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June trip is half booked (airfare only)

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by cruiser, Feb 19, 2004.

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  1. cruiser

    cruiser High-Roller

    Feb 5, 2002

    My Trip Report

    It's still too early to book our June trip with our host but we did book the airfare yesterday on Southwest. Damn, it's still over 100 days till our first of three (hopefully) trips to Las Vegas in 2004.

    I'm expecting lots of trip reports between now and then. I need my Vegas fix everyday.

  2. Mia4071

    Mia4071 Tourist

    Jul 28, 2002
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    cruiser - Tell me about it! I am also going in June and every time I come on here I look @ my countdown & I am like DAMN! I think I still have over 100 days to wait till Vegas!! What am I going to do till theN!!!!! :(

    Just think -- while they are there we still get to go soon ... well later, but hopefuly sooner! [​IMG] HA HA I hate waiting!!
  3. Bobby

    Bobby MIA

    Dec 10, 2003
    I'm getting closer. HA HA HA
  4. cruiser

    cruiser High-Roller

    Feb 5, 2002
    Look at the bright side. We should have plenty of trip reports to read and get those vegas juices flowing before our June trips. Besides this board, I enjoy watching 'Las Vegas' on monday nights and also tape/watch plenty of World Tour Poker events. No, I don't play Texas Hold'em but it seems to satisfy my fix for a while. Okay, for a day or so - then I have to find another way to get my fix in. Where are all those March trip reports??? Oh yeah, it's still only February. :(

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