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Longing for Vegas, next trip is too far away...

Discussion in 'Misc. Vegas Chat' started by mattjs33, Dec 15, 2015.

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  1. mattjs33

    mattjs33 Low-Roller

    Aug 21, 2015
    Antioch, IL
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nearly since we've been together, my wife and I have become big Vegas fans. So much so that we got married there. We've always gone in late summer typically coinciding with our anniversary, but we skipped this August because we were in the middle of buying a new house. Luckily we had a convention this past May so we still have an unbroken streak of nine straight years. We even managed around her pregnancy three years ago.

    The problem as you can see from my countdown timer below, is that our next scheduled trip isn't for over eight months! From May to next August is too long for me! We have a two-year-old now and my wife no longer works, so it's not like before; it's a bit harder to just up and go when we get the itch. I know she misses it too but somehow I'm the one who brings it up more often.

    I can't simply go to my local casino; I'm not really a gambler so it's not that what I miss. I miss the sights, the sounds, the smell, the feel, the vibe that you get from Vegas and pretty much nowhere else. I miss being there with my lady and having no agenda. This board is great and I'm glad I found it, but coming here seems to be not helping but only making me miss it more!

    I'm trying to sell my wife on the idea of a "spring fling", maybe go midweek, stay somewhere cheaper than our usual, just to try to mitigate the cost, but she hasn't been taking the bait. She points out (correctly) that our new house is substantially more mortgage and with her being a stay-at-home Mom now we need to be mindful of our expenses, let's just ensure we can save and make the most of our August trip.

    How am I going to make it 250-some more days?? What do you all do when the time's not right but you hear that town calling? :cry:
  2. DRPinVA

    DRPinVA Low-Roller

    Jun 22, 2008
    Small town Virginia
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I try to go to local casinos (even though the closest one is 4 hours away), but you already stated that wouldn't work for you. Secondly, I read the trip reports here, they are fantastic and they sort of make me miss it even more, but they also make me smile and feel a little taste of it. Maybe the answer for you is to take a long weekend at a large city - Chicago maybe? It won't be Vegas, but maybe it'll give you something close to the Vegas feel. Otherwise......Welcome to parenthood :beer:
  3. mattjs33

    mattjs33 Low-Roller

    Aug 21, 2015
    Antioch, IL
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Truthfully, parenthood has been pretty awesome. We've managed to get back twice since she was born (last August and this May). It's hard because we know she is still too young to understand why we are gone. But it sure is nice to have our "us" time again.

    When we were child-less we talked about going more than once a year, but we did it only once in 2012 when her work sent her out there. I make a good buck but even so with responsibilities being what they are now, it might stay at merely once a year for a while. Makes us appreciate it more, I guess.

    Still, 12 months between it seems I can handle; 17 months is too long! I need a fix. Is this bad?
  4. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Babies have a way of figuring out how to re-prioritize life for you. :)

    Even without kids, there have been too many times that I had to say "no" to a Vegas trip when I didn't really want to say no. It sucks. I once went something like 6 years between trips and still had to find the will to come here and work every day. It was torture on some days and a relief on others. I loved/hated reading trip reports during this time. Sometimes it was a vicarious mini-vacation, but other times it would cause some pretty significant pouting at my house. The worst times were when my friends were in Vegas, posting from all my favorite spots. :cry:

    I try to tell myself that I'm being a responsible adult and that I have made the right decision. I wish I could tell you that helped with the withdrawals, but it didn't really. :wink2:

    I do think that just about everyone on VMB knows that suffering from personal experience. Hang in there. Time does pass and at least it isn't 300+ days. We helped someone on the board a couple years ago cope with a 450+ day countdown that seemed unbearable at the time.
  5. mattjs33

    mattjs33 Low-Roller

    Aug 21, 2015
    Antioch, IL
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Yes, I think I started this countdown at 400-something! It probably seems strange to some folks here, who get to go 5-6 times a year. But then I suppose there are others who have not been in many years, so we are lucky also.

    Once I get to 100 days, I check my countdown app daily and it's not so bad. The winters can be long here though, so just getting to 100 will seem like forever.

    Part of what I like about going to Vegas is that it's a lot like NOT being a responsible adult.
  6. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Me too! :wink2:
  7. DRPinVA

    DRPinVA Low-Roller

    Jun 22, 2008
    Small town Virginia
    Trips to Las Vegas:
  8. carolineno

    carolineno VIP Whale

    Jan 29, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'm often in this situation. Hell I'm not even sure I can pull off my next trip, if the chaos genies continue to do their thing. But, things I do to cope while waiting

    ~snoop around living social, groupon, etc for deals
    ~gather up all my unused groupons from last trip LOL
    ~read VMB
    ~check out American Casino Guide for coupons to use
    ~mini-splurge and get a special shirt, dress, etc. to wear in Vegas.
    ~see what bands, singers are playing Vegas around the time of my visit
    ~fool around with google street view
    ~plot out new places to visit near my hotel
    ~comfort myself knowing that I only have to sock away a little bit a week, since the trip is sooooo far away.

    Good luck! We've all been in this spot.
  9. bobby jones

    bobby jones VIP Whale

    Oct 5, 2014
    Great white North
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I had to bow out of my October trip and it looks like it might not be until fall 2016 making it a two year hiatus:( Life is busy these days. This year I managed a week in June over in Scotland and a four day weekend in March in Florida and that is it. My brain is fried and I could really use a Vegas break but, my home and work todo lists are just overflowing and once January hits, I am in my traditional busy season at work leaving me perhaps a weekend away until May but, if get a few days, there is also family pressure to go to FL and not LV:( My SO and I are starting a new venture in ....May that is a summer seasonal business soooooooo 2016 is already starting to look like 2015!

    At this rate I will have 1mm myvegas points that I will not be able to use by the time I get to Vegas!
  10. FullBoat

    FullBoat VIP Whale

    Oct 19, 2013
    Austin, TX
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Yeah, I won't be back until March. :( But, my last trip in Sept was a loser, so maybe that's why I'm not as tempted to just fly out there next month.
  11. cjohnson202

    cjohnson202 VIP Whale

    Aug 15, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I have been going every 4 months for the past few years and this time it's over 6 months between trips, these extra two months feel like so much longer. I've come really close to making a couple of spontaneous weekend trips but have been able to resist. Hang in there, you'll make it!!
  12. EastCoastVegasFan!

    EastCoastVegasFan! VIP Whale

    Sep 19, 2012
    East Coast
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    It's a 4.5/5 hour flight for me. I like the summer WAY more than the winder in Vegas, so I squish two trips in late april and late july. Look at my countdown timer, gross!
    July 19th - July 24th
  13. mattjs33

    mattjs33 Low-Roller

    Aug 21, 2015
    Antioch, IL
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Sooo... Something kind of fell in my lap here... Turns out I might be coming sooner than I had planned after all. Still to be set in stone but thank goodness for business trips!
  14. mattjs33

    mattjs33 Low-Roller

    Aug 21, 2015
    Antioch, IL
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Well then, it's official! It's only business meetings for two days but I'm sure I'll manage to enjoy some of my own time as well. I always say, if they didn't intend for you to have some fun on these things, they would have it in Cleveland.

    Mrs. Mattjs33 will be tagging along so that's a nice little perk as well. Weather at the end of February might be a little cool but I'm confident it will be warmer than home.

    I would add a second countdown timer but apparently I'm not cool enough yet. :D In any case 55 days is a lot easier to handle than 239!
  15. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Yay for business trips to Vegas! Enjoy!
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