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Back from LUXOR-June 2008

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by Upanova01, Jun 18, 2008.

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  1. Upanova01

    Upanova01 Newbie

    Jul 31, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    My Trip Report

    Still pretty new to this message board. Love the site! I hope to post more often.

    Just got back from a 2 day stay at LUXOR. It was a good trip overall. We had the Pyramid Spa Suite, and that rocked! I've stayed once before in the Spa Suite and this time it was just as nice and relaxing. Had a good time wandering through the hotel though, but it was both bittersweet and sad.

    However, we got the word that by next year or so, the whole Egyptian theme will be defunct. The rooms will be remodeled, things sold off and such, and no more Ancient Egyptian trips down the Nile anymore. :eek: :grrr: :cry: HOW can I GET one of those BEDSPREADS!??? I would really like to buy one, even though they are old and used. I've never seen bedspreads with ancient Egyptian themes! I was going crazy wondering where I could purchase something like that! :thumbsup:

    I'm a HUGE fan of anything ancient Egyptian so this hotel was probably the neatest thing for me about visiting Vegas. It was awesome to see the faux statues and trying to read the cluttered hieroglyphics all over the pillars and stuff too.

    This was the first time that I got to visit the pool, and it was great! I enjoyed it very much. Albeit crowded--its summer after all. Drinks were outrageously priced, but what the heck-its Vegas for you! Went to the pool both days for about two hours or so. On Sat. got to visit the Luxor Oasis Spa. Had a VERY nice time there relaxing.

    If you've not been to the spa its okay. Not like Qua over at Ceasers which I have not yet been to. But the overall atmosphere is congenial. There are two small jacuzzi that have fountains pouring over splashing into the pool. A very nice Sauna and Steam Room. I didn't have any treatments, I just did the Day Pass thing, after lazing out by the pool. My hubby was getting worried about me, being gone for almost 3 hours, but I'm a pool and water junkie. :ssst:

    I guess Carrot Top is moving out to make room for Criss Angel and his new magic show. I don't know if the Imax is going too, or the King Tut exhibit bites the dust either. It was hard to get any information from the staff. :Þ

    Overall, had a great time. This will be my last stay at the Luxor, we have since decided to move over to New York New York due to the proximity to the Monorail. And with the new "makeover," coming in, it's not the same anymore. Everything clashes and the hotel just doesn't have anything going for it anymore. Its looking very strange and dated with all the construction going on.

    I still love riding on the Inclinators! Woo! I'll miss that swaying motion! :vomit:

    Well, I should make this post short. We are going back to Vegas in mid-July, we are trying to make a trip each month.

    More later on then....

    Mlle Upanova
  2. Tammy58

    Tammy58 Frugal Slot Jockey

    Jun 16, 2004
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nice report. I have no idea who you contact to purchase-throw away- furnishings at the hotel. Hopefully someone up here can tell you who to contact. What puzzles me is the pyramid itself...what type of interior would match? I admit I haven't been in the Luxor in years, think I will make a special trip there next time. I really like the ancient theme and even paid to do the Tut's tomb thing years ago. I find it very interesting, I thought it was unique, I am going to miss it.
  3. Blueberries

    Blueberries 6 of 1, half dozen of the other

    Apr 21, 2008
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Enjoyed the report.
    Have to say, I've never bothered to visit the Luxor, never even considered it.
    If I have any extra vacation minutes, perhaps I'll make the effort, especially since the theme is soon to be gone.
  4. doctor_al

    doctor_al VIP Whale

    Nov 25, 2002
    Twin Cities
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Opposite checkin is a bar that, I think, is a sign of things to come. Not sure what it's called, maybe Aurora or something, but the way they handled the delicate question of how to blend things in with the Egyptian motif was to simply ignore it, and just do whatever they want anyway. It will eventually be a hodgepodge of unrelated crap a la Mandalay Bay's restaurant row, IMO.

    Bedspreads - I'd think a little on-line sleuthing would get you something similar, but that wouldn't yield DNA evidence.
  5. Royal Flusher

    Royal Flusher Savvy Gambler

    Feb 18, 2008
    Flusherville, Canada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I would also like to know where to pick up a few mementos of the old theming.

    Prolly the dumpsters when they remodel.
  6. gmoney590

    gmoney590 VIP Whale

    Jul 8, 2006
    Tacoma, WA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nice report. I'm going to miss the whole Egyptian themed thing as well; but, that's Vegas. Everybody wants modern ala Planet Ho.
  7. pdxorigin

    pdxorigin Newbie

    Aug 13, 2008
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    egypt copyrighted the pyramids

    KATTYGIRL Tourist

    Jul 4, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    Hi! I would think that maybe a casino hostess would know or just maybe call luxor or housekeeping???? Kattygirl
  9. NYNYGirl

    NYNYGirl VIP Whale

    Jun 21, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thanks for sharing the report. We stayed at Luxor recently and it was so so for us. So while I'm kind of sad to see it "go", I mean all that Egyptian theming is nice, just that the rooms could have used a little remodeling. But glad we got to stay there in the Pyramid portion. Have been wanting to do that for 10 years. But I also want to stay at NYNY. But that won't take 10 years. :beer:
  10. jwilson

    jwilson Tourist

    May 30, 2008
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I have been wondering if they have gotten rid of IMAX and the ridefilms too. Did you happen to notice when you were there?
  11. ez369

    ez369 High-Roller

    Feb 3, 2008
    Sugar Land, TX
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I believe both are gone now.. quite positive on the IMAX at least. The inside of Luxor probably looks quite a bit different than on you're previous visit. About the only thing that'll look the same is the same long horrendous lines to check-in to Luxor and when you look up inside the pyramid.. other than that, its changed.
  12. gotavegasjones

    gotavegasjones VIP Whale

    Jan 16, 2004
    South Texas
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    thanks for the TR.

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