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MyVegas Is there a difference between the apps and facebook game?

Discussion in 'MyVegas' started by Kiwijake, Dec 1, 2014.

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  1. Kiwijake

    Kiwijake Tourist

    May 3, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I notice my My Vegas apps trying to get me to play on facebook rather then through the app, I was wondering what the difference is? Do you actually get more rewards etc or not?
  2. BarelyHangingOn

    BarelyHangingOn VIP Whale

    Nov 16, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    They are two different games but if you link your facebook in the app your loyalty points will go into the same pot.

    So two different games building points for the same rewards.

    I have my iPad spinning, playing BlackJack on my iPhone and spinning the game on facebook with my laptop.
  3. tringlomane

    tringlomane STP Addicted Beer Snob

    Jan 21, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Play the Facebook version. You'll earn rewards much faster.
    Won a Package in the PENN Play Millionaire Social Drawing!
  4. neminem

    neminem Low-Roller

    Sep 23, 2014
    Or, you know, play both, you'll necessarily earn rewards faster than either one by itself. (But yes, the facebook version is more powerful than the app version. Also make sure if you play the facebook version from Android, that you install it from the Amazon store, or you lose a ton of lp for no reason because of google rules, that they won't give you back. :()
  5. Vegas Here I Come!

    Vegas Here I Come! Tourist

    Feb 19, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    When you are talking about getting faster rewards through the Facebook version, do you mean actually playing it on a computer? I only have an iPad and SG5 so I don't have the option of playing it through FB and it makes me play through the app. I just started playing it tonight and only have four months until my next trip, so I want to earn points as fast as possible. I already have it linked to my FB account. Any other good tips?
  6. lvjeremylv

    lvjeremylv Tourist

    Feb 9, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'd make sure you have plenty of friends on the FB version. Reason being it greatly increases your daily bonus amount. I think if you have 100+ friends, that right there gives you 5x your spin, then you get the 3x for having 5+ consecutive days in a row of spinning, and the 25% for having liked it on FB. Those can add up fast, especially if you hit the 1,000 or 250 LP on the wheel (depending on what level you're on, for the earlier levels I don't think those amounts are quite that high).

    Apart from that just make sure you're at least getting your daily spin. You'll get some people telling to make sure you play on the double LP day, or on other gimmick days, while others will tell you they just rip you off those days. Depends I guess. I try to play my chips each day, regardless of what's going on.

    My favourite game tends to be the Around the World game, and I play it at 1,000 per spin. I can generally play for quite a while if I get a good daily spin. Hope that helps!
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