth. The food is good but it’s basically like an On The Border. On the way back to MC we catch about half a songs worth of the Bellagio fountains show while stopped at the traffic light.
    We hit the casino floor and I give the dice a try. I usually bet the line and two come bets, all with double odds. Played for about 30 minutes and I was the hot shooter, only made two points and out. Left down 30 bucks. Sat down at a $5 BJ table. It seems like I know how to pick em. The guy to my right talks kind of like rain man. His wife is playing first base. He has 8 and the dealer, a very patient lady, asked him if he wants a card. He thinks for a moment and in his rain man voice says “I know you don’t have a 13 card but I’m going to take a hit anywayâ€.
    He has other variations of that but it’s the only one I can remember at the moment. They are both a little slow but for the most part they play ok. The young man to the left of me stays on an ace-5. Another young man sits down at third base. He pulls out a five dollar bill and gets one chip. Loses a hand and pulls out another $5 bill and gets one chip. This goes on for about 4 hands. I guess he runs out of fives because he puts a twenty down and gets four chips then wins a couple of hands. The dealer, Edith, starts a new hand and out of the corner of her eye she sees the third base guy messing with his bet. She asked him in a stern voice if he took some chips back. I don’t think the kid speaks a word of english, he just kind of shrugged his shoulders and didn’t say anything. She starts to deal again and he does the same thing. I don’t think he is cheating. This might be the first time he has played. She does her best at sign language but that doesn’t work either. I think he is Vietnamese and the guy sitting to my left tries to help him. Well Edith finally gets the rules ironed out when her replacement dealer comes up behind her. The new dealer is a small blonde girl and she’s crying as she takes her position at behind the table. She and Edith have a conversation but I can’t here what they are saying. The girl is still crying and the pit boss comes and pulls her back from the table. He tells Edith to cover for a moment. The guy to my left has seen enough and he bolts. Everyone else just sat there in shock. After a couple of hands the young girl comes in to deal, still fighting tears back. The table is dead silent. As you would guess the bad karma carries over to the cards and before I loose all my money I tip her and leave the twilight zone table. That’s the last hand of blackjack for me this trip. It’s to mentally and emotionally draining.
    Wednesday morning Boss and I finish our convention business and make it back to Monte Carlo around 11:30am. He tells me he hit a slot for $200 last night. It was the $1 Monte Carlo brand. Not sure if they have another name or not. They are the ones with the top hats. I noticed they were getting a lot of action. BossWife said she saw a lady hit $1000 on one of the top hat machines. The lady told her it was her second jackpot on the same machine that day.
    The wives spend part of the morning across the street at the Coca-cola store buying trinkets. We check out and load up the car before going to the lunch buffet. It was around $11 for lunch. Not a very large selection, they had half of the buffet closed. I did manage to find enough to get stuffed. We return the rent car and shuttle up to the terminal. Our return flight is on Southwest through Phoenix. It’s 2pm and the check in line moves pretty fast. Di and BossWife hit the chocolate shop for a fix and give the slots one more chance. Stick a fork in me I’m done and just sit there with the post Vegas blank zombie stare.
    Flight to Phoenix is about an hour long. There’s a pretty young girl next to me trying to hold her head up as she naps. When we land and she wakes up I asked her “Vegas makes you tired doesn’t it?†“I have a bad headache†she snaps. I thought to myself, I didn’t ask you for sex, just making a comment. She then tells me she was only there one night and had to make the most out of it. I guess that’s the Vegas trap most of us fall in. No matter how many nights your there you try to make the most of it and you fun yourself to death. .
    We stop by Burger King on the way to the gate. The cuisine on this trip hasn’t been the greatest. Not to good when your highlight meal is a Chinese duck.
    I’m sitting there eating my cold French fries when they call for pre-board passengers. We’re right by the pre-board area and a tall skinny man walks up to get in line. He has a full head of thick white hair and white moustache with a long white goatee. He looks like a tall Colonel Sanders of KFC. He is a little unsteady so he sits down across the aisle from us. “They want me to pre-board since I been taking treatments, I don’t know why though†he said. Well this gets Di’s curiosity up so she asked him why he was here. “I’ve been coming here for a new cancer treatment. You don’t loose your hair like that gentleman there†he said pointing at me and my balding head. That gets a big laugh from everyone and with a smile the Colonel says to me “I’m sorry fella. Something like this happens to ya, you strt seeing the trees instead of the forest. You just gotta laugh about itâ€. He never stops grinning and continues his story about his fight with cancer. He is very charismatic and charming, all the time making jokes about his misfortune. He has us all laughing as the call comes to board. We wish our new friend the best of luck and say our goodbyes. As the Colonel disappears down the jetway I thought to myself how strange our meeting was. Here we are coming back from Vegas, he’s coming back from the doctor and he’s the one cheering everybody up. I realize now that it doesn’t matter if it wasn’t the perfect Vegas trip. I feel very lucky just to have been able to go. Thekiller
  2. doctor_al

    doctor_al VIP Whale

    Nov 25, 2002
    Twin Cities
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Great report, killer. But I don't know about the "chick" martinis.

    Like I said, chick martinis.

    But I love the Little Favre story. Being a Packer fan, of course.

    [ October 21, 2004, 06:14 PM: Message edited by: doctor_al ]
  3. Saaz

    Saaz Low-Roller

    Jan 27, 2003
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    A Packer fan? I am so disappointed. You probably voted for Jesse too. [​IMG]
  4. Thekiller

    Thekiller Tourist

    Jan 6, 2004
    Hey DocAl thats embarassing isn't it. I can't even handle the "chick" drinks.
  5. doctor_al

    doctor_al VIP Whale

    Nov 25, 2002
    Twin Cities
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    You know, I did! Enjoyed having him around. Not your average snake-oil salesman.
    (/threadjack over)
  6. CamelClutch

    CamelClutch Low-Roller

    Oct 11, 2004
    Really enjoyed the report, killer. Funny stuff.
  7. BigTop

    BigTop Low-Roller

    Jun 14, 2004
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Dr. Al...
    How about Tommy B from KQ for The Gov?

    P.S. They are making their way to Vegas Next month around Thanksgiving! You going?
  8. doctor_al

    doctor_al VIP Whale

    Nov 25, 2002
    Twin Cities
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    /drifting off topic...

    Actually, first time I went to Vegas, completely by accident we wound up there at the same time as the KQ show. So about 3 am, we wander up to the Aladdin, stand in line, trade rounds of beer with the folks near us, and eventually get in. It was incredibly boring. Two tables full of mikes, and the guys would do a short bit then go to commercial, or music, and mill about aimlessly in between. Howard Stern it weren't.

    /back to killer's trip report...

    [ October 22, 2004, 07:34 PM: Message edited by: doctor_al ]
  9. KathyinNY

    KathyinNY Tourist

    Jan 29, 2002
    Upstate New York
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nice trip report. Sorry you had to work within a vacation. Another drink you should try is tequila and cranberry. It is very refreshing with a nice kick too it and no hangover the next day.
  10. Typhinie

    Typhinie Tourist

    Dec 5, 2003
    Los Angeles, CA
    Nice Report!
    I am glad I won the "Liquor Up" competiton with the cadillac! By the way, with the "chic drink thing" they actually have a lot of liquor in them, so don't feel bad about getting a buzz of of them. It may be manlier to order a "jack and coke" but you get more liquor in the girlier ones... I bartend sometimes and the liquor ouncage is more.

    Glad you had a fun trip!
  11. YoungGun

    YoungGun VIP Whale

    Aug 4, 2003
    Southern California
    What happens when I try to order a "chick drink"...

    Male bartender- will give me "the look", may ask me if I meant something else, will try to talk me out of it, will eventually shrug his shoulders and make, may somehow manage to serve it in a man-lier way (pina colada on the rocks), may ask if my male friend and I want to pay together

    Female bartender- has no problem making it, but it is going to have a scary ammount of whipped cream and/or fruit garnish

    I'm just going to stick to Wild Turkey out of the bottle on my next trip...

    Thanks for the great trip report. Informative and funny. [​IMG]
  12. HoyaHeel

    HoyaHeel Grammar Police & Admin

    Feb 24, 2002
    North Carolina
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'm going to have to tell this to my husband--he was really embarrassed that he LOVED the cosmopolitans a friend made at a party--I think he drank most of the pitcher....Going to Vegas for business is fabulous and lousy at the same time, isn't it? Looks like you certainly made the most of the trip though!
  13. bigdogmom

    bigdogmom VIP Whale

    Mar 9, 2002
    Prescott Valley, AZ
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Great report; I loved the "I have a bad headache" story! ;) And your comments about the Colonel Sanders look-alike... kinda humbles you, doesn't it?
  14. Thekiller

    Thekiller Tourist

    Jan 6, 2004
    Thanks for coming to my rescue Typhinie. No wonder you had some good drink selections, your in the business.

    I think I have a handle on this chic drink thing. When you drink a strong manly drink you have to make a face to get it choked down. The ladies don't want that scrunched up face look so they smooth their drinks down with a little fruit juice.

    Young Gun the bartenders just want a little entertainment. They want to see that bitter beer looking face when you drink that Wild Turkey.

    The male bartenders mottos:
    Fire for effect not taste.
    The liver is a muscle, you need to exercise it.
  15. sin

    sin VIP Whale

    Jun 25, 2004
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Great report Killer! Really enjoyed reading it and sorry that you didn't like the vodka crans!
  16. Thekiller

    Thekiller Tourist

    Jan 6, 2004
    Oh I liked the vodka and crans. I just made the comment that they taste like koolaid. Thats kind of a dangerous drink. You should have included some kind of warning with its recommendation.

    Caution: This drink could make boys wearing evening gowns look good.
  17. doctor_al

    doctor_al VIP Whale

    Nov 25, 2002
    Twin Cities
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    After reading Typh's and Dee1971's reports (the drinking-for-free part) maybe the dudes in the evening gowns were onto something...

    Also, on further review, that cadillac margarita looks pretty good. I had something similar last night (Sauza Hornitos and Cointreau with a slice of lime) that was pretty good, needed more tequila. Bartender, what's Grand Marnier?
  18. angelsou

    angelsou Tourist

    Sep 17, 2004
    Daytona Beach
    lol at your whole trip report! my fiance always makes me order the chick drinks, and he orders my <fill in the whiskey of the week> and coke =P but i have to say, watermelon martinis sound great! gonna have to try them next trip
  19. sin

    sin VIP Whale

    Jun 25, 2004
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    killer, they are dangerous. you are correct, I was amiss in not warning of their sneak-attack!
  20. DutchVegas

    DutchVegas Low-Roller

    Sep 4, 2001
    Ruinen The Netherlands
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Great report Killer.

    You don`t mind hanging out with your boss, I know lots of people who would not hang out with the boss and wife.
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